Students can Download 1st PUC Sanskrit Model Question Paper 1 with Answers, Karnataka 1st PUC Sanskrit Model Question Papers with Answers help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.
Karnataka 1st PUC Sanskrit Model Question Paper 1 with Answers
समयः : 3 घण्टाः 15 निमेषाः
अङ्काः : 100
I. एकवाक्येन संस्कृतभाषया उत्तरं लिखत (1 × 10 = 10)
प्रश्न 1.
द्वे विद्ये के?
द्वे विद्ये परा चैवापरा च।
प्रश्न 2.
चटकस्य नाम किम्?
चटकस्य नाम कपिञ्जलः।
प्रश्न 3.
जगदायुः कः?
वायुः जमदायुः।
प्रश्न 4.
सुकेतुः कः?
सुकेतुः कश्चित् यक्षः।
प्रश्न 5.
जगतः पिता कः?
जगतः पिता शिवः।
प्रश्न 6.
ज्यौतिषिकः कुत्र शयनमकरोत्?
ज्यौतिषिकः कटे शयनमकरोत् ।
प्रश्न 7.
सुपर्णः कः?
सुपर्णः गरुडः।
प्रश्न 8.
प्रच्छन्नगुप्तं धनं किम्?
विद्या प्रच्छन्नगुप्तं धनम्।
प्रश्न 9.
सन्मित्रस्य नाम किम्?
सन्मित्रस्य नाम चन्द्रधरः।
प्रश्न 10.
‘श्री’ महोदयस्य माता का?
‘श्री’ महोदयस्य माता श्रीमति भागीरथम्म।
II. द्वित्रैः वाक्यैः संस्कृतभाषया – कन्नडभाषया – आङ्ग्लभाषया वा उत्तरं लिखत। (पञ्चानामेव) (2 × 5 = 10)
प्रश्न 11.
ब्रह्मणः स्वरूपं वर्णयत।
By means of the higher knowledge, the wise realize everywhere that which cannot be perceived and grasped, which is without source, features, eyes, and ears, which has neither hands nor feet, which is eternal, multi formed, all-pervasive, extremely subtle, and undiminishing, and which is the source of all creation.
प्रश्न 12.
वायसः सोद्वेगं किम् अचिन्तयत्?
One day the crow’s friend, a sparrow, Kapinjala by name, did not return even at nightfall. Hence the crow became worried and thought to himself, “Why hasn’t Kapinjala returned home today? Has he been caught in a trap or has somebody killed him? I am sure he would have returned if he was safe, for he can’t live without me”.
प्रश्न 13.
मे शक्तिः नास्ति इति हनूमान् किमर्थं वदति?
भीमसेनं बलोन्मत्तं बाहुवीर्येण दर्पितम् इति मत्वा तस्य गर्वभङ्गं कर्तुं निश्चिनोति। अतः हनूमान् मे शक्तिः नास्ति इति वदति।
Having understood that Bheema is intoxicated and proud of the strength of his arms, Hanuman decides to reduce his arrogance and hence he says “I have no strength to get up”.
प्रश्न 14.
हिमवान् स्वपुत्रीन् किमवोचत्?
हिमवान् स्वपुत्रीम् एवम् अवोचत् – “हे वत्से एहि त्वं विश्वात्मने भिक्षा परिकल्पिता असि, मुनयः अर्थिनः, गृहमेधिफलं मया प्राप्तम्।”
The Lord of the mountains, Himavan, told his daughter – “Come, my dear daughter, you are made alms to Shiva, the soul of the universe. The sages beg your hand on behalf of Shiva. I have fulfilled the vow of householders.
प्रश्न 15.
सुभाषितकारः मूर्ख कथं वर्णयति?
It is possible to put out the fire by using water. The heat of the sun can be avoided with an umbrella. An intoxicated elephant can be controlled using a sharp goad. A cow or an ass can be controlled by using a stick. A disease can be checked by using medicine and poison can be removed by using various divine spells. For everything, there is some remedy or other as laid down in the scriptures, but for a fool there is none. They always remain fools.
प्रश्न 16.
कथं मनुष्यः मुक्तः भवति?
