KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 1 5-Digit Numbers

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Karnataka State Syllabus Class 5 Maths Chapter 1 5-Digit Numbers

KSEEB Class 5 Maths 5-Digit Numbers Revision Exercise

I. Write the place value chart for the given numbers:

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II. Write the following words:

1) 1,739: Thousand seven hundred and thirty-nine.
2) 3,007: Three thousand and seven.
3 ) 4,088: Four thousand and eighty-eight.
4) 11,900: Eleven thousand and Nine hundred only

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III. Write in figures:

1. Nine thousand three hundred fifteen.

2. Two thousand four hundred.

3. Seven thousand thirty-six.

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IV Answer the following:

1. Write the greatest 3-digit number.

2. Write the smallest 3-digit number.

3. Write the greatest and smallest 4-digit number.
9999, 1000

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V. Compare the numbers and write = , > or < sign in between the numbers.

1. 3,567 < 4,567
2. 6.582 > 6,385
3. 7384 = 7,384

VI. Write the greatest and the smallest 4-digit numbers using the following, digits (without repeating the digits).

1) 1, 2, 3, 4
4321 – Greatest Number
1234- Smallest Number

2) 6, 3, 8, 0
8630 – Greatest Number
3680 – Smallest Number

3) 5, 2, 7, 4
7542 – Greatest Number
2457 – Smallest Number

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VII. Write the following numbers in ascending order

1) 2,456 2,465 2,565 2,546
2,456, 2,465, 2,546, 2,565

2) 5,768 5,678 5,687 5,867
5,678, 5,687, 5,768, 5,867

3) 8,901 8,910 8,109 8,190
8,109, 8,190, 8,901, 8,910

VIII. Write the following numbers in descending order:

1) 2,947 3,038 2,930 3,830
3,830, 3,038, 2,947, 2,930.

2) 4,892 4,982 4,082 4,792
4,982, 4,892, 4,792, 4,082.

3) 5,678 5,778 5,878 5,978
5,978, 5,878, 5,778, 5,678.

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KSEEB Class 5 Maths 5-Digit Numbers Ex 1.1

I. Insert commas at appropriate places in the following numbers. Write in words.

1) 32894

2) 18415

3) 99999

4) 40003

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II. Write the following numbers in figures using commas.

1) Forty-five thousand six hundred eighteen.

2) Eighty-two thousand three.

3) Thirteen thousand seven hundred nine.

4) Ninety-four thousand three hundred fourteen.

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III. Write the following numbers in the expanded form.

1) 19,203
1 × 10,000 + 9 × 1000 + 2 × 100 + 0 × 10 + 3 × 1

2) 77,777
7 × 10,000 + 7 × 1000 + 7 × 100 + 7 × 10 + 7 ×1

3) 38,294
3 × 10,000 + 8 × 1000 + 2 × 100 + 9 × 10 + 4 × 1

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II. Write the following expanded form of 4 numbers in the standard form.

1) 6 × 10,000 + 1 × 1,000 + 7 × 100 + 9 × 10 + 5 × 1 = 61,795

2) 4 × 10,000 + 0 × 1,000 + 0 × 100 + 0 × 10 + 1 × 1

3) 9 × 10,000 + 0 × 1,000 + 6 × 100 + 0 × 10 + 9 × 1

4) 6 × ten thousand + 3 × thousand + 5 × hundred + 1 × ten + 7 × unit

5) 1 × ten thousand + 1 × thousand + 4 × hundred + 7 × ten + 4 × unit

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V. form the greatest and the smallest 5-digit numbers using the following digits without repetition.

1) 3, 1, 4, 7, 9
97,431 – Greatest Number
13,479 – Smallest Number

2) 8, 1, 6, 2, 5
86,521 – Greatest Number
12,568 – Smallest Number

3) 7, 0, 6, 1, 3
76,310 – Greatest Number
10,367 – Smallest Number

4) 6, 4, 5, 7, 0
76,540 – Greatest Number
45,067 – Smallest Number

5) 2, 5, 7, 3, 4
75,432 – Greatest Number
23,457 – Smallest Number

VI. Complete the table:

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S. NO Proceeding number Number Succeeding number
1. 57,838 57,839 57,840
2. 18,375 18,376 18,377
3. 40,779 40,780 40,781
4. 88,889 88,890 88,891
5. 13,584 13,585 13,586

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VII. Follow the pattern and complete the series:

  1. 23,344, 23,444, 23,544, 23,644, 23,744
  2. 15,790, 35,790, 55,790, 75,790, 95,790
  3. 88,888, 78,888, 68,888, 58,888, 48,888
  4. 30,453, 33,453, 36,453, 39,453, 42,453
  5. 58,600, 62,600 66,600, 70,600, 74,600

VIII. Write the following numbers in increasing order (Ascending order):

1) 30,435, 70,533, 20,411 40,623
20,411, 30,435, 40,623. 70,533

2) 44,444, 44,044, 40,444, 40,044
40,044, 40,444, 40,044, 44,444

3) 63,841, 63,481, 63,148, 6,184
63,148, 63,184, 63,481, 63,841

4) 5o,060 5000, 55,000 50,006
50,006, 50,060, 50,500, 55,000

5) 20,325, 20,825, 20,302 20,413
20,302, 20325, 20,413, 20825

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IX. Write the following numbers in a (Descending order)

1) 23,456, 34,567, 12,345, 45,678
45, 678, 34, 567, 23, 456, 12, 345

2) 40,564, 45,064, 45,604, 40,456
45, 604, 45, 064, 40, 564, 40, 456

3) 12,344, 12,340, 12,304, 13,244
13, 244, 12, 344, 12, 340, 12, 304

4) 77,770, 77,077, 77,777, 70,777
77, 777, 77, 770, 77, 077, 70, 777

5) 61, 234, 62, 134, 21, 364, 12, 364
62, 134, 61, 234, 21, 364, 12, 364.

X. Compare the following given numbers. Write =, > or < sign in the blanks:

1) 52,085 = 52,085
2) 46,431 > 43,613
3) 15,662 < 24,672
4) 74,312 < 76,312
5) 81,884 > 81,365

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