2nd PUC Business Studies Question Bank Chapter 12 Customer Protection

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Karnataka 2nd PUC Business Studies Question Bank Chapter 12 Customer Protection

2nd PUC Business Studies Customer Protection Text Book Exercises

2nd PUC Business Studies Customer Protection True Or False Questions With Answers

I. State whether the following statements are true or false.

Question 1.
Consumer protection has a moral justification for business.

Question 2.
In addition to rights, a consumer also has some responsibilities.

Question 3.
A complaint can to be made to a District Forum when the value of the goods or services in question, along with the compensation claimed, exceeds? 20 lakhs.
False.In district forum complaint can be made when goods or services, along with the compensation claimed, does not exceed ? 20 lakhs.

Question 4.
The Consumer Protection Act provides for six consumer rights.

Question 5.
ISI is the quality certificate mark used in case of food products.
False.ISI is the certification mark on electrical goods and FPO mark is for food products

Question 6.
Under the Consumer Protection Act, a compliant can be filed by a consumer for a defective good also for deficiency in service.

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2nd PUC Business Studies Customer Protection Short Answer Questions With Answers

Question 1.
Explain the importance of Consumer protection from the point of view of business.
A business can not survive without paying attention on protecting the consumers interest and adequately satisfying them. This is important because of the following reasons
1. Long term interest of Business: Business firms should aim at long term profit maximisation through customer satisfaction. Satisfied customers not only lead to repeat sales but also provide good feedback to prospective customers and thus help in increasing the customer base of business.

2. Business uses Society’s Resources: Business organisations use the resources which belong to the society, thus they have a responsibility to supply such products and render such services which are in public interest.

3. Social Responsibility: A business has social resposibility towards various interest groups. Business organisations make money by selling goods and providing services to consumers. Thus, consumers form an important group among the many stakeholders of business and like other stakeholders, their interest has to be well taken care of.

4. Moral Justification: The moral duty of any business is to take care of consumer’s interest and securing them from exploitation. Thus, a business must avoid insecure loss, exploitation and unfair trade practices like defective and unsafe products, adulteration, false and misleading advertising, hoarding, black marketing etc.

5. Government Intervention: A business engaging in any form of exploitation time trade practices would invite government intervention or action. Thus, it is advisable that business organisations voluntarily resort to such practices, where the customers’ needs and interests will be taken care of.

Question 2.
Enumerate the various Acts passed by the Government of India which help in protecting the consumers’ interest.
The Indian legal framework consists of a number of regulations which provide protection to consumers. Some of these regulations are as under
1. The Consumer Protection Act, 1986: This Act provides safeguards to consumers against defective goods, deficient services, unfair trade practices etc.

2. The Contract Act, 1982: This Act lays down the conditions in which the promises made by parties to a contract will be binding on each other.

3. The Sale of Goods Act, 1930: This Act provides some safeguards and reliefs to the buyers of the goods in case, the goods purchased does not comply with express or implied conditions or warranties.

4. Essential Commodities Act, 1955: This Act aims at controlling, production, supply, distribution and price of essential commodities.

5. The Agricultural Produce Act, 1937: This Act prescribes grade standards for agricultural commodities and livestock products.

6. The Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954: This Act aims to check adulteration of foods articles and ensure their purity, so as to maintain public health.

7. The Standards of Weights and Measures Act, 1976: It provides protection to consumers against the malpractice of under-weight or under-measure.

8. The Trade Marks Act, 1999: This Act prevents the use of fraudulent marks on products and thus provides protection to the consumers against such products.

9. The Competition Act, 2002: This Act provides protection to the consumers In case of practices adopted by business firms which hamper competition in the market.

10. The Bureau of Indian Standard Act, 1986: The bureau has two major activities: Formulation of quality standards for goods and their certification through the BIS certification scheme. The bureau has also set up a grievance cell, where consumers can make a complaint about quality of products carrying the ISI mark.

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Question 3.
What are the responsibilities of a consumer?
1. Quality conscious: A consumer must be conscious in respect of the quality of the product like AGMARK, BIS MARK, HALLMARK, etc while purchasing the product.

2. Selection of goods: Consumer must choose only legal goods and services and discourage malpractice like smuggling, black marketing etc.

3. Consumer organization: Consumer must form their own organization to educate and protect their interest against malpractices of the manufactures and sellers.

