2nd PUC Computer Science Question Bank Chapter 17 Web Designing

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Karnataka 2nd PUC Computer Science Question Bank Chapter 17 Web Designing

2nd PUC Computer Science Web Designing One Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is HTML?
HTML is a markup language for describing web documents (web pages).

Question 2.
What will be the extension of the hypertext markup language file?
The extension of hypertext markup language file is *.htm or *.html

Question 3.
What is the use of a web page?
A web page is a document commonly written in HyperText Markup Language (HTML) that is accessible through the Internet or other network using a browser.

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Question 4.
What do you mean by domain?
On the Internet, a domain consists of a set of network addresses. Domain names are used to identify one or more IP addresses.

Question 5.
What do you mean by hosting?
Web hosting is the business of housing, serving, and maintaining files for one or more Web sites and provide a fast connection to the Internet.

Question 6.
What is XML?
Extensible/Extended Markup Language (XML) is a text-based format that allows for the structuring of electronic documents.

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Question 7.
What is web scripting?
The process of creating embedding scripts in a web page is known as web scripting.

Question 8.
What is DHTML?
DHTML refers to web content that changes each time it is viewed. A DHTML web page can react to user input without sending requests to the webserver.

2nd PUC Computer Science Web Designing Two Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What are text files?
A file that holds text. The term text file is often used as a synonym for ASCII file, a file in which characters are represented by their ASCII codes. The extension name for the text file is *.txt.

Question 2.
With the help of syntax include images on a web page.
Syntax: <img src = “location of the file” alt= “some_text” width=value height=value>
Example: <img src = “pic_mountain.jpg” alt= “MountainView” width= “50%” height=”50%” >

Question 3.
Write the steps for creating a web page?
Steps To create a Web page
Step 1: Click on the START button.
Step 2: Click on PROGRAMS.
Step 3: choose ACCESSORIES.
Step 4: choose NOTEPAD.
Step 5 : Write the HTML code.
<HEAD> <TITLE> his is my funky title </TITLE></HEAD>
<BODY> Welcome to HTML world </BODY>
Step 6: Save The file with primary filename and extension file name as .html

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Question 4.
Write the opening and closing tag.
HTML elements are written with a start tag, with an end tag, with the content in between:
The HTML element is everything from the start tag to the end tag:
<p>My first HTML paragraph.</p>

Question 5.
What is the use of net scape?
Netscape Communications was a computer services company best known for its Web browser, Navigator. Navigator was one of the two most popular Web browsers in the 1990s. A web browser is a software application used to locate, retrieve and display content on the World Wide Web, including Web pages, images, video, and other files.

2nd PUC Computer Science Web Designing Three Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Explain the program to include tables in a web page.
The basic structure of an HTML table consists of the following tags:
2nd PUC Computer Science Question Bank Chapter 17 Web Designing 1
The following table is an example of a basic table with three rows and two columns of data.
2nd PUC Computer Science Question Bank Chapter 17 Web Designing 2
The code that generated this table look like this:
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Example explained:
Tables are defined with the <table> tag.
Tables are divided into table rows with the <tr> tag.
A table row can also be divided into table headings with the <th> tag.
Table rows are divided into table data with the <td> tag.

Question 2.
What are the steps used in creating web hosting?
The steps to follow to set up a website hosted entirely on your own Windows PC:

  1. Make sure to high-speed internet connection.
  2. Get a DNS hostname for your home Internet connection.
  3. Get a static local IP address for your computer within your home network.
  4. Configure your router to correctly forward connections on port 80 (the HTTP port) to your web server.
  5. Get Apache, a free, high-quality web server program, or Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS), which comes standard with Windows XP Professional.
  6. Test your web server from your own computer.
  7. Replace the default home page with your own web page. Now the site is your own!
  8. Test your web server from a computer that is NOT on your home network to make sure you followed all of the steps correctly.

Question 3.
How do you register a domain?
Steps involved in domain registration are as follows:
Step 1: Decide the name and check the availability by doing a domain search with a domain registrar. If the domain name is available for registration one can proceed further.

Step 2: Choose a domain registrar. Also, see who offers the best price for registration and good service.

Step 3: Once you have shortlisted the registrar you need to do a search for the domain on the registrar’s website. If the domain is still available for registration you can proceed further with the registration process. Click on add to cart, and proceed through the checkout process.

Step 4: The only thing that is left to do is to make the payment for registration to the register.

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Question 4.
What is web scripting?
1. A script is a list of commands that are present within the code of a website that defines how the website behaves in response to certain click requests sent by the user.

2. The programming languages in which scripts are written are called scripting languages. Few common scripting languages are VBScript, JavaScript, ASP, PHP, PERL, JSP, etc.,

3. Scripts are broadly classified into Client-Side Script and Server Side Scripts.

4. Client-side scripting languages are scripts, which are executed in the client’s browser. Some of the most popular are: HTML, CSS, XML etc.,

5. The server-side script is executed on the server and the visitor of the website can only see the result. Popular server-side scripts are PHP, Python, Perl, etc.