अन्नदाने तु पुण्यमस्ति, वस्त्रदाने च धर्मः। धनप्रदाने तु श्रीर्भवति। त्रिकरण शुद्धो ध्यायति चेत् मुक्तो भवति। अत्र त्रिकरणम् इत्यस्य अर्थः काया वाचा मनसा यः परमात्मनः ध्यानं करोति सः मुक्तः भवति इति भावः।।
If you give food as a charity to a hungry person, you will earn merit. If you donate clothes to poor people it will be an act of piety. If you give money in charity you will become prosperous. If you meditate upon the lord with triple purity, that is, purity of thought, speech and action, you will attain deliverance.
प्रश्न 17.
‘श्री’ महोदयस्य कृतयः।
Shri has written many books. Amongst them, his ‘English Gitagalu’, a collection of poems, is a translation of popular poets like Shakespeare and others into Kannada. ‘Honganasu’ is his independent work. Amongst the tragedies, his drama ‘Gadhayuddha’ is prominent in the world of Kannada drama. He has also translated the tragedies ‘Ashwathama’ and ‘Parasikaru’ into Kannada.
III. पाठनाम उल्लिख्य श्लोकानाम् अनुवादं कन्नडभाषया आङ्ग्ल-भाषया वा कुरुत (त्रयाणाम एव) (3 × 3 = 9)
प्रश्न 18.
प्रजासुखत्वे चन्द्रस्य वसुधायाः क्षमागुणैः।
बुद्ध्या बृहस्पतेस्तुल्यो वीर्ये साक्षाच्छचीपतेः॥
He is a compeer of the moon in affording delight to all created beings, vies with the earth in his forbearance and other allied virtues, is a replica of the sage Brhaspati (the preceptor of gods) in wisdom and is a direct image of Indra (the spouse of Sachi) in valour.
प्रश्न 19.
यावन्त्येतानि भूतानि स्थावराणि चराणि च।
मातरं कल्पयन्त्वेनामीशो हि जगतः पिता ॥
Let all these creatures, immovable and movable – as many as they are – consider her their mother; for, Shiva is the father of the universe.
प्रश्न 20.
गिरिर्महान् गिरेरब्धिः महानब्धेर्नभो महत् ।
नभसोऽपि महत् ब्रह्मा ततोऽप्याशा गरीयसी॥
A mountain is great; the ocean is greater; the sky is greater still; the almighty is greater than even the sky. But, the greatest of all is desire.
प्रश्न 21.
अहं केसरिणः क्षेत्रे वायुना जगदायुषा।
जातः कमलपत्राक्ष हनूमन्नाम वानरः॥
Hanuman said Olotus-eyed hero, I am born in the womb of the wife of Kesari, begotten by Vayu who is the life of the universe. I am the monkey, named Hanuman.
प्रश्न 22.
पापान्निवारयति योजयते हिताय
गुह्यं निगृहति गुणान् प्रकटीकरोति।
आपद्गतं च न जहाति ददाति काले
सन्मित्रलक्षणमिदं प्रवदन्ति सम्तः ॥
These are enumerated by the noble as the characteristics of a good friend prevents one from sin, prompts one to favourable things, conceals what is to be concealed, elucidates the finer qualities, does not leave one from a difficult situation and provides help at the proper time.
IV. पाठनाम उल्लिख्य कः कं प्रति अवदत्? इति – संस्कृतभाषया लिखत (चतुर्णामेव)। (4 × 2 = 8)
प्रश्न 23.
परा चैवापरा च।
इदं वाक्यं ‘द्वे विद्ये वेदितव्ये’ इति पाठात् उद्धृतम् ।
वाक्यमिदं आङ्गिरसः महाशालं शौनकं प्रति अवदत्।
प्रश्न 24.
तच्छीघ्रं निष्क्रण्यताम्।
इदं वाक्यं ‘विवादः विनाशाय’ इति पाठात् उद्धृतम्।
वाक्यमिदं कपिजलो नाम चटकः शीघ्रगो नाम शशकं प्रति अवदत् ।
प्रश्न 25.
निर्यातु रामः सह लक्ष्मणेन ।
इदं वाक्यं ‘महर्षिवचनपालनम्’ इति पाठात् उद्धृतम् ।
इदं वाक्यं विश्वामित्रः दशरथं प्रति अवदत् ।
प्रश्न 26.
एषः खलु दुष्टमहोरगकुलावासः।
इदं वाक्यं ‘सान्तःपुरः शरणागतोऽस्मि’ इति पाठात् उद्धृतम्।
वाक्यमिदं गोपकन्याकाः दामोदरे प्रति अवदत् ।
प्रश्न 27.
