2nd PUC Geography Question Bank Chapter 12 Geographical Perspective on Environmental Issues – Planning and Sustainable Development

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Karnataka 2nd PUC Geography Question Bank Chapter 12 Geographical Perspective on Environmental Issues – Planning and Sustainable Development

2nd PUC Geography Geographical Perspective on Environmental Issues – Planning and Sustainable Development One Mark Questions with Answers

I. Answer the following in a word or a sentence each:

Question 1.
What do you mean by Environment Pollution?
Environment Pollution means the release of Harmful substances and contamination of environment.

Question 2.
What is Water Pollution? ,
Degradation of the quality of water due to indiscriminate use of water is called water pollution.

Question 3.
At which strech/course the yamuna river is most polluted?
In Delhi to confluence with Chambal and Mathura and Agra is the stretch of the yamuna River is most polluted.

Question 4.
What is Air Pollution?
Increased concentration of contamiants like dust, fumes, gas, fog, odour, smoke or vapour in the air is called Air Pollution.

Question 5.
What is Noise Pollution?
The state of high level of noise which unbearable and uncomfortable to Human beings is called Noise Pollution.

Question 6.
What are Solid Waster?
Solid waster refers to any unwanted or discarded old materials from residental, commercial, mining, industriaTarid agricultural activities. Such as old news paper, glass bottles, plastic bags, scrap metals, junked vehicles, dead animals etc.

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Question 7.
What are Slums?
A slum is an Area of illegal construction with in the city characterized by substandard housing and dirt.

Question 8.
What do you mean by Planning?
Planning is the process of thinking formulation of a scheme or programme and implementation of a set of action to achieve some goal. ,

Question 9.
What is Sustainable Development?
The term sustainable Development is defined as development to achieve the needs of present generation without compromising future generation’s need.

Question 10.
What is Environment?
The study of surroundings of man lives and works is called Environment.

Question 11.
What are the types of environement.

  1. Natural environment and
  2. Cultural or man made environment.

Question 12.
What is Land Pollution.
Disposal of untreated industrial waste, use of pesticides and fertilizers into the soil is called soil or land pollution.

Question 13.
What are effects of air pollution?
It effects on health by various diseases related to respiratory nervous and circulatory systems, urban smog, acid rain & global warming etc.

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Question 14.
What is land degradation?
Decreasing of quality of agricultural land due to soil erosion, waterlogging, salinization and alkalization which is called ‘Land degradation’.

Question 15.
What is deforestation?
Irresponsible cutting of trees by man for commercial and other purposes is called ‘deforestation’.

Question 16.
When the first five year plan was started? and who was the Chairman of the commission.
In the year-1951-52. The Prime Minister is the ex-office Chairman.

Question 17.
What is ‘Kyoto Protocol’?
It is an agreement on emissions norms for greenhouse gases in developed countries.

2nd PUC Geography Geographical Perspective on Environmental Issues – Planning and Sustainable Development Two Marks Questions with Answers

Question 1.
What are Pollutants?
The agents which causes of Pollution can be called Pollutants for ex: coal, petrol, diesel, toxic effluents use of pesticides and fertilizers, aircrafts, automobiles etc.

Question 2.
What are the types of Pollutions?
The types of Pollutions are :-

  1. Air pollution
  2. Water pollution.
  3. Land pollution
  4. Noise pollution.

Question 3.
What are the Causes of Water Pollution?

  • Sewage disposal
  • Urban run-off
  • Toxic effluents from Industries.
  • Run-off over cultivated lands and nuclear power plants.

Question 4.
What are the effects of Water pollution on Human health?
Water Pollution is a source of various water diseases which causes diarrhoea, intestinal worms hepatities etc.

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Question 5.
Name the states of India where Ganga river is most polluted?
Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal are the states of India where Ganga river is most polluted.

Question 6.
What are the main causes of Pollution of Ganga river?

  • Industrial pollution from towns like Kanpur.
  • Domestic wastes from urban centers.
  • Dumping of car casses in the river.

