KSEEB Solutions for Class 10 Sanskrit पूरकपाठाः Chapter 3 नगाधिराजः

Students can Download Sanskrit Lesson 3 नगाधिराजः Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes Pdf, Activity, KSEEB Solutions for Class 10 Sanskrit helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Syllabus Class 10 Sanskrit पूरकपाठाः Chapter 3 नगाधिराजः (क्षेत्रपरिचयः)

नगाधिराजः Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes


I. दशभिः वाक्यैः उत्तरं संस्कृतभाषया, कन्नडभाषया, आङ्गलभाषया वा लिखत ।

प्रश्न 1.
‘भारतं संरक्षितुं सन्नद्धः योद्धा हिमवान’ कथम्? इति विवृणुत।
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Himalaya looks like a soldier (a member of the army) to protect our nation. High peaks of Himalayas prevent the cold breeze from the Arctic region. It also prevented our nation from the harmful atomic radiation from Russia. Himalaya plays a major role in Monsoon rainfall. Himalayan ranges are very high and snow-capped. That is why they are popular as Himalaya.

KSEEB Solutions for Class 10 Sanskrit पूरकपाठाः Chapter 3 नगाधिराजः

प्रश्न 2.
अमरनाथगुहाविषये का पुराणकथा अस्ति?
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Himalaya which is the crowning glory of India is the seat of many pilgrim centres. Amarnath cave (also) is one of the pilgrim centres here. The following is the story about the origin of this cave narrated in the Purana. Once Lord Shiva narrated the secret of immortality. Parvathi slept for sometime when Shiva was narrating the story. Meantime two white pigeons (dove) entered the cave without their permission and heard the same. By this they both attained immortality. Then Shiva wanted to burn them with anger. The pigeons said to Lord Shiva like this – “Please excuse us. Always grant your darshan to us”, Pleased Shiva granted the same and said – “We both will dwell about one month once in a year (Shravana month). One who takes the holy darshan at that time will attain salvation. Then he disappeared with Parvathi.


I. सूक्तम् उत्तरं चित्वा लिखत ।

प्रश्न 1.
भारतम् उत्तरस्यां दिशि अनेन संरक्षितम् अस्ति।
(a) हिमवता
(b) विन्ध्येन
(c) मेरुणा
(d) मलयेन

प्रश्न 2.
हिमालयः भारतीयैः एवं कथितम् ।
(a) द्वारम्
(b) मोक्षद्वारम्
(c) धर्मद्वारम्
(d) ज्ञानद्वारम्

KSEEB Solutions for Class 10 Sanskrit पूरकपाठाः Chapter 3 नगाधिराजः

प्रश्न 3.
गुहायां अस्मिन् मासे हिमलिङ्ग दर्शनयोग्यं भवति।
(a) कार्तिक
(b) माघ
(c) श्रावण
(d) भाद्रपद

प्रश्न 4.
हिमनद्यः अत्र दृश्यन्ते ।
(a) हिमालये
(b) मलये
(c) विन्ध्ये
(d) पश्चिमाद्रौ

प्रश्न 5.
भगीरथः अस्मिन् वंशे जातः ।
(a) सगर
(b) गर
(c) गरण
(d) राज

प्रश्न 6.
सप्तनदीनां मूलं एषा अस्ति ।
(a) यमुना
(b) गङ्गा
(c) कृष्णा
(d) कावेरी

प्रश्न 7.
हिमवान् एवं दृश्यते ।
(a) सेना इव
(b) मन्त्री इव
(c) योद्धा इव
(d) राजा इव

KSEEB Solutions for Class 10 Sanskrit पूरकपाठाः Chapter 3 नगाधिराजः

प्रश्न 8.
इदं मारुतं गिरयः निरुध्यन्ति ।
(a) उष्णमारुतं
(b) मारुतं
(c) शीतोष्णमारुतं
(d) मान्सून्

II. अन्यलिङ्गरूपं लिखत ।

  1. तपस्वी – तपस्विनी
  2. वंशजः – वंशजा
  3. पुत्री – पुत्रः

III. पर्यायपदं लिखत ।

  1. पृथ्वी – भूमिः
  2. नगः – पर्वतः
  3. न्यूनम् – अल्पम् ।

IV. विरुद्धार्थकं पदं लिखत ।

  1. अस्ति × नास्ति
  2. ऋतम् × अमृतम्
  3. पुण्यम् × पापम्

V. तात्पर्य लिखत ।

प्रश्न 1.
अस्त्युत्तरस्यां दिशि देवतात्मा हिमालयो नाम नगाधिराजः ।
पूर्वापरौ तोयनिधी वगाह्य स्थितः पृथिव्या इव मानदण्डः ।।
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The king of mountains Himalaya, who is abode (land) for gods, who is surrounded by the oceans in the three directions and looks like a measuring rod of the earth is living in the northern direction (of this country).

KSEEB Solutions for Class 10 Sanskrit पूरकपाठाः Chapter 3 नगाधिराजः

प्रश्न 2.
संरक्षकाय देशस्य देवानां निलयाय च ।
सौन्दर्यगुणभूषाय शैलराजाय ते नमः ।।
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I salute the king of mountains Himalaya, who is the protector of the country, the abode of gods and as the collected beauty of the three worlds.

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This land Bharathadesha which extends to the north from the sea and to the south from the Himalayas. Much more importance given to the king of mountains ‘Himalaya’ by the people of India.