पूर्वं भवतः प्राणसङ्कटम् आपतितम् आसीत्।
इदं वाक्यं ‘ज्यौतिषिकस्य दिनम्’ इति गद्यभागात् उद्धृतम् ।
इदं वाक्यं ज्यौतिषिकः गुरुनायकं प्रति अवदत्।
प्रश्न 28.
प्रदर्श्यतां तावत् स्वविषयकं प्रामाण्यम् ।
इदं वाक्यं ‘सन्मित्रम्’ इति पाठात् उद्धृतम् ।
इदं वाक्यं सेनजित् देवव्रतं प्रति अवदत् ।
V. दशवाक्यैः संस्कृतभाषया कन्नडभाषया, आङ्ग्लभाषया वा लघुटिप्पणीः लिखत। (चतुर्णामेव) (5 × 4 = 20)
प्रश्न 29.
श्रीरामस्य गुणान् सङ्घा लिखत।
Rama was most handsome and brave. In virtues he excelled his father Dasharatha. There was no son like him on the earth, serene and gentle. He would respond softly even to harsh words. He remembered even the smallest of favours and forgave hundreds of errors. Though powerful, he was not proud. He was the first to address others with affectionate and sweet words, and was an intellectual. He never spoke an untruth, was knowledgeable and loved his people, as they loved him.
He was never angry; having controlled his anger, he was a Dharmajna (one who knows Dharma, Ethics, Righteousness, Duty). He was self-controlled and pure. He was an orator like Brihaspati. He knew the Vedas along with its branches and other Shastras and had graduated in all branches of learning. Rama had excellent qualities, was equal to mother earth in forbearance, to Indra, the husband of Sachi, in valour and to Brihaspati in intelligence.
He was an embodiment of Dharma and his main strengths were truth and valour. He was the ruler of the entire humanity just as Indra was the ruler of gods.
प्रश्न 30.
मार्जारः शशकपिञ्जलौ कथं व्यापादयति?
A wild tomcat, by the name of Teekshadaunstra, came to know about the dispute between the sparrow and the hare. He went and stood in their path, on the bank of the river. In his paw, he held a blade of Kusha grass. He closed his eyes, stood on his hind legs, facing the sun, and began giving a discourse on morals.
Having listened to the moral discourse delivered by the tomcat, both of them decided to approach him. Together they began to request him from a distance. Then, the tomcat Teekshadaunstra said that he was old and could not hear what it was all about. So, he requested both of them to come near him and narrate their story.
When the poor and innocent sparrow and hare came within his reach, the cat pounced on them and grabbed the sparrow in his teeth and slashed the body of the rabbit with its paws, killed them both and ate them up.
प्रश्न 31.
हनूमता कृता भीमसत्त्वपरीक्षा।
One day, Draupadi was sitting in the forest looking at the beauty spread out in front of her. Suddenly a flower was blown towards her. The flower was not only beautiful but also had a maddening perfume. Bheema came there just then. She requested Bheema to get her some more of those flowers. He set out immediately in quest of the flowers. As he walked he blew his conch. The noise of his conch roused all the lions that were sleeping in their dens. The noise also woke up Hanuman from a deep sleep.
There is quite a bit of humour in Hanuman’s character. To test Bheema’s strength and also to bless him Hanuman lies down in the way blocking the path. Bheema is infuriated seeing the monkey. Hanuman asks Bheema to push his tail aside and proceed on his way. When Bheema attempts to move his tail he fails and is surprised at the strength of Hanuman. When he realises that it is Hanuman, he begs his pardon. Hanuman reveals his real form and also blesses Bheema and tells him where he could get the flowers.
प्रश्न 32.
