Students can download Class 10 Political Science Chapter 2 Indian Foreign Policy Important Questions, KSEEB SSLC Class 10 Social Science Important Questions and Answers helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.
Karnataka SSLC Class 10 Social Science Political Science Important Questions Chapter 2 Indian Foreign Policy
Question 1.
What is foreign policy?
The policy adopted by a nation while dealing with other nations is called foreign policy.
Question 2.
What is the need for a foreign policy?
No country can live in isolation. Hence every country needs to have a foreign policy to regulate its interactions with other countries.
Question 3.
How does foreign policy aid a country in its development?
Of the 200 countries in the world, very few countries are strong and most of them are weak. No country is self – reliant or self – sufficient. Hence no country can live in isolation. Countries of the world are inter – dependent on each other for their development. Every country regulates its interaction with other countries through its foreign policy keeping in view its long – term and short – term interests.
Question 4.
What is a sovereign country?
A sovereign country is one that is not under any other country’s control either for internal or external issues.
Question 5.
Why is India considered a major country of the world?
India has been considered as one of the powerful countries of the world. Why?
India is considered a major country of the world because of her huge population, abundant natural resources, strong military, intellectual and technical capacity, industrial potential, etc.
Question 6.
What are the aims or objectives of India’s foreign policy?
The aims/objectives of India’s foreign policy are:
- National security
- Enriching the national economy
- Spreading the cultural richness of our country in other countries
- Increasing the number of friendly countries
- Achieving world peace, and
- Promoting peaceful co – existence.
Question 7.
Who is the architect of India’s foreign policy?
Jawaharlal Nehru is the architect of India’s foreign policy.
Question 8.
Why is India’s foreign policy allied Nehru’s foreign policy?
As early as in September 1946, in a radio speech, Jawaharlal Nehru outlined what India’s foreign policy is going to be.The speech gave indications about the relationship India was going to foster with countries like U.S.A., Russia and China. After independence, Nehru managed the foreign policy of India as the External Affairs Minister, in addition to being the Prime Minister. Hence the foreign policy of India is often called Nehru’s foreign policy.
Question 9.
What are the issues that have influenced India’s foreign policy?
Our foreign policy has been influenced by both national and international issues such as national interests, geographical interests, political situation, economic interests, military issues, public opinion, international situation, etc.
Question 10.
What are the basic principles of India’s foreign policy?
What are the basic aspects of India’s foreign policy?
The basic principles/aspects of India’s foreign policy are:
- Panchasheel principles
- Non – alignment policy
- Anti – imperialism
- Anti – apartheid policy, and
- Disarmament
Question 11.
What are the principles of Panchasheela?
Panchasheel or the five principles of peaceful co – existence were enunciated in the agreement signed in 1954 between Jawaharlal Nehru and the Chinese Premier Chou – En – Lai. The principles are:
- Mutual respect for each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.
- Mutual non – aggression.
- Mutual non – interference in each other’s internal affairs.
- Mutual assistance and equality.
- Peaceful co – existence.
Question 12.
What is Non-alignment?
After the Second World War, the world was divided into two power blocs.The democratic countries were under the hegemony of U.S.A., while the communist countries were led by U.S.S.R. India did not join any of the power blocs, that is, it followed the policy of being non-aligned to either of the blocs and maintained good relations with both. India followed an independent policy based on merit on international issues. Such a policy is called Non-alignment.
Question 13.
What is SAARC? When was it started? Who are its members?
SAARC is an association of South Asian countries established in 1985. India, Srilanka, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Afghanistan are the members of SAARC.
Question 14.
What is meant by imperialism?
Imperialism is an attempt by a sovereign country to take over another sovereign country with the intention of ruling it for personal gains.
Question 15.
Why does India oppose imperialism?
India herself was a colony of Britain and gained independence from the imperial country in 1947. Hence it was but natural for India to oppose imperialism.
Question 16.
What is Apartheid?
The policy of racial discrimination is called apartheid. It is an attempt by a race or people of a particular skin colour to subjugate another race or people of a different skin colour in the name of supremacy.
Question 17.
Who fought against racial discrimination in South Africa?
Name the political party that fought against apartheid in South Africa.
Nelson Mandela of the African National Congress fought against racial discrimination in South Africa.
Question 18.
India declared that no country of the world shall practice apartheid. Why?
Since apartheid is an affront to human rights and world peace, India in its foreign policy declared that no country of the world shall practice it.
Question 19.
What is disarmament?
The process of eliminating all or specific arms and ammunitions gradually is called disarmament.
Question 20.
Why is total disarmament impossible to achieve?
Total disarmament is impossible to achieve because every country needs arms for its protection.
Question 21.
India advocates reduction of arms qualitatively as well as quantitatively. Why?
Why does India advocate disarmament as the need of the world? Discuss.
In the present day world, there is increased competition for the production, sale and collection or stockpiling of arms. Many of the countries are worried that this could lead to the Third World War. There is every possibility that, intentionally or unintentionally, by mistake or by accident, nations with massive arms or nuclear weapons may attack one another, triggering mass devastation. Therefore, India, being a peace-loving country, advocates reduction of arms qualitatively as well as quantitatively.
Question 22.
Which Article of the Indian Constitution deals with foreign policy?
Article 51 of the Indian Constitution deals with foreign policy.
Question 23.
What does Article 51 of the Indian Constitution advocate?
Article 51 of the Indian Constitution advocates a foreign policy that aims at establishing international peace and cooperation.
Question 24.
Who plays a decisive role in framing the foreign policy of India?
The Ministry of External Affairs of the central government plays a decisive role in framing the foreign policy of India.
Multiple – choice Questions
Question 1.
Every country needs a foreign policy to _______
(A) remain a sovereign country
(B) stay away from the power blocs
(c) regulate its interactions with other countries
(D) eliminate specific arms.
(c) regulate its interactions with other countries
Question 2.
In order to foster healthy relations, India and China have accepted _______
(A) Panchasheel principles
(B) Policy of Non – alignment
(C) Anti – apartheid policy
(D) Anti – imperialism policy
(A) Panchasheel principles
Question 3.
India did not join the power blocs led by U.SA. and U.5S.R. This policy is called _______
(A) Panchasheel
(B) anti – imperialism
(C) disarmament
(D) Non – alignment
(D) Non – alignment
Question 4.
An attempt by a sovereign country to take over another sovereign country with the intention of ruling it for personal gains is called _______
(A) anti – imperialism
(B) imperialism
(C) apartheid
(D) non – alignment
(B) imperialism
Question 5.
Subjugation of one race by another based on the colour of the skin is called _______
(A) apartheid
(B) anti – apartheid
(C) non – alignment
(D) disarmament
(A) apartheid
Question 6.
The Article of the Indian Constitution which deals with foreign policy is _______
(A) Article 371
(B) Article 42
(C) Article 51
(D) Article 52
(C) Article 51
Question 7.
The policy adopted by a country while dealing with other nations is called _______
(A) Panchsheel
(B) foreign policy
(C) imperialism
(D) non – alignment
(B) foreign policy
Question 8.
The foreign policy of India opposes imperialism as India _______
(A) suffered under the British rule
(B) signed Panchasheel principles
(C) is a leader of third world nations
(D) had trade contact with European countries
(A) suffered under the British rule
Fill in the blanks
- Indian foreign policy was formed by Jawaharlal Nehru.
- The policy of keeping safe distance from both the power blocs of the world is known as Non – alignment.
- During pre – independence period, India was under British imperial occupation.