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भरतखण्डोऽयं तिसृषु दिक्षु सामुद्रजलैरावृतः उत्तरस्यां तु नगाधिराजेन हिमवता संरक्ष्यमाणोऽस्ति । भारतीयानाम् हृदये गिरिराजस्य अस्य महत्वपूर्णस्थानं दत्तमस्ति।

नगाधिराजः Summary in Kannada

नगाधिराजः Summary in Kannada 1

नगाधिराजः Summary in Kannada 2

नगाधिराजः Summary in English

The Himalayan mountain region (series) spread among the nations namely India-Pakistan-Bhutan-China and Nepal. Indians are called this mountain as Mokshadwara (the door of salvation). Parvathi was born as the daughter of Himalaya. This is called as the land of Gods. Sages conduct (performing) penance for their fulfilment here. Himalaya is the source of many rivers like Ganga, Yamuna, Sindhu etc.

Himalaya which is the crowning glory of India is the seat of many pilgrim centres. Amarnatha cave (also) is one of the pilgrim centres here. The following is the story about the origin of this cave narrated in the Purana. Once Lord Shiva narrated the secret of immortality. Parvathi slept for sometime when Shiva was narrating the story. Meantime two white pigeons (dove) entered the cave without their permission and heard the same. By this they both attained immortality. Then Shiva wanted to burn them with anger. The pigeons said to Lord Shiva like this – ‘Please excuse us. Always grant your darshan to us’. Pleased Shiva granted the same and said- “We both will dwell about one month once in a year (shravana month). One who takes the holy darshan at that time will attain salvation?. Then he disappeared with Parvathi.

KSEEB Solutions for Class 10 Sanskrit पूरकपाठाः Chapter 3 नगाधिराजः

The natural beauty of (‘Amarnath’) Himalaya is beyond description. The slopes of the mountains and foothills are covered with dense forests. The trees of great height as if touching the sky are found here, the trees like Devadaru, Greygandha, make it appear like Nandanavana. Great sage Vyasa and others were living here only. Many pilgrim centres are situated here. Himalaya looks like a soldier (member of army) to protect our nation. High peaks of Himalayas prevents cold breeze from the Arctic region. It also prevented our nation from the harmful atomic radiation from Russia. Himalaya plays the major role in Monsoon rainfall. Himalayan ranges are very high and snow capped. That is why they are popular as Himalaya.

नगाधिराजः Summary in Sanskrit

हिमालयपर्वतश्रेणी भारत-पाकिस्तान-भूतान-चीना-नेपाल इत्यादिदेशान् अभिव्याप्य तिष्ठति। हिमालयः भारतीयानां दृष्ट्या मोक्षद्वारम् अस्ति । शिवस्य पत्नी हिमवतः पुत्री भूत्वा अजायत । देवाः अत्र रमन्ते। ऋषयः तपः तप्त्वा अत्र सिद्धिं प्राप्नुवन् । हिमनद्यः अत्र दृश्यन्ते । गङ्गा-यमुना-सिन्धुप्रभृतयः नद्यः हिमालयात् प्रभवन्ति । हिमालयात् प्रभवन्तीनां मूलं गङ्गा एवास्ति। हिमालये अनेकानि पुण्यक्षेत्राणि विराजन्ते। तादृशेषु अमरनाथ गुहापि अन्यतमा।

नगाधिराजः Summary in Sanskrit 1

अस्य विषये एका पुराणकथा अस्ति। एकदा शङ्करः अमरत्वप्राप्तिकथां कस्याञ्चित् गुहायां स्वपत्नै श्रावयामास। मध्ये पार्वती सुप्ता । विना अनुज्ञां तत्रागतौ श्वेतपारावतौ कथां श्रुतवन्तौ अमरत्वं प्राप्तवन्तौ । क्रुद्धः शिवः तौ दग्धुम् इच्छति। तदा भीतौ – ‘आवयोः अपराधं क्षमस्व। आवयोः सदा शिवपार्वत्योः दर्शनं भवतु’ इति प्रार्थितवन्तौ । शान्तः शिवः ‘प्रति संवत्सरं (श्रावणे) मासमधितिष्ठावः । तदा अत्र समुद्भूतहिमलिङ्गः दर्शनेन . सर्वपापानि भस्मसाद्भवन्ति । इति अनुगृह्य पार्वत्या सह अन्तरधात् ।

KSEEB Solutions for Class 10 Sanskrit पूरकपाठाः Chapter 3 नगाधिराजः

हिमालयेषु महारण्यानि विद्यन्ते। तेषु देवदारु-श्रीगन्धादयः वृक्षाः निबिडं भवन्ति। शिखरेषु परिमलपत्रयुताः गुल्माः समुपलभ्यन्ते। चिरजीविनः व्यासादयः अद्यापि तत्र निवसन्ति इति आस्तिकाः मन्यन्ते। हिमालये सर्वमतस्थानां पुण्यक्षेत्राणि विराजन्ते। भारतं संरक्षितुं सन्नद्धः योद्धा इव हिमवान् दृश्यते। तस्य उन्नत शिखराणि आर्टिक् प्रदेशात् आवहन्तं शीतवायु अवरुन्धति । रष्यादेशे सम्भूतात् अणुविद्युस्थावरस्य दुष्प्रवात् अणुविकिरणाच्च अस्मान् अरक्षत् । ‘मानसून्’ इति मारुतं निरुघ्य भारते विपुलवृष्टेः कारणानि भवन्ति। हिमालयस्य शिखराणि हिमाच्छादितानि भवन्ति अत एव उत्तरतः आक्रमणं दुस्साध्यम् ।

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