विश्वामित्रस्य महिमानं विवृणुत।
विश्वामित्रस्य महिमानं ‘महर्षिवचनपालनम्’ इति पाठ्यभागे वर्णितं वर्तते।
एकदा यथाविधि कृतसपर्येण मर्यादातीतमहिम्ना महितः गाधेतरहृदयः गाधिनन्दनः सत्रपरित्राणार्थम् दशरथस्य आस्थानं प्रति आगच्छति। यज्ञविघ्नध्वंसाय श्रीरामं प्रेषयितुम् अयाचत । वसिष्ठानुमत्या दशरथः सलक्ष्मणं रामं मुनिमनुप्रेषयामास। यः रामः संसारोपेतचेतसां पुंसां योगेन लभ्यः सः अयं पितुः नियोगेन कौशिकम् अन्वगात्। अयं महामुनिः विश्वामित्रः तत्र सत्रं परित्रातुं सौमित्रिसहितं रामं नयन् इदम् आहः – “हे काकुत्स्थ! तपसां बलेन लब्धे बला इति अतिबला इति च विद्ये मयि विद्यते। ते वितरामि ते।” तदनन्तरं सः ताटका जन्मवृत्तान्तम् उक्त्वा त्वया व्यापादनीया – इति रामम् आदिशत्।
The greatness of sage Viswamitra is beautifully described in the lesson ‘महर्षिवचनपालनम्’ Once, the broadminded sage Viswamitra, the son of Gadhi, whose greatness is boundless, having received the customary honour, requested Dasharatha, the king of Ayodhya, for the protection of his sacrifice. Sage Viswamitra asked King Dasharatha to send Rama to protect the sacrifice that was being conducted by him, from the demons who were constantly disrupting it.
With the permission of sage Vasishta, Dasharatha sent Rama and Lakshmana with Viswamitra. Rama, who could be got only by ‘Yoga’ by those whose minds have become free from the fetters of the world, now followed the sage Viswamitra, by the orders of his father. The great sage Viswamitra, taking Rama and Lakshmana to protect the sacrifice, spoke thus: “O Rama, I have with me two divine mantras, ‘Bala’ and ‘Alibaba’, got by the power of penance. I shall now bestow them upon you”. Later, having explained the episode of Tataka, he ordered him to kill the demoness Tataka.
प्रश्न 33.
कन्येयं कुलजीवितम् इति पद्यभागस्य सारांशं लिखत।
In this poem, there is a message as to how a girl becomes a beacon of light not only to her family but every family.
When the divine sages go to Himavan, they are received well by the mountain lord, who, after taking them into the palace and allowing them to take rest there, submits to them how blessed he has become by their unexpected arrival and seeks to know what he can do for them. The sage Angirasa, replying on behalf of all the seven sages, first pays compliments to him and then announces the object of coming there, by formally requesting Parvathi’s hand in marriage to Shiva. While Angirasa was speaking this, Parvathi, who is by her father’s side, counting the petals of her lotus with a downcast look, expresses her wish to marry Lord Shiva.
The lord of the mountains, though his desire was fulfilled, looks at the face of his wife Mena who at once indicates her assent. Himavan joyfully agrees to offer his daughter in marriage to Shiva. He holds his daughter adorned auspiciously and says – “Come on, dear daughter: thou art made alms to Shiva (the soul of the universe). The sages are the petitioners: I have obtained the fruit of a householder’s (or, married) life.”
Thus, in these days when the good values concerning marriage are being relegated to the background, it becomes mandatory for all of us to think deeply about following the good values.
प्रश्न 34.
ज्यौतिषिक-गुरुनायकयोः संवादः।
देवव्रतेन अनुभूतं कष्टपरम्परां वर्णयत।
The nuts vendor blew out his flare and rose: to go home. This was a signal for the astrologer to bundle up too, since it left him in darkness. He picked up his cowrie shells and paraphernalia and was putting them back into his bag when he looked up and saw a man standing before him. He sensed a possible client and said: “You look so careworn. It will do you good to sit down for a while and chat with me.”
The man grumbled some reply vaguely. The astrologer pressed his invitation; whereupon the other thrust his palm under his nose, saying; “You call yourself an astrologer?” The astrologer felt challenged and said, tilting the other’s palm towards the green shaft of light: “Yours is a nature…,” “Oh, stop that,” the other said, “Tell me something worthwhile…”
“If you find my answers satisfactory, will you give me twenty rupees?” asked the astrologer.
“All right, provided you give me twenty rupees if you are wrong.” said the stranger. This pact was accepted after a little further argument. The astrologer sent up a prayer to heaven as the stranger lit a cheroot. The astrologer caught a glimpse of his face by the matchlight. The astrologer felt very uncomfortable. “Here take your money back, I am not used to such challenges. It is late for me today…” He made preparations to bundle up. The stranger held his wrist and said: “You can’t get out of it now. You dragged me in while I was passing.” The astrologer shivered in his grip, and his voice shook and became faint. “Leave me today. I will speak to you tomorrow.”
“I don’t want all that. Shall I succeed in my present search or not? Answer this and go” said the stranger. “Otherwise I will not let you go till you disgorge all your coins.” The astrologer muttered a few incantations and replied, “All right, I will speak.” The astrologer said: “You were left for dead. Am I right?”