4. Protection of environment: consumer must have respect for the environment and avoid wastage of resources and work towards protecting the environment and ecology.

5. Demand for Cash memo: The consumer must get a cash memo or bill in respect of the goods purchased or service availed.

Question 4.
Who can file a complaint in a consumer court?
A complaint can be made by

  • Any consumer.
  • Any registered consumer’s Association.
  • The Central Government or any State Government.
  • One or more consumers, on behalf of numerous consumers having the same Interest.
  • A legal heir or representative of a deceased consumer.

Question 5.
What kind of cases can be filed in a State Commission?
A complaint can be made to the appropriate State Commission when the value of the goods and services, along with compensation claim exceeds ₹ 20 lakhs but does not exceed ₹ 1 crore. The appeals against the orders of a District Forum can also be filed before the State Commission.

Question 6.
Explain the role of consumer organisations and NGOs in protecting and promoting consumers’ interest.
Consumer organisation and NGOs perform several functions for the protection and promotion of interest of consumers. In India, these associations are performing lots of functions some of them are as given below.

  1. Educating the general public about consumer rights by organising training programmes, seminars and workshops.
  2. Publishing periodicals and other publications to impart knowledge about consumer problems, legal reporting, reliefs available and other matters of interest.
  3. Carrying out comparative testing of consumer products in accredited laboratories to test relative qualities of competing brands and publishing the test results for the benefit of consumers.
  4. Encouraging consumers to strongly protest and take an action against unscrupulous, exploitation and unfair trade practices of sellers.
  5. Providing legal assistance to consumers by providing aid, legal advice etc in seeking legal remedy.
  6. Filing complaints in appropriate consumer courts on behalf of the consumers.
  7. Taking an Initiative in filing cases in consumer court in the interest of the general public, not for any individual.

2nd PUC Business Studies Customer Protection Long Answer Questions With Answers

Question 1.
Explain the rights and responsibilities of a consumer.
The Consumer Protection Act provides six rights to consumers. They are as follows
a. Right to Safety : The consumer has a right to be protected against goods and services which are hazardous to life, e.g., sometimes we purchased the food items of low quality which causes severe problems. Thus, in this case, we should purchased good quality and FPO labelled products,

b. Right to be Informed : The consumer has a right to have complete information about the product, which he intends to buy including its ingredients, date of manufacture, price, quantity, directions for use etc. Under the legal framework of India manufactures have to provide such information on the package and label of the product.

c. Right to Choose : The consumer has the freedom to choose from a variety of products. The marketers should offer a wide variety of products and allow the consumer to make a choice and choose the product which is most suitable.

d. Right to be Heard : The consumer has a right to file a complaint and to be heard in case of dissatisfaction with a good or a service. It is because of this reason that many enlightened business firms have set up their own consumer service and grievance cells.

e. Right to Seek Redressal : The Consumer Protection Act provides a number product, of reliefs to the removal of defect consumer including replacement of the in the product, compensation paid for any loss or injury suffered by the consumer etc.

f. Right to Consumer Education : The consumer has a right to acquire knowledge about products. He should be aware about his rights and the reliefs available to him in case of a product service falling short of his expectations Many consumer organisations and some enlightened businesses are taking an active part in educating consumers in this respect.
Consumer Responsibilities
A consumer must be aware about these responsibilities while purchasing, using and consuming goods and services .
a. Consumer must be aware of all their rights.
b. Consumer must be careful while purchasing a product.
c. He should file complaint for the redressal of genuine grievances.
d. Consumer must buy a standardised good.
e. He should ask for a cash-memo on purchase of goods and services.

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Question 2.
What are various ways in which the objective of consumer protection can be achieved? Explain the role of consumer organisations and NGOs in this regard?
There are various ways in which the objective of consumer protection can be achieved
1. Self Regulation by Business: Socially responsible firms follow ethical standards and practices in dealing with their customers. Many firms have set up their customer service and grievance cells to redress the problems and grievances of their consumers.

2. Business Associations: The associations of trade, commerce and business like Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce of India (FICCI) and Conference of Indian Industries (CII) have laid down their code of conduct which lays down for their members the guidelines in their dealings with the customers.

3. Consumer Awareness: A consumer, who is well informed about his rights and the reliefs, would be in a position to raise his voice against any unfair trade practices or exploitation.