Question 7.
Name three states of India where Yamuna river is most Polluted?

  1. Delhi to confluence with Chambal.
  2. Uttar Pradesh, Mathura and Agra.

Question 8.
Wha are the causes/sources of Air Pollution?

  • Increased use of varieties of fuels such as coal, petrol and diesal.
  • Increase in emission of Toxic Gases from Industrial activities into the Atmosphere.
  • Mining activities release dust in the air.
  • Important Pollutants are oxides of sulpher and nitrogen, hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide lead and asbestos.

Question 9.
What are the effects of Air Pollution?

  • Diseases are selected to respiratory.
  • Nervous and Circulatory systems.
  • Urban smog, acid rain.
  • Global wanning.

Question 10.
What are the causes for Noise Pollution?

  • It is caused by from factories, demolition works.
  • Noise from sirens landspeakers used in various festivals etc.
  • The biggest Noise Pollution is produced by traffic and
  • The sea traffic. The Noise Pollution is confind to the harbour due to loading and unloading activities being carried.

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Question 11.
What are the effect of Noise Pollution?

  • It causes stress and high blood pressure nervous.
  • Uneasiness among the people living close to the source of Noise Pollution.
  • It has adverse effect on animal life also.
  • It causes road accidents.

Question 12.
Mention two sources of solid wastes?

  1. Household or Domestic establishment
  2. Industrial or Commercial establishment.

Question 13.
Explain harmful effects of Solid wastes?

  • Solid wastes cause of health hazard the diseases like typhoid, Diphtheria Diarrhoea, Malaria and Cholera etc.
  • These wastes cause frequent nuisance as and when these are carelessly handled, spread by wind and split erred through Rain water.
  • The dumping of Industrial wastes into rivers leads to water pollution.
  • River Pollution from city based industries and untreated sewages leads to serious health problems.

Question 14.
Define the concept of land degradation?
Pressure on agricultural land increase not only due to the limited availability but also by deterioration of quality of Agricultural land due to soil erosion, water, logging, salinization and alkalization which is called‘Degradation’. ‘

Question 15.
Name different types of degraded lands in India.

  • Barren and uncultivable waste land.
  • Natural degraded cultivable waste land.
  • Natural and Man made degrated CWL.
  • Man made degraded CWL (Cultivable Waste Land).

Question 16.
What are the strategies for sustainable development?

  • Reduce the utilization and exploitation of resources.
  • By using of environment friendly sources of energy.
  • The government should pay attention on integrated rural development programme.
  • The government should stimulate the organic forming and recycle the wastes.

Question 17.
Write the important elements of natural environment.
The elements of natural environment such as land, soil, water bodies, drainage system, air masses, climate, rock, soil, minerals, plains, plateau, hills, mountains, vegetation and animal life etc.

Question 18.
Write the four most polluted rivers in the world.

  1. Citarum river – Indonesia
  2. Ganga river – India
  3. Yellow river – China
  4. Jordan river – Isarel.

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Question 19.
Name any four most polluted cities in the world.

  1. Ahwaz – Iran
  2. Quetta – Pakistan
  3. Ludhiana – India and
  4. Yasouj. – Iran.

Question 20.
Name any four most polluted countries in the world.

  1. China
  2. United states
  3. India
  4. Russia.

Question 21.
What are remidies to control the Air and Noise Pollution.

  • Ensure that your vehicle does not spewout excessive smoke.
  • Never bum tyres or plastics, which release deadly dioxins and poisonous gases.
  • Say ‘no’ to crackers during Diwali and other occasions.
  • Discourage your friends or neighbours from lighting bonfires.

Question 22.
What are the causes of deforestation.

  • Extension of agriculture.
  • Construction of roads, railways and industries.
  • Establishment human settlements and
  • Mining activities.

Question 23.
Mention the drought prone areas in India.

  • Semi-arid and arid tract of Rajasthan, Gujarath.
  • Western Madhya Pradesh.
  • Maratha Wada region of Maharastra.
  • Rayalaseema and Telangana plateaus of Andhra Pradesh & Karnataka plateau.

