You can Download The Concert Questions and Answers Pdf, Notes, Summary Class 10 English Karnataka State Board Solutions to help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.
The Concert Questions and Answers, Notes, Summary
The Concert Notes Question 1.
Which word in the first paragraph describes the manner of the girl when she saw the newspaper?
The Concert Lesson Questions And Answers Question 2.
do you think the mother cautioned the girl?
Mother cautioned the girl because her son was suffering from cancer. He was in the last stage of his life. His body was very weak and he needed sleep and complete rest. In addition to that, he was also fond of music especially Sitar. If he heard the news, it would disturb him.
The Concert Lesson Question 3.
‘We mustn’t miss the chance’,
a) What chance did the boy not like to miss? Why? Do you think the boy would get a chance in the future?
The chance that the boy wouldn’t like to miss is listening to Pandit Ravi Shankar’s Sitar recital. The boy had always wanted to hear and see Pandit Ravi Shankar, but had never got the chance. We do not know whether the boy would get the chance to hear Ravi Shankar again. We cannot look into the future and say what would happen in the future. The boy may or may not get the chance.
The Concert Lesson Notes Pdf Question 4.
Imagine you were the mother of the boy; would you have reacted differently in the situation? If so, how?
Generally, Anant’s mother reacted correctly. If we think differently, we should make some special arrangements for him and give him an opportunity to listen and see Pandit Ravishankar. Because it was his great desire and our duty is to fulfill.
The Concert Lesson 10th Class Notes Question 5.
Read the third paragraph. He raised himself up without any help. The mother murmured with ‘a catch in her throat’ on seeing him. What does this suggest about the condition of the boy? Read the fourth Paragraph and answer.
It is clear that the boy suffers from some serious illness and has been bedridden. The fact that the mother is emotionally moved to see that the boy raised himself without any help suggests that the boy was dependent on others for physical activities.
Share your Responses :
The Concert Lesson Notes Question 1.
For a moment, Smita had forgotten something. What was it?
Smith, a moment had forgotten that her brother was very ill.
The Concert Notes 10th Class Question 2.
In what way was truly frightening to Smita?
Smita had known that Anant was going to die. The word cancer had hung in the air, her brother was dying of cancer. This truth was frightening Smita.
The Concert Lesson 10th Class In English Question 3.
Do you consider Anant a talented boy? Justify with support from the text.
According to the text, Anant was a talented boy. At the beginning of his music career, he was able to compose his own times. His gum was also astonished means he was really talented. In addition to that, he was the best player in Table-Tennis and the fastest runner in his school.
10th English The Concert Notes Question 4.
‘They had come with high hopes’.
a. What were their ‘ high hopes’?
b. Do you think their hopes would be fulfilled? Support your answer.
c. Doctors said something to the parents. Were those words of hope or words of despair (para.6)
d. ‘They did not voice their fears’. Who does the word ‘they stand for?
i) doctors
ii) friends
iii) family members, (choose the right answer). (Para.6)
a) They had come with hopes in the miracles of modern science. They hoped that Anant would be cured in the hospital and bounce back to normal life, and even take part in the table tennis tournament.
b) If we were to go by the medical records, we have to say that their hopes wouldn’t be fulfilled because doctors had given up their hope of curing the boy. They had asked the parents to take the boy home as they were under the impression that no treatment would help the boy. However, we cannot rule out the possibilities of a miraculous recovery which might fulfill the hopes of the parents.
c) The doctors told the parents to take the boy home and give him all that he liked. These are certainly words of despair because the doctors will come up with such advice only when they know that the patient cannot be cured and it is better to indulge him and make him happy rather than follow a strict regimen.
d) iii) family members.
The Concert Lesson Extracts Question 5.
‘Her eyes filled with tears’. Were they tears of happiness or sorrow ? Give reasons.
They are definitely tears of sorrow. When her brother says that the opportunity of hearing Pandit Ravi Shankar is the chance of a lifetime it’s ironic because the boy is not left with much of his lifetime. The sister who knows that the days of her brother are numbered cannot overcome her sorrow and her eyes are filled with tears.
The Concert Lesson 10th Class Question 6.
‘Suddenly a daring thought came to her’. Can you guess what thought Smita had?
The daring thought must be to fulfill the desire of her brother of listening to Pandit Ravi Shankar. The sister must have decided to give her brother what the brother thought was the chance of a lifetime. How exactly she planned to do it is not known to the readers at this point in time.
Share your Responses :
The Concert English Lesson Question 1.
The word ‘gasp’, according to the dictionary, suggests – surprise or pain. Which meaning is relevant in this context? (Para.10)
The meaning of the ‘gasp’ in this context is a pain.
The Concert 10th Lesson Question 2.
