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Karnataka 2nd PUC English Workbook Answers Streams Summarising
I. Substitute the expressions given below with one word each.
1. A short story that teaches a moral or truth – fable
2. A story about great people who actually never lived – ______________
3. Speaking one’s thought aloud to oneself – ______________
4. To warn someone of impending danger – ______________
5. One who is all-powerful – ______________
6. One who sees the bright side of life – ______________
7. One who believes in the existence of God – ______________
8. A place where orphans live – ______________
9. Serving without pay – ______________
10. Place for keeping birds – ______________
(honorary, mythology, portend, aviary, theist, soliloquy, optimist, orphanage, omnipotent.)
1. fable;
2. mythology;
3. soliloquy;
4. portend;
5. omnipotent;
6. optimist;
7. theist;
8. orphanage;
9. honorary;
10. aviary.
IV. a. Read the following passage and complete the notes.
Recognised as the largest desert in the world, the Sahara Desert extends across North Africa, covering over three million square miles from the Atlantic coast to the Nile valley.
Research scientists believe that the land became a desert for three reasons. For centuries, wilderness tribes have wandered from place to place in search of food, water, and grazing land for their herds of animals. These nomadic people have always considered the number of animals they have as a sign of wealth. The large herds have been allowed to roam freely and graze on desert plants anti grass. Over time, enormous sections of land have been left exposed, causing soil erosion. Today, the Sahara Desert is expanding southward as these wandering tribes continue to allow their animals to overgraze.
In addition to allowing overgrazing, these people cut down whatever trees they find and use them for firewood. The sand is unable to hold on to the intense heat of the day, so night time temperatures often drop below freezing. Looking for warmth, the wild tribes stripped the desert of whatever hardy shrubs and stunted trees did grow. The land grew barren and very little vegetation remained.
Title: The Expanding Sahara.
I. Life of the nomads.
1. Wanderers
2. Wealth – animals
II. Reasons for desert
1. Overgrazing
2. Firewood
3. Soil erosion, due to cutting down of trees.
The enormity of the Sahara desert is the result of overgrazing that the nomadic tribes allowed their animals, which they considered their wealth, to do. The present southward expansion of the Sahara has resulted from overgrazing, cutting down of trees for firewood and stripping the desert of shrubs and stunted trees for warmth, leading to soil erosion.
b. Read the following passage and write its summary.
India is a land of festivals. Each state has its own festivals apart from the common festivals, celebrated all over the country. Many of our festivals are harvest or spring festivals. The Basant Panchami celebrates the advent of the spring season. It is a joyous festival dedicated to Saraswathi, the goddess of learning, literature and arts. This festival comes on the fifth day of the month of May according to the Indian calendar. According to the Vedas, it is believed that the Goddess purifies our hearts and gives us knowledge. The Goddess blesses us with the capacity to appreciate beauty and truth and inspires us to write poetry, create art or anything of aesthetic value.
Ancient people worshipped all elements of nature, such as the sun, moon, rain, wind, rivers, trees, animals etc. The composers of the Vedas lived on the banks of a river, which came to be called Saraswathi. They worshipped the Goddess, who was the presiding deity of the river. Even today, on Basant Panchami day, the Goddess is worshipped with great devotion. People worship the deity by offering flowers.
Title: Festivals of India
Among the festivals of India, many are harvest or spring festivals and the Basanth Panchami which celebrates spring is one such festival. Goddess Saraswathi, worshipped by the composers of the Vedas, is worshipped on the Basant Panchami day which is the fifth day of May, for knowledge and purity of heart.