4. Consumer Organisations : Consumer organisations play an important protecting role in educating consumers about their rights and providing protection to them. These organisations can force business firms to avoid malpractices and exploitation of consumers.

5. Government: The Government can protect the interests of the consumers by enacting various legislations. The legal framework in India encompasses various legislations which provide protection to consumers. The most important of these regulations is the Consumer Protection Act, 1986. The Act provides for a three-tier machinery at the District, State and National levels for redressal of consumer grievance.

Question 3.
Explain the redressal mechanism available to consumers under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986?
For the redressal of consumer grievances, the Consumer Protection Act provides for setting up of a three-tier enforcement machinery at the District, State and the National levels.
1. District Forum: A complaint can be made to the appropriate District Forum when the value of goods or services, along with the compensation claimed, does not exceed ₹ 20 lakhs. In case the aggrieved party is not satisfied with the order of the District Forum. They can appeal before the State Commission within 30 days.

2. State Commission : A complaint can be made to the appropriate State Commission when the value of the goods or services, along with the compensation claimed, exceeds ₹ 20 lakhs but does not exceed ₹ 1 crore. The appeals against the orders of District Forum can also be filed before the State Commission. In case the party is not satisfied with the order of the State Commission. They can appeal before the National Commission within 30 days of the passing of the order by State Commission.

3. National Commission : A complaint can be made to the National Commission when the value of the goods or services, along with the compensation claimed exceeds ₹ 1 crore. The appeals against the orders of a State Commission can also be filed before the National Commission. An order passed by the National Commission in a matter of its original justification is appealable before the Supreme Court. This means that only those appeals, where the value of goods + services in question, along with the compensation claimed, exceeded ₹ 1 crore and where the aggrieved party was not satisfied with the order of the National Commission, can be taken to the Supreme Court of India.

2nd PUC Business Studies Customer Protection Case Problems

Now, filing a complaint is just, a click away. Filing a complaint in A consumer court is going to get a lot easier by the end of this year, virtually. No matter which part of the country you’re in, it’s going to happen at the click of a mouse.

The project, called Confonet (Computerisation and Computer Networking of Consumer Fora), is being executed on A turnkey basis by the National Informatics Centre (NIC).

“Online registration of complaints, the government hopes, will promote e-governance, transparency, efficiency and streamlining of consumer fora”, said an official in the consumer affairs ministry. of ₹ 48.64 Crore set aside for the project, the government has released ₹ 30.56 crore so far, the official added.

“Besides software development and testing, networking and project implementation, integration and site preparation, it will include purchase of hardware for all the 600 District Fora, 35 State Commissions and the National Commission”, the official said.

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At present, computer systems and system software have been delivered to 25 state commissions and 300 District For a never mind the fact that it’s sometimes a long wait before the hardware is finally unpacked and set up in some of the districts. Meanwhile, training of staff, sometimes in the classroom and sometimes through elearning sessions, are in full swing.

“But just setting up an online complaint filing system won’t ensure a strong consumer protection movement in the country for that we’re working on GenNext and the best way to do that is to go to schools”, the official said.

The government is, therefore, involving school children to form consumer clubs, so as to involve them in various consumer welfare activities.

Part of the funding for running the clubs is to come from various state governments, with an equally matching grant from the Centre. However, a number of state governments are yet to sanction the fund – some of these include Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Kerala.

Question 1.
What new measure is the ministry of consumer affairs taking to make filing a complaint easy?
Online registration of complaints has been initiated by the ministry of consumer affairs to make filing of complaint easy.

Question 2.
What roll can you as a student play to contribute to the cause of consumer protection?
A student can play an active role in bringing out an awareness campaign on ‘Consumer Protection’.

  1. Special assemblies, can organised to show’ the display of consumer rights and responsi-bilities
  2. When school organises any exhibilion the commerce students can put a stall and give demonstration on responsibilities of a consumer,
  3. The Biology and Chemistry laboratories can be used for testing adulterated goods. (e.g milk, paneer, spices etc).
  4. Essay writing competitions, debate competition and quiz can be organised to promote the aw;areness on consumer protection,
  5. Encourage students to boycott goods/eatables which are adulterated or defective in school canteen.
  6. To set up voluntary complaint centre for consumer guidance and counseling,

Question 3.
What scenario of consumer protection do you foresee when the measures proposed in the above news report are implemented?
With the. Implementation of online registration, educated and technology friendly consumer will gain but in my opinion the unaware, ignorant and Simple consumers who still are far away from e-governance would stand in need of the 3 forums working-efficiently and effectively Thus both the systems should work parallel, hand in hand to protect the interests of different types of consumers.