2nd PUC Geography Geographical Perspective on Environmental Issues – Planning and Sustainable Development Five Marks Questions with Answers

Question 1.
Explain about urban waste disposal in India?

  • Urban centres are known for large amount of waste generation. It is a serious problem in India.
  • In metropolitan cities likes Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore etc.
  • About 90 percent of the solid waste is collected and disposed.
  • The waste may be treated as resources and utilized for generating energy and compost.
  • Untreated wastes fermently releases toxic bio gases to the atmosphere including methane.
  • These wastes should be treated as resources and utilized for generating energy and compost etc.

Question 2.
How solid wastes can be used for benefits? State any six problems of related to slums in metropolitan cities of India?

  • Solid waste management is the collection, transportation and processing or disposal of solid wastes usually produced by human activities in an effort to reduce their effect on human health.
  • Solid waste management is essential to maintain cleanliness and environment quality.
  • Solid wastes cause health hazard-through creation of obnoxious smell.
  • These are act as carries of diseases like typhoid, diptheria, diarrhoea, malaria and cholera etc.
  • These wastes cause frequent nuisance as and when these are carelessly handled, spread by. wind and spilt erred through rain water.
  • The dumping of industrial waste into rivers leads to water pollution.
  • River Pollution from city-based industries and untreated sewages leads to serious health problems down streams.

Benefits : These wastes should be treated as resources and utilized for generating energy and compost.

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Question 3.
Discuss any six problems of people living in slums?

  • Slums are in environmentally unsuited and degraded area. Houses in slums are decaying, poor hygienic conditions, poor ventilation.
  • Lack of basic amentities like drinking water, light and toilet facilities.
  • They are overcrowded having narrow street pattern prone to serious hazards from fire.
  • People living in slums are poor. Therefore problems are common.
  • They are the undernourished, prone to different types of diseases and illness.
  • They can not afford to give proper education to their children
  • The poverty makes them vulnerable to drug abuse alcoholism, crime, vandalism and ultimately they face social exclusion

Question 4.
Mention the Processes that induce land degradation in India?

  • The land serves as storage of water and materials for plants and other living micro macro organisms.
  • Pressure on agricultural land increases not only due to the limited availability but also by deterioration of quality of agriculture land due to soil erosion, water logging, salinization and alkalization which is called degradation.
  • The land degradation ultimately affect on agricultural productivity.
  • In addition to degradation by natural process such as gullied or ravenous land deserted or coastal sands, barren rocky area land degradation is caused by man.
  • These have caused water logged and marshy areas, land affected by salinity and alkalinity.
  • Degraded shifting cultivation area and under plantation crops, degraded forests, degraded pastures and mining and industrial waste lands.

Question 5.
How the problem of land degradation can be tackled.

  • The land serves as storage of water and materials for plants and other living micro macroorganisms.
  • Pressure on agricultural land increases not only due to the limited availability but also by deterioration of quality of agriculture land due to soil erosion, water logging, salinization and alkalization which is called degradation.
  • The land degradation ultimately affect on agricultural productivity.
  • In addition to degradation by natural process such as gullied or ravenous land deserted or coastal sands, barren rocky area land degradation is caused by man.
  • These have caused water logged and marshy areas, land affected by salinity and alkalinity.
  • Degraded shifting cultivation area and under plantation crops, degraded forests, degraded pastures and mining and industrial waste lands.

Question 6.
What do you mean by the term planning? Which are the two approaches to planning? Explain each of them?
Planning is the process by which an individual or organization decides in advance on some future course of action.
It involves the proces of thinking, formulation of a scheme or programme and implementation of a set of actions to achieve some goal.
There are two approaches to planning, sectorial planning and regional planning.

  • The sectoral planning means formulation and implementation of the sets of schemes or programmes aimed at Development of various sectors of the economy such as agriculture, irrigation, manufacturing power, construction, transport, communication, social infrastructure and services.
  • Some areas are more developed and some lag behind.
  • This uneven pattern of developed over space necessitates that the Planners should have spatial perspective and draws the plans to reduce regional imbalance in development

This type of Planning is termed as regional planning.