Question 5.
What the use of PHP files?
1. PHP can perform calculations – PHP can perform all types of calculations. Can find out what day it is, or what day of the week March 18, 2046, is, to perform all different types of mathematical equations.

2. PHP can collect user information – collecting the temperature from the user that they want to convert from degrees to another format, or adding their information to an address book

3. PHP can interact with MySQL databases – This allows creating pages on the fly using the contents of the database, creating a website search feature, or keep the store’s product catalogue.

4. PHP and GD Library can create graphics – You can use PHP to create simple graphics and also use it to edit existing graphics.

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Question 6.
Give the features of XML.
Main features of XML:

  • XML files are text files, which can be managed by an arty text editor.
  • XML is very simple because it has less than 10 syntax rules.
  • XML is extensible because it only specifies the structural rules of tags. No specification on tags themself.
  • XML provides a basic syntax that can be used to share information between different kinds of computers, different applications.
  • Its self-documenting format describes structure and field names as well as specific values.
  • XML is heavily used as a format for document storage and processing, both online and offline.
  • It is based on international standards.

Question 7.
Give the features of DHTML.
Features of DHTML:

  • Simplest feature is making the page dynamic.
  • It can be used to create animations, games, applications, provide new ways of navigating through web sites.
  • Uses low-bandwidth effect which enhances web page functionality.
  • The dynamic building of web pages is simple using DHTML.
  • Allows code reuse.
  • Using DHTML we can change the tags and their properties.
  • It is used to generate dynamic fonts.

Question 8.
Write the differences of Client-side scripts?

  1. Client-side scripting languages are scripts, which are executed in the client’s browser. Some of the most popular are:
  2. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), which allows style meta-information to be separated from the content.
  3. XML, which is generally used just for data storage purposes but with CSS can be used instead of HTML; and Java scripts, also known as EMACS.
  4. Client-side scripts source code is visible to everyone – that helps to learn the basics of client-side scripting.

Question 9.
Write the server-side scripting?
When a script is referred to as a “server-side script”, it means that it is executed on the server and the visitor of the website can only see the result. It also allows the scripts to connect to databases and use data from them while running. Popular server-side scripts are PHP, Python, Perl, etc.

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Question 10.
Create a webpage for creating your college time table.
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Question 11.
Create a web page using forms.
The following program uses few features of an HTML Form, but it should give you an idea of how things work. THis program will call a PHP program that uses the two variables sent to it, the name of the “student” and the “grade” that was selected.
<BODY BGCOLOR = “acqua”>
<H1> A Simple Form </H1>
<FORM ACTION = “processl.php3” METHOD = “post”>
Enter Your Name:
<INPUT TYPE = “text” NAME = “student”> <BR>
Select Your Grade Level:
<SELECT NAME = “grade”>
<INPUT TYPE=”submit” VALUE = “Submit”>
<INPUT TYPE=”reset” VALUE = “Clear”>

Question 12.
What are the advantages of web designing?
The advantages of web designing are:

  1. A website is a representation and the best performance of a company.
  2. As it is an interactive marketing tool, organisations all products can be displayed and advertised all over the world.
  3. It is possible for companies to communicate with customers directly.
  4. Companies can able to have an opportunity to beat other competitors in the market.
  5. It is possible to create awareness about services and products as it is an online portal.
  6. The website not only enhances a good relationship between customers and business owners but also provides a chance to earn a huge profit and increase sales.

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Question 13.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of WWW?
Advantages of the WWW:
1. E-Mail:
E-mail is an online correspondence system. With e-mail, you can send and receive instant electronic messages. Your messages 4re delivered instantly to people anywhere in the world.

2. Access Information:
The Internet is a treasure of information. Any kind of information on any topic is available on the Internet. The ‘search engines’ on the Internet can help you to find data on any subject that you need.

3. Shopping:
One can also buy and sell goods online. There are many online stores and sites that can be used to look for products as well as buy them using a credit card.

4. Downloading Software:
One can download a lot of games, music, videos, movies from the Internet, most of which are free.

Disadvantages of the Internet:
1. Personal Information:
If you use the Internet, your personal information such as your name, address, etc. can be accessed by other people. If you use a credit card to shop online, then your credit card information can also be ‘stolen’.

2. Spamming:
This refers to sending unsolicited e-mails in bulk, which serve no purpose and unnecessarily fill up the entire system.

3. Virus Infections:
Your computer can get virus infections. It is not fully secure.

4. Socially Disconnect:
People decrease the time they go out and stays on the world wide web for too long.

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Question 14.
Write a note on the URL.
A URL is a formatted text string used by Web browsers, email clients and other software to identify a network resource on the Internet. Network resources are files that can be plain Web pages, other text documents, graphics, or programs.
URL strings consist of three parts (substrings):
1. Network protocol – defines a network protocol to be used to access a resource. Example, Http.

2. Hostname or address – identifies a computer or other network device. It can be names or IP addresses. For example, facebook.com.

3. File or resource location – The ‘location’ substring contains a path to one specific network resource on the host.
These substrings are separated by special characters as follows:
protocol:// host/location
for Example: http://www.computerhope.com/cgi-bin/search.cgi

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