2nd PUC Business Studies Customer Protection Additional Questions

2nd PUC Business Studies Customer Protection One Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Who is a consumer?
Consumer is a person who buys goods or services to be consumed by himself or someone else on behalf of the buyer

Question 2.
When is consumers rights day observed?
15th march of every year is observed as consumers rights day all over world

Question 3.
State any one consumer right.
Right to safety

Question 4.
Name any one consumer grievances redressal agency.
District consumer disputes redressal agency.

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Question 5.
State any one remedy available to a consumer under the act.
To replace the goods.

Question 6.
State any one consumer responsibility.
Awareness of rights.

Question 7.
State any one reason for consumer protection.
To protect the consumer from malpractices.

Question 8.
State the monetary limit for claim under the district forum.
District Forum-Not exceeding 20 Lakhs

Question 9.
State the monetary limit for claim under the State Commission.
State Forum – Exceeding 20 Lakhs less than 1 crore

Question 10.
State the monetary limit for claim under the National Commission.
National Forum-Exceeding 1 crore.

Question 11.
When was Consumer Protection Act enacted?
Consumer protection act was enacted in the year 1986.

Question 12.
What do you mean by consumer protection?
Consumer Protection refers to protection of physical, economic, other interest of consumer from exploitation by the business community.

Question 13.
State any two features of consumer Protection.
Consumer protection is viewed from the view point of Consumer, business

Question 14.
Mention any two rights of consumer.
Right to safety & Right to be information

Question 15
State any two responsibilities of consumer.
Selection of goods & Awareness of right

Question 16.
What is consumer Court?
It is special purpose court mainly in India that deals with cases regarding consumer dispute and grievances.

Question 17.
What new measure is the ministry of consumer affairs taking to make filing a complaint easy?
Online registration of complaints has been initiated by the ministry of consumer affairs to make filing of complaint easy.

2nd PUC Business Studies Customer Protection Two Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Define consumer.
A consumer may also be defined as “anybody who chooses goods and services, spend money to obtain them and used them to satisfy his or her own needs.

Question 2.
Name any two consumer grievances redressal agencies.

  • District consumer grievances redressal agencies
  • State consumer grievances redressal agencies.

Question 3.
List any two importance of consumer protection.

  • Ignorance of consumers
  • Deceptive advertising

Question 4.
Mention any two needs of consumer protection.

  • Freedom of Enterprise
  • Malpractices of business man

Question 5.
State the composition of members of National Commission.
Five members: a president & four members including one women member.

Question 6.
Write any two remedies available to the aggrieved consumer as per the Act.

  • To remove the defect in the product.
  • To return the price of the goods

Question 7.
Name any two persons who can file a complaint with the redressal agencies.

  • A consumer
  • The Central or State Government.

Question 8.
What scenario of consumer protection do you foresee when the measures proposed in the above news report are implemented?
With the Implementation of online registration, educated and technology friendly consumer will gain but in my opinion the unaware, ignorant and Simple consumers who still are far away from e-governance would stand in need of the 3 forums working efficiently and effectively Thus both the systems should work parallel, hand in hand to protect the interests of different types of consumers.

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2nd PUC Business Studies Customer Protection Four Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Explain any five consumer rights.
1. Right to Safety: According to this right, every consumer has right to be protected against. the marketing of goods and services which are hazardous to life and property.

2. Right to be informed: Every consumer has the right to be informed about the quality, quantity, purity, standards and price of goods so as to protect them against unfair trade practices.

3. Right to choose: The consumer has the right to choose the product independently, their choice out of the available alternative products.

4. Right to seek redressal: Every consumer has the right to seek redressal against any defect in the product or deficiency in the service.

5. Right to consumer education: Consumer must be educated against frauds, and about their rights and reliefs available to them in case of a product or service falls short of the required level.

Question 2.
Explain the importance of consumer protection.
1. Ignorance of consumers: Most of the consumer are ignorant and are not aware of their rights, hence a proper system is required to protect them against unfair trade practices.

2. Unorganized consumer: Consumer are not well organized, but producers and traders are well organized. As a result consumers are being exploited by the big business houses.