“Ah, tell me more.” “A knife has passed through you once?” said the astrologer. “Good fellow!” He bared his chest to show his scar. “What else?” “And then you were pushed into a well nearby in the field. You were left for dead.”
“I should have been dead if some passer-by had not chanced to peep into the well,” exclaimed the other, overwhelmed by enthusiasm.
“When shall I get at him?” he asked, clenching his first.
“In the next world,” answered the astrologer.”He died four months ago in a far-off town. You will never see any more of him.”
The other groaned on hearing it. The astrologer proceeded:”Gurunayak,” “You know my name!” the stranger said, taken aback.
“As I know all other things. Gurunayak, listen carefully to what I have to say. Your village is two days’ journey due north of this town. Take the next train and be gone. I see once again great danger to your life if you go from home.”
“Why should I leave home again?” the stranger said reflectively. “I was only going away now and then to look for him and to choke out his life if I met him.” He shook his head regretfully. “He has escaped my hands. I hope at least he died as he deserved.” “Yes,” said the astrologer. “He was crushed under a lorry.” The stranger looked gratified to hear it.
When the king Senajit ordered his minister Devavrata to leave the country immediately, Devavrata went to the house of his friend Vachikamitra. Devavrata was very close to him. The king would not know about Devavrata living in this bungalow till his last breath (the end of his life). But, after a few days, Devavrata realised his friend’s fear of being a traitor to the king and remembering his help left the house and went to the house of Somadeva. Somadeva welcomed Devavrata by offering a seat. Somadeva too enjoyed the company of Devavrata having food, drinks and other things. ‘Indeed, despite opposition from the King, I will extend help. Am I not capable of doing this much?’ Somadeva said.
Considering the generosity of his friend when such good words were uttered, Devavrata was very happy. But, very quickly Somadeva said, ‘Oh friend, I will not forget your help. In case the king comes to know about your stay at my house, he will definitely put me to the gallows. I know that it is an offence to offer shelter to a person who has transgressed the command of the king. Hence, quickly leave my house and go elsewhere’.
Hearing the words of Somadeva, Devavrata, unable to bear the sorrow and anger, left his house. Thus, due to the evil turn of fate, he faced many problems.
VI. एतासां कृतीनां कवीनां नाम सूचयत (संस्कृतभाषया)। (5 × 1 = 5)
प्रश्न 35.
- रघुवंशम्।
- किरातार्जुनीयम्।
- राजतरङ्गिणी।
- शिशुपालवधम्।
- मधुराविजयम्।
- कालिदासः
- भारविः
- कल्लणः
- माधः
- गङ्गादेवी
प्रश्न 36.
दशवाक्यैः संस्कृतभाषया, कन्नडभाषया, आङ्ग्लभाषया वा लघु टिप्पणिं रचयत। (एकस्य) (5 × 1 = 5)
(i) कथासाहित्यम् – स्तोत्रसाहित्यम्।
(ii) सुभाषितानि।
(i) भूमिका
(ii) भूमिका
VII. मञ्जूषातः सूक्तं पदं चित्वा रिक्तंस्थानं पूरयत। (1 × 3 = 3)
विश्वामित्रो, प्रजानाम्, सागरलङ्घने
प्रश्न 37.
- धर्मज्ञः सत्यसन्धश्च ……… च हिते रतः।
- तद्रूपं दर्शयामास यद्वै ………..।
- तत्र सत्रं परित्रातुं ………. महामुनिः ।
- प्रजानाम्
- सागरलङ्घने
- विश्वामित्रो
VII. संयोजयत – (1 × 4 = 4)
प्रश्न 38.
अ – आ
(i) जलनिधिः – अ) नदी
(ii) गरुडः – आ) ज्येष्ठपुत्रः
(iii) सरयू – इ) सागरः
(iv) अथर्वा – ई) सुपर्णः
i – इ; ii – ई; iii – अ; iv – आ।
IX. रेखाङ्कितानि पदानि आश्रित्य प्रश्ननिर्माणं कुरुत (द्वयोः) (1 × 2 = 2)
प्रश्न 39.
- अवयोः विवादो वर्तते।
- कौन्तेयः प्रणिपत्य वाक्यमब्रवीत्।
- पथिकस्य मुखं ज्यौतिषिकेण लक्षितम्।
- कयोः विवादः वर्तते?
