KSEEB Solutions for Class 6 English Poem Chapter 1 March

Students can Download English Poem 1 March Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes Pdf, KSEEB Solutions for Class 6 English Karnataka State Board Solutions help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Board Class 6 English Poem Chapter 1 March

March Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes

Pre-reading task:

Question 1.
How many seasons do we have in a year? (spring, summer, autumn and winter)
We have four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.

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Question 2.
Which season comes after winter?
Spring season comes after winter.

Question 3.
What changes do we see in nature in spring?
During spring season, nature is green-ish everywhere. We can see colourful flowers blooming in all plants, crepes and trees.

Shall we talk a little about this poem?

1. Complete these sentences with the best choice given

Question a.
The poet is watching the scene from a place.
i) near a lake
ii) near a stream
iii) near a field
iv) on the top of a hill
ii) near a stream

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Question b.
In the first five lines of the poem the poet is speaking to
i) himself
ii) a companion
iii) two friends
iv) a group of people
i) himself

Question c.
The ploughboy is making loud cries
i) to talk to the horses
ii) to call out to other workers
iii) just to shout with joy
iv) to give signals to the ploughman
iii) just to shout with joy

2. Talk to your partner about the points raised in the questions below, write down what you say:

Question a.
Who are at work?
The oldest and the youngest are at work with the strongest.

Question b.
Why are the cows not raising their heads?
The cows are grazing the grass, so they are not raising their heads.

Question c.
What is the ploughboy doing?
On the top of the bare hill, the ploughboy is whooping – anon – anon.

Question d.
Why does the poet say that the snow is only on the top of the bare hill?
It was spring season so the snow is only on the top of the bare hill. Most of the snow has melted in the warm spring season.

Question e.
Why is the poem called “March”?
The poem describes nature as seen in the month of march, so it as called ‘March’. It is spring time.

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Question f.
Pick out the rhyming words in the poem and write them down.
crowing-flowing, twitter – glitter, youngest-strongest, grazing – raising, de- fected-retreated, ill-hill, mountains – foun-tains, sailing – prevailing.


3. The poet uses two figures of speech a personification and a simile. Find them, Explain them in 6 to 8 sentences.

Simile is a direct comparison of 2 things, places or persons using the words-like, as, so.
Example – Simile:
Like an army defeated the snow hath retreated. The rose is as red as blood.


When a non-living thing is raised to the position of a person, it is called personification.

  1. The wind slipped
  2. The greenfield sleeps in the sun.
  3. Death lays its icy hands on kings and common man.
  4. Truth sits upon the lips of a dying man.

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3. a) Do the exercise given below working with your partner.

As we read this poem we see beautiful scenes of nature and rural land. Wordsworth makes us hear sounds of birds and voices of men women, boys and girls are busy at farm work. One can imagine even the heavy breathing of cows as they graze ravenously. Wordsworth stands above and wonders on the change March has brought with it.

March Summary in English

KSEEB Solutions for Class 6 English Poem Chapter 1 March 1

The Poem ‘March’ is written by William Wordsworth. He was a famous romantic poet. In this poem, the poet lyrically describes the beauty of nature during the spring season.

Spring is a colourful season. It brings cheerfulness and new activity in all living beings the world appears fresh and beautiful, and evokes a sort of new vigour in all living beings.

Here the poet observes that in spring time, the cock crows early at sunrise heralding a new and beautiful day. The streams, nearby flowing lazily. As it is green and colourful everywhere, the birds twitter happily sitting on the lush green trees. The green fields appear to be sleeping in the warm sunny morning.

After the long winter the people of the village are working in their fields. The old and young together are at work with the other strong (youthful) people of the village.

The cattle are grazing happily without even raising their heads. This appears like the idiom ‘Forty feeding like one’ All their heads are bent and they are grazing in unison.

The snow on the land ” is melted in the warm spring sun. Only a little snow is left on the top of bare hills (now doth fare ill). The snow is compared to a defeated army which has retreated humiliated, far away from the battle. The Plough boy, w ho is plouging the field is shouting anon – anon (sooner – sooner) joyously.

The mountains slopes are now’ filling up with colourful plants, a sight which brings joy to the eye and mind of the observer. The springs flowing down the mountain slopes are now alive with’water from the melting snow.

Little clouds are floating about under the blue sky. The rain and snow of the winter season is over and gone, and the weather at spring time is pleasant and joyful.

March Summary in Kannada

KSEEB Solutions for Class 6 English Poem Chapter 1 March 2

KSEEB Solutions for Class 6 English Poem Chapter 1 March 3

KSEEB Solutions for Class 6 English Poem Chapter 1 March 4

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