3. Deceptive advertising: Many business organizations deliberately cheat consumers through misleading advertisements about Quality, safety and utility of the products.

4. Malpractices of Businessmen: Businessmen indulge in malpractice such as adulteration and black marketing etc to maximize profit therefore consumers are exploited.

5. Freedom of Enterprise: For the survival and growth of business in the long run the business must ensure customer satisfaction so as to earn goodwill and support of consumer.

Question 3.
State the feature of district forum.
1. Composition: Each district forum consists of a committee of three persons. A president and two members out of whom, one must be women who are being nominated by the state government for a term of 5 years.

2. Qualification: The president should have the qualification to be of a district judge and out of the two members one should be an eminent person from the field of education, trade or commerce with a bachelors degree.

3. Powers: Each district redressal agency is being given the powers of that of a civil court for enquiring into any complaints.

4. Jurisdiction: The district redressal agency is empowered to receive such complaints where the value of goods or service and compensation claimed in is not exceeding rupees twenty lakhs.

5. Redressal Proceeding: upon the receipt of the complaint, the agency serves a notice to the opposite party referred in the complaint, such opposite party may be a seller, a distributer or a manufacturer. If needed the agency sends the sample of goods for analysis and testing in a laboratory in respect of the defect raised in the complaint.

Question 4.
State the features of state commission.
1. Composition: A state commission consists of a committee of 3 persons – a president two member out of whom, one must be a woman who are being nominated by the state government for a term of 5years.

2. Qualification: President should have the qualification to be of High court judge should possess bachelors degree & should have adequate knowledge & good experience in dealing with problems relating to Economics, commerce, Law, Accountancy, public affairs, Administration etc.

3. Jurisdiction: It is empowered to receive such complaints where the value goods & services & the compensation claimed is exceeding Rs.20 lakhs but less than Rs. 1 crore & the appeals against’ order of any District redressal Agencies.

4. Redressal Proceeding: upon the receipt of the complaint, the State commission serves a notice to a opposite party referred in the complaint, such opposite party may be a seller, a distributer or a manufacturer, if needed the commission further sends the sample of goods for analysis and testing in a laboratory in respect of the defect raised in the complaint.

5. Remedy: if it is found that the product has some defect or there is some unfair trade practice, the commission can direct the accused to:

  • Remove the defect in the product,
  • Replace the product, or
  • Return the price of the product so paid by the complaint, ‘
  • Compensate the loss suffered by the consumer ,or
  • Discontinue the unfairtrade practice etc…

Question 5.
State the features of National Commission.
1. Composition: A National commission consists of a committee of 5 persons – a president & 4 member including one woman member, who are being nominated by the central government. For a term of 5years

2. Qualification: President should have the qualification to be of supreme court judge should possess bachelors degree & should have adequate knowledge & good experience in dealing with problems relating to Economics, commerce, Law, Accountancy, public affairs, Administration etc..

3. Jurisdiction: It is empowered to receive such complaintsWhere the value of the goods & services & the compensation paid exceeding Rs.1, crore. The appeals against the order of any State Commission.

4. Redressal Proceeding: upon the receipt of the complaint, the National commission serves a notice to a opposite party referred in the complaint, such opposite party may be a seller, a distributer or a manufacturer, if needed the commission further sends the sample of goods for analysis and testing in a laboratory in respect of the defect raised in the complaint.

5. Remedy: if it is found that the product has some defect or there is some unfair trade practice, the commission can direct the accused to:

  • Remove the defect in the product, o Replace the product, or
  • Return the price of the product so paid by the complaint, o Compensate the loss suffered by the consumer ,or ‘
  • Discontinue the unfair trade practice etc…

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Question 6.
What are the remedies available to a consumer as per consumer protection Act?
The remedies are available as per the act are :

  • To Remove the defect in the product,
  • To Replace the goods,
  • To Return the price of the product .
  • To pay the compensation
  • Discontinue the unfair trade practice.
  • Not to offer hazardous goods for sale ‘
  • To seize the hazardous goods

2nd PUC Business Studies Customer Protection Eight Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Explain the features of District Forum and State Commission?
Features of district forum are ;
1. Composition: Each district forum consists of a committee of three persons. A president and two members out of whom, one must be women who are being nominated by the state government for a term of 5 years.

