You can Download Buttoo Poem Questions and Answers Pdf, Notes, Summary Class 10 English Karnataka State Board Solutions to help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.
Buttoo Poem Questions and Answers, Notes, Summary
Comprehension Questions:
I. Answer the following questions briefly.
Question 1.
Why had Buttoo gone to Dronacharya?
Buttoo had gone to Dronacharya to learn the science of archery.
Question 2.
How did Drona respond to Buttoo’s request?
Buttoo was neither from a royal family nor rich. Hence he was rejected and driven away.
Question 3.
“I came here to learn ‘thy science’, says Buttoo? What does ‘thy science’ refer to?
Dronachaiya’s science refers to his expertise in archery.
Question 4.
Why did Buttoo revere Drona as his master?
Buttoo revered Drona as his master because Drona was the best in archery, and Buttoo got his inspiration and knowledge from him.
Question 5.
Buttoo says “All that I have, all I shall conquer by my skill, gladly shall I to thee resign”. This shows Buttoo’s
a. reverence to Drona
b. generosity
c. gratitude
d. foolishness
(a) reverence to Drona.
Question 6.
“Rash promises ever ends in strife.” By saying this Drona is
a) warning Buttoo of unpleasant consequences
b) offering Buttoo a chance to change his stance
c) hinting that his demand for recompense could be damaging or destructive to Buttoo
d) regretting the rash promise he had made to Aijuna
Both (c) and (d).
Question 7.
What did Drona seek from Buttoo as recompense?
Drona asked for Buttoo’s right-hand thumb as recompense.
Question 8.
What justification did Drona give for his unfair demand?
He says that he had promised Arjuna that he shall make Arjuna the best archer ever, and there shall be no equal to Arjuna at Archery.
Question 9.
“Buttoo”, a small extract from a very long poem is composed in an Epic form. It makes use of archaic words like “unto”, “thee” (line 1). Pick out the other archaic words from this extract.
‘thy’, ‘lo\ ‘thou’, ‘hast’, ‘wilt’, ‘canst’, ‘aught’.
Question 10.
The poem makes use of the dialogue form. The two speakers in the poem are Drona and Buttoo. Identify the lines/passages spoken by each of the two.
Drona: “It I’m Master ……… between us new,”
“It is a promise ?”
“Beware! Rash promise ever ends in strife.”
“If it is so – Arjuna hear !”
“For thy sake ………. for thee.”
“For this ……….. Modesty.”
Buttoo: “Oh Master, unto thee ………. from thee.”
“All that I have ………. they gracious will.”
“Yes. I swear ………… thou wilt.”
“Thou art my Master …………. from blame.”
II. Close Study
Read the following extracts carefully. Discuss in pairs and then write the answers to the questions given below them:
Question 1.
“I press for this sad recompense”, says Drona.
a) What does ‘sad recompense’ refer to?
‘Sad recompense” refers to the compensation or the fee that Dronachaiya is asking from Buttoo for having learnt archeiy indirectly from him.
b) What does it tell us about Drona?
It tells us that Drona is a very shrewd person, and also a person of his word. He has promised Aijuna that he will make Aijuna the best archer in the world. Now Drona realizes that Buttoo might prove to be better than Aijuna, and so to keep his promise to Aijuna, Drona asks for the gift from Buttoo.
c) If it was ‘sad recompense’, why did Drona demand it?
Drona knows that what he is asking for is something veiy cruel. By asking for Buttoo’s right thumb, Drona is ensuring that Buttoo will never be able to use the bow and arrow in his lifetime. Drona is aware that Buttoo worships him as his teacher and is ready to give up even his life for his sake. Yet he takes advantage of this reverence and favours his royal protege, Aijuna. It is ‘sad’ because Drona has actually not done anything to make Buttoo an expert archer.
Question 2.
“The severed thumb was on the sod There was no tear in Buttoo’s eye.”
a) Why was the thumb severed?
Drona asks for the right-hand thumb as a compensation for his teaching in absence. In reality, Drona wanted to ensure that there was no rival to Aijuna in archery.
b) Why was there no tear in Buttoo’s eye?
Buttoo understands his teacher’s dilemma when Drona announces that he is doing this for Arjuna’s sake, and to keep his own promise to Aijuna. Hence Buttoo doesn’t regret cutting his thumb.
c) What does it tell you about Buttoo?
Buttoo is truly more ‘royal’ in sensibility and nobler than the other students of Drona. He had once been rejected by Drona for not being from a royal family, and for being poor. But after his family, and for being poor. But after this incident,
Buttoo appears richer and greater than any other person there, even his master.
III. Paragraph Writing
Question 1.
Discuss, in pairs, the great qualities of Buttoo and write down any five.
Buttoo was low in caste but still aspired to be a great archer. He was also very dedicated to pursue knowledge.
Though he was rejected knowledge by Drona, he still worshipped Drona as a teacher and perfected the science of archeiy by himself. Buttoo was never vain, despite his talent; he was humble and acknowledged Drona as his inspiration.
Butto was not only physically * strong but also emotionally strong. Even unfairly losing his vital thumb, knowing that he would never be a great archef, he still didn’t get angry or reject Drona, he left the matter to God. He was at peace with nature and God.
Drona also saw Butto as a role model for ‘self-help, truth and . modesty’. Conclusively we can say ‘dedication, loyalty, humility, truthfulness, selflessness, sacrificing nature, brilliance in his art, intelligence, etc. are the great qualities of Butto.
Question 2.
Discuss the following in groups of 4 each and write in a paragraph. Was Drona unfair in his demand?
Drona was the teacher of the Pandava and Kaurava Princes. He lived under their patronage, and was responsible for making the princes the best in the land of their chosen areas of warfare.
Thus, when Buttoo approached him for help in learning the art of archery, Drona rejected him and sent him away. Probably he had realized that Buttoo was not an ordinary hunter’s boy. Yet he was loyal to the royal family and declined to teach Buttoo.
Buttoo, on his part, should have understood the sentiments of Drona and stayed away from archery. But he did not do so. He created an image of Drona and learnt archeiy in front to it.
When Drona realized that Butto had turned out to be a greater archer than Arjuna, he foresaw the threat to the princes.
When Buttoo also confessed that he had learnt it secretively from Drona’s image, Drona got his opportunity.
Very shrewdly, and rather ruthlessly, he asked for the gift of his right-hand thumb from Buttoo, and eliminated all competition to his richer and more powerful students. He cannot be said to be unfair in his demand, though he was rather heartless.
Buttoo Poem Summary in English
Guru Dronacharya and buttoo (Ekalavya) is a famous story of Mahabharata era. Drona was very legendry and illustrious teacher. He taught only for princes and they become masters of all the arts which related to the warfare.
When Buttoo requested Drona to teach archery, Drona refused to teach as it was restricted to the royal princes. So Butto embarks upon an idea of self study. He installed the clay statue of Drona and able to gain the level of skill equivalent to that of Arjuna.
Once Butto was very much disturbed by barking dog. Furious Butto filled the mouth of the dog with seven arrows in fast succession. By seeing his talent Drona recalled Aijuna’s claim that he would allow no other pupil to be the equivalent of Arjuna.
As a matter of promise, Drona asked him to give his right thumb, Buttoo, however, cheerfully and without any hesitation severed his right thumb and offered it to Drona. And took an oath of not to shoot hereafter. Drona accepted his Gurudakshina. Drona purposely asked his right-thumb so that Buttoo has to loose his ability to pursue archery. This poem personifies the noblest human qualities of Buttoo towards his master Dronacharya.
Buttoo Poem Summary in Kannada