KSEEB Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Chapter 7 The Mughal Empire

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Karnataka State Syllabus Class 7 Social Science History Chapter 7 The Mughal Empire

Class 7 Social Science The Mughal Empire Textbook Questions and Answers

I. Fill in the blanks:

  1. _______ Rajput king was defeated by Akbar in the Haldighat war.
  2. _______ was Akbar’s minister who framed land tax system.
  3. _______ Mughal king encouraged art work.
  4. _______ Mughal king opposed music.


  1. Rana Pratap Singh
  2. Raja Todarmal
  3. Akbar
  4. Aurangzeb

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II. Answer in one sentence:

Question 1.
Who was the founder of the Mughal dynasty?
Babur was the founder of the Mughal Dynasty.

Question 2.
Name the Mewad Rana who opposed Akbar.
Rana Pratap Singh opposed Akbar.

Question 3.
Where is the Taj Mahal? Who constructed it?
Shah Jahan achieved fame by getting the famous Taj Mahal built at Agra.

Question 4.
Name the important historians from the Mughal dynasty.
Abdul Fazl, Nizamuddin, and Badami were the important historians from the Mughal dynasty’.

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III. Discuss in groups and answer:

Question 1.
Write a note on Ibadat Khana.
Akbar was tolerant of other religions. He constructed a prayer hall (Ibadat khana) in his new capital, Fathepur sikhi, where he discussed religious matters with leaders of various Islamic sects, He invited Hindu, Jaina, Buddhist, Parsi and Christian leaders to discuss their views on religious issues. He evolved a new.sect called the Din-e- lllahi. It incorporated some of the best principles of different religions.

Question 2.
Introduce Akbar’s religious policy.

  • Akbar was tolerant of other religions.
  • He invited Hindu, Jaina, Buddhist, Parsi, and Christian leaders to discuss their views on religious issues.
  • He evolved a new sect called Din – e – Ilahi.
  • It incorporated some of the best principles of different religions.

Question 3.
Make a list of architectural constructions from the Mughal period.

  • He constructed a prayer hall (Ibadat Khana) in his new capital, Fatehpur sikri.
  • He also got a massive gateway built at the entrance to the Fatehpur Sikri Fort called Buland Darwaza.
  • The Agra Fort was built in red sandstone by Jahangir.
  • He completed Akbar’s tomb at sikandra Shah jahan.
  • He built many beautiful palaces, forts, gardens, and mosques.
  • Chief among them are Red Fort at Delhi and Taj Mahal at Agra.

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Question 4.
What are the causes of the decline of the Mughal dynasty?
The reasons for the decline of Mughal dynasty

  • The chieftains became corrupt.
  • Intense fighting took place among the claimants to the throne.
  • The Provincial governors took advantage of the situation and declared their independence.
  • Aurangzeb’s desire to convert India into an Islamic state met with opposition everywhere.
  • The prolonged warfare with the Sikhs, the Rajputs, and the Marathas fully exhausted the resources of the empire.
  • Nadir Shah, a Persian invader, radied Delhi and looted its wealth.

IV. Match the following:

1. Tulsidas a. Mayura Simhasana
2. Abul Fazal b. Head tax
3. Shah Jahan c. Ramacharitha Manas
4. Jizya d. Fatehpur sikri
5. Akbar e. Akbarnama


  1. c
  2. e
  3. a
  4. b
  5. d

Class 7 Social Science The Mughal Empire Additional Questions and Answers

I. Fill in the blanks:

  1. Babur was ruling a small region in Afghanistan called _______.
  2. When the Afghan rule in India weakened, Humayun invaded India and conquered _______.
  3. _______ is the last well – known Mughal emperor.
  4. Music received special patronage during _______ reign.
  5. _______ a Persian invader raided Delhi and carried away the world – famous _______.


  1. Kabul
  2. Delhi
  3. Aurangzeb
  4. Akbar’s
  5. Nadir shah, Kohinoor Diamond

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II. Answer the following questions in a sentence each:

Question 1.
Name the regions conquered by Babur in India.
Babur conquered Delhi, Agra and the surrounding areas in India

Question 2.
Which are the areas conquered by Akbar during his military campaigns?
Akbar conquered Gujarat, Bengal, Kashmir, Kabul, and other areas and built a vast empire.

Question 3.
Why did the Sikhs revolt against Aurangzeb?
The Sikhs were provoked by Aurangzeb’s religious policy. The Sikh guru, Tegh Bahadur was publicity executed in Delhi.

Question 4.
Name the Mughal prince who translated the Bhagavadgita.
Darashukoh translated the ‘Bhagavadgita’.

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Question 5.
Name the Mughal ruler who patronised the art of painting.
Jahangir patronized the art of painting.

III. Answer the following questions briefly:

Question 1.
Describe the administration under die Mughals.

  • The Emperor possessed all civil and military powers.
  • His judgment was final in all matters.
  • The empire was divided into provinces (Subas), districts (sarkars), and taluks (Parganas).
  • The Kotwal looked after law and order in the cities.

Question 2.
Describe the land revenue system under Akbar?

  • Akbar’s minister, Raja Todarmal, framed the land revenue system.
  • Under the system, the land revenue was fixed on the basis of the fertility of the soil.

Question 3.
Describe the battle between Akbar and Rana Pratap Singh of Mewad.

  • Rana Pratap Singh opposed Akbar. He was a proud and brave warrior.
  • A fierce battle took place at Haldighat (Rajasthan).
  • Though Rana Pratap Singh was defeated in the battle, he did not bow down to Akbar.

Question 4.
What are the achievements of Akbar in Administration?

  • He appointed Hindus to high pots in his court.
  • He withdrew the personal tax called Ziziya which was imposed on Hindus.
  • Akbar’s land revenue policy was well received by the people.

Question 5.
How did Guru Govind Singh organised the Sikh community into a militant sect?

  • The members were designated as ‘Singh’.
  • They had to possess the five K’s at all times.
  • These were ‘kesh, (long hair), Kanga; (comb), kirpan, (sword), Kachcha: (a pair of knickerbockers) and kara; (steel bracelet)’.
    This system is prevalent among Sikhs even today.

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Question 6.
What were the results Of the revolts of the Sikhs and the Rajputs against Aurangzeb?
Discuss the decline of the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb.

  • The revolts of the Sikhs and Rajputs continued for a long time.
  • Aurangzeb lost enormous wealth, a large part of his army, and worst of all, his prestige.
  • Many provinces of his empire became free.
  • The Deccan wars sapped Aurangzeb’s economic power as well as military strength.

IV. Choose the correct option and fill in the blanks:

1. Humayun was the _______ of Babur.
a) grandson
b) uncle
c) brother
d) son
d) son

2. _______ lost in a fight against Shershah Suri the Afghan leader.
a) Babur
b) Humayun
c) Akbar
d) Aurangzeb
b) Humayun

3. Shah Jahan built the _______ at Delhi.
a) Red Fort
b) Taj Mahal
c) Jumma Masjid
d) Fatehpur Sikri
c) Jumma Masjid

4. Akbar built a new capital near Agra and named it _______.
a) Buland Darwaza
b) Red Fort
c) Agra Fort
d) Fatehpur Sikri
d) Fatehpur Sikri

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5. The entrance to the Jami Masjid is the tallest in India. It is _______ mts tall.
a) 30
b) 40
c) 50
d) 60
b) 40

6. The immortal singer _______ was in the court of Akbar.
a) Tansen
b) Faizi
c) AbulFazl
d) Birbal
a) Tansen

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