2. Qualification: The president should have the qualification to be of a district judge and out of the two members one should be an eminent person from the field of education, trade or commerce with a bachelors degree.

3. Powers: Each district redressal agency is being given the powers of that of a civil court for enquiring into any complaints.

4. Jurisdiction: The district redressal agency is empowered to receive such complaints where the value of goods or service and compensation claimed in is not exceeding rupees twenty lakhs.

5. Redressal Proceeding: upon the receipt of the complaint, the agency serves a notice to the opposite party referred in the complaint, such opposite party may be a seller, a distributer or a manufacturer. If needed the agency sends the sample of goods for analysis and testing in a laboratory in respect of the defect raised in the. complaint.

Features of state commission forum are;.
1. Composition: A state commission consists of a committee of 3 persons – a president two member out of whom, one must be a woman who are being nominated by the state government for a term of 5years.

2. Qualification: President should have the qualification to be of High court judge should possess bachelors degree & should have adequate knowledge & good experience in dealing with problems relating to Economics, commerce, Law; Accountancy, public affairs, Administration etc..

3. Jurisdiction: It is empowered to receive such complaints where the value goods & services & the compensation claimed is exceeding Rs.20 lakhs but less than Rs. 1 crore & the appeals against order of any District redressal Agencies.

4. Redressal Proceeding: upon the receipt of the complaint, the State commission serves a notice to a opposite party referred in the complaint, such opposite party’ may be a seller, a distributer or a manufacturer, if needed the commission further sends the sample of goods for analysis and testing in a laboratory in respect of the defect raised in the complaint.

5. Remedy: if it is found that the product has some defect or there is some unfair trade practice, the commission can direct the accused to:

  • Remove the defect in the product,
  • Replace the product, or
  • Return the price of the product so paid by the complaint,
  • Compensate the loss suffered by the consumer ,or
  • Discontinue the unfair trade practice etc…

Question 2.
Explain the features of national commission?
1. Composition: A National commission consists of a committee of 5 persons -a president & 4 member including one woman member, who are being nominated by the central government. For a term of Syears

2. Qualification: President should have the qualification to be of supreme court judge should possess bachelors degree & should possess bachelors degree & should have adequate knowledge & good experience in dealing with problems relating to Economics, commerce, Law, Accountancy, public affairs, Administration etc..

3. Jurisdiction: It is empowered to receive such complaints Where the value of the goods & services & the compensation paid exceeding Rs.1 crore. The appeals against the order of any State Commission.

4. Redressal Proceeding: upon the receipt of the complaint, the National commission serves a notice to a opposite party referred in the complaint, such opposite party may be a seller, a distributer or a manufacturer, if needed the commission further sends the sample of goods for analysis and testing in a laboratory in respect of the defect raised in the complaint.

5. Remedy: if it is found that the product has some defect or there is some unfair trade practice, the commission can direct the accused to:

  • Remove the defect in the product,
  • Replace the product, or
  • Return the price of the product so paid by the complaint,
  • Compensate the loss suffered by the consumer ,or
  • Discontinue the unfair trade practice etc…

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2nd PUC Business Studies Customer Protection Five Marks Questions and Answers

question 1,
As an aggrieved consumer, write a complaint to District Forum seeking redressal.
31st July 2017

Mr. Rajeev Yadav,
#63, 5th Cross, 9th Main,
BM Temple Road
Bangalore – 560887

The Registrar (KSCDRC)
Karnataka State Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission
Cunningham Road,

Dear Sir,
Sub: Compliant against the CDFL Electronics – BMC Road, RR Pet, Bangalore.
With reference to the above subject, I would like to bring to your kind notice that, I had purchased a T.V set (32 Inches, LCD TV) on 26th July 2013 for Rs. 45000/- for which a warrantee of 1 year was provided( copy Bill attached for quick reference) On 13th July 2014 I had filed a complaint about the performance of the T.V to the customer care centre. A service personal had visited our place and resolved the issue.

Weeks later on 21st July 2014 the same problem with T.V set raised and the complaint was registered on the same day. The company provided the service personal on 25th July 2014 and refused to provide the service under warrantee and demanded for the service fees.

Though complaint was registered before the closure of the warrantee period the company fails to provide the service as promised. Till today the problem is unsolved in spite of repeated complaints. I hereby request you to kindly look in to the issue and provide redressal.

Thanking you

Yours truly
Rajeev Yadav

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