- कः प्रणिपत्य वाक्यमब्रवीत्?
- पथिकस्य मुखं केन लक्षितम्?
X. एतेषाम् उपप्रश्नानाम् उत्तराणि संस्कृतभाषया लिखत (षण्णामेव) (6 × 2 = 12)
प्रश्न 40.
सन्धिं विभजत (द्वयोः)
नाविजित्य, अहिंसैव, श्रान्तोऽसि ।
- नाविजित्य = न + अविजित्य।
- अहिंसैव = अहिंसा + एव।
- श्रान्तोऽसि = श्रान्तो + असि ।
प्रश्न 41.
सन्धिं योजयत (द्वयोः)
ह + उवाच, भवति + इति, तु + एतत्।
- ह + उवाच = होवाच।
- भवति + इति = भवतीति।
- तु + एतत् = त्वेतत्।
प्रश्न 42.
रिक्तस्थाने सूक्तं विभक्तिरूपं लिखत। (द्वयोः)
- ब्रह्मा ……….. ब्रह्माणः।
- केन काभ्याम् …………।
- …………. वसुधयोः वसुधानाम्।
- ब्रह्मौ
- कैः
- वसुधायाः
प्रश्न 43.
रिक्तस्थाने सूक्तं क्रियापदरूपं लिखत। (द्वयोः)
- वितरामि वितरावः ……….
- ………. ऊचतुः ऊचुः।
- आसीत् आस्तां ………
- वितरामः
- उवाच
- आसन्
प्रश्न 44.
विग्रहवाक्यं लिखत। (द्वयोः)
विद्याविहीनः, अविलम्बेन, महापापम् ।
- विद्याविहीनः = विद्यया विहीनः।
- अविलम्बेन = न विलम्बेन ।
- महापापम् = महान्तं पापम् ।
प्रश्न 45.
समस्तपदं लिखत। (द्वयोः)
यादसां निधिः, स्थिरं चित्तं यस्य सः, बलेन उन्मत्तः।
- यादसां निधिः = यादोनिधिः।
- स्थिरं चित्तं यस्य सः = स्थिरचित्तः।
- बलेन उन्मत्तः = बलोन्मत्तः।
प्रश्न 46.
पदपरिचयं कुरुत (द्वयोः)
मुक्त्वा, विधातुम्, श्रुतः।
- मुक्त्वा = क्त्वान्ताव्ययम् ।
- विधातुम् = तुमुन्नन्ताव्ययम्।
- श्रुतः = भूतकृतदन्तः क्तप्रत्ययः।
प्रश्न 47.
समानार्थकपदं लिखत।
काकः, गृहम्।
- काकः = वायसः।
- गृहम् = सदनम्/सदनः।
प्रश्न 48.
विरुद्धार्थकपदं लिखत।
आदरः, मित्रम्।
- आदरः = अनादरः।
- मित्रम् = शत्रुः।
XI. संस्कृतभाषया अनुवदत – (1 × 4 = 4)
प्रश्न 49.
प्रश्न 50.
कन्नडभाषया आङ्ग्लभाषया वा अनुवदत। (1 × 4 = 4)
XII. परिच्छेदमिमं पठित्वा प्रश्नानाम् उत्तराणि लिखत – [4]
प्रश्न 51.
जीवने अन्नापेक्षया जलस्य अधिकं महत्वम् अस्ति। अतः जलस्य अपरं नाम जीवनम् इति । अस्माकं देशः कृषिप्रधानः। देशस्य औद्योगिकः विकासः कृषिम् अवलम्ब्य एव तिष्ठति। कृषेः विकासाय जलमावश्यकम्। जलस्य मूलं तु वृष्टिः । वृष्टिकारणात् नद्यः प्रवहन्ति। नद्यः स्नानाय, पानाय सस्यसेचनाय च जलं वितरन्ति। नद्योऽपि वृष्टिमवलम्बन्ते।
- जलस्य अपरं नाम किम्?
- कृषेः विकासाय किम् आवश्यकम्?
- नद्यः केभ्यः जलम् वितरन्ति?
- नद्यः किम् अवलम्बन्ते?
- जलस्य अपरं नाम जीवनम्।
- कृषेः विकासाय जलमावश्यकम् ।
- नद्यः स्नानाय, पानाय सस्यसेचनाय च जलम् वितरन्ति।
- नद्यः वृष्टिमवलम्बन्ते।