Question 7.
What is target area planning? Why it is necessary in India? Give any four examples of target area planning?
Target area planning means making schmes for the development of particular group or area such as backward regions.

  • This type of planning is necessary in india because region imbalances in Economic development are getting serious.
  • Some of the examples of programmes directed towards the development of target areas are command Area Development Programme.
  • Drought prone area development programme.
  • Desert Development Programme.
  • Hill area development programme.
  • The small farmers development agency and margins farmers development agency which are the examples of target group programme.

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Question 8.
Explain the concept of sustainable development?

  • The term sustainable development is defind as development to achieve the needs of present generation without compromising future generations needs.
  • The United Nations established a world commission on Environment and Development (WCED) headed by the Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland. The commission gave its report (also know as Brundtland Report) entitled our common future in 1987.
  • The report defines sustainable developed as a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs.
  • Thus sustainable development takes care of ecological, social and economic aspects of development.
  • During the present times and pleads for conservation of resources to finable the future generations to use these resources.
  • It takes into account the development of whole human kind which has common future.

Question 9.
Discuss the challenges of sustainable development in India?
Population is a major challenges for the sustainable development. In the beginning of the 21st century the population of the Earth reached 6 billion and is expected to level out between 10 and 11 billion over the next to years.

  • Poverty: Almost 25 percent of the world’s population lives on less than one meal a day. It needs to be addressed.
  • Inequality: Inequality continues to be a serious obstacle to sustainable development with the number of people suffering from under nourishment.
  • Shortage of drinking water: It is expected that at the current rate of development, every second person will suffer from water shortage by the year 2025.
  • Human health: The imminent task is to reduce the death rate among children under five years of age by two-thirds and the death rate of young mothers by 75 percent by 2015.
  • Consumption of Energy: Sustainable and environmentally friendly energy sources is required.
  • Deforestation: Improving the recovery and management of the forests will be of utmost importance.
  • Petrol Consumption: The decisions of the ‘KYOTO Protocol’ for reaching an agreement on emissions norms for greenhouse gases in developed countries.

Question 10.
Explain the Effects of deforestration and Remidies to control it.
Effects of deforestration:

  • Soil degradation and soil erosion.
  • Destruction of natural habits of wild life and loss of biodiversity.
  • Climatic changes such as desertification, global warming and etc.

Remidies to control the deforestration:

  • Preventation of human settlements in forest areas.
  • Check on expansion of agriculture.
  • Prohibition of setting up of industries in forest areas.
  • Controlling on irresponsible cutting down timber trees.
  • Control of over grazing on forest region.
  • Controlling of mining activity in forest lands.
  • Limitation on construction of Large dams in forest areas.

Question 11.
Describe about Drought prone areas programme.
The basic objective of the programme is to minimize the adverse effects of drought on production of crops and livestock, water and human resources.

  • The programme also aims to promote overall economic development and improving the socio-economic conditions of the resource poor and disadvantaged sections.
  • This programme was initiated during fourth five year plan. ’
  • It is emphasized on irrigation projects.
  • Land development programmes, a forestation, grassland development. .
  • Creation of basic rural infrastructure such as electricity, roads, market, credit and services.

Question 12.
Explain the strategies for sustainable Development.
The conceptual meaning of sustainable development is not to create an obstacle in development process but this concept belongs to how we utilize our resources. The following strategies can be useful.
Input efficient technology :- It will reduce the utilization and exploitation of resources. So this technology will be good for sustainable development.

  • By using of environmental friendly sources of energy such as LPG and CNG which are Eco-friendly fuel. We can reduce the green house gases.
  • The country can focus on renewable sources of energy like solar and wind for energy needs. The solar energy will create an atmosphere for green development.
  • The government should stimulate the organic fanning and recycle the wastes. Sustainable development is a vision and a way of thinking and acting so that we can ensure the resources and environment for our future generations.

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