As Smita sat listening to the music, she was spellbound. But all the while, her mind was echoing something else. What was that?
As Smita sat listening to the music, she was spellbound. But all the while, her mind was echoing the plan she had decided on the evening remained firmly in her mind.
Concert Lesson Question 3.
Why does the writer use the word ‘wriggled’ to describe Smita’s movement?
There was a great crowd and she was more anxious. Her heartbeat was loud and she felt her knees were weak. So she cannot walk straight but she moved in a wriggled way.
The Concert By Shanta Rameshwar Rao Summary Question 4.
Smita’s nervousness is suggested by the phrase ‘her heart beating loudly’ in paragraph 12. Identify two more phrases that describe a similar state in the next paragraph.
The two more phrases that describe Smita’s nervousness are
(i) her knees felt weak
(ii) her tongue dried.
The Concert Lesson By Shanta Rameshwar Rao Question 5.
Did Smita tell what she had in her mind to the musicians? Who responded to her request immediately. What was the response?
Yes, Smita told completely what she had in her mind to the musicians were Immediately Ustad Allah Rakha responded to her request. The response was the next morning they would perform for the boy (her brother).
The Concert Story Question 6.
Do you think the response of the artists was unusual? If not, why?
Yes, the response of the artists was unusual. Generally, great artists are always busy and they had no time to listen or attend these types of requests. But his was a special case and these artists were very generous, they showed their humanity. Really it was appreciable.
10th English Lesson The Concert Question 7.
The neighbours could not believe their eyes. Why do you think they felt like this?
The neighbours could not believe their eyes, because Pandit Ravi Shankar was very famous artist and very busy. It was very difficult to take his call-sheet. How cbffid they believe such a great person could come to this poor dwelling and gave a concert.
KSEEB Class 10 English Solutions Question 8.
Read the last paragraph, which very effectively but briefly describes the end. Exchange your feedings with your partner.
The last paragraph evokes in the readers a mixed response. On the one hand it’s heartening to know that the wish of the ailing boy is fulfilled. On the other, it’s heartbreaking to know that the boy died while listening to his favourite Sitar music. However, Smita, her parents, the musicians and all the dear ones of the boy would have moments of satisfaction of fulfilling what can be termed the last desire of the boy.
The Concert Lesson Summary Question 9.
Can you say that the concert was entertaining to Smita? Justify your answer.
Yes, it was more than entertaining for Smita because when she listened to the music, it was as if the gates of enchantment and wonder were opening. She had listened to music in a spellbound state. However, we cannot forget the fact that one part of her kept remembering the wish of her brother and the anxiety of not knowing whether the maestro would agree to come and play for the boy must have been agonising for Smita.
The Concert Lesson Summary In Kannada Question 10.
Smita was nervous as she stood before the wizard. Which sentence suggests this?
Smita was nervous as she stood before the wizard. This suggests in the following sen¬tences.
i) her heart beating loudly.
ii) her knees felt weak.
iii) her tongue dry.
Question 11.
Did Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha perform in the boy’s house? Do you think this was an unusual incident? If yes, give reasons.
Yes, it was certainly an unusual incident. We do not expect such distinguished artistes to give private performances. In fact, getting their dates even for public performances is an uphill task. Moreover, Smita’s family is not an influential or wealthy family. Aunt Sushila’s apartment was a small one. All these reasons make the incident extraordinary.
Think About The Text
Question 1.
Do you like the story? Why? I like/don’t like, because…..(One reason . is given. You may give as many other reasons as you like)
I like this story because
a) This is a story about music.
b) This is a real story.
c) This story has a good feel.
d) This is a story about a great person.
e) This story emphasizes the humanity and kindness.
f) This story shows compassion.
Question 2.
In your opinion, which words in the list below describe Anant’s character or state? Write Yes/No in the space given. [Refer to a dictionary for the words that you are not sure of]
The boy is ……..
a. energetic No
b. robust No
c. aesthetic Yes
d. imaginative No
e. confident Yes
Question 3.
Look at the following phrases in the lesson. They are description Categorise them in columns ‘A’ and ‘B’ appropriately, {spellbound; unfolding the gates of enchant¬ment; plaintive notes; fast twinkling ones’ first notes; wonder; dream; unfolding ragas}.
Question 4.
Ustad Sahib and Pandit Ravi Shankar agreed to perform for the boy. What made them agree to do so? What would have you done if you were the musician?
Ustad Sahib and Pandit Ravi Shankar agreed to perform for the boy. The boy was in the last stage of his life. His last desire was this. And he was not able to come and attend the concert. Because of his pitiable condition, they agreed to do so. Whoever may be in that situation not only I, everyone should do the same.
Question 5.
What arrangement would you make if Pandit Ravi Shankar and Allah Rakha were coming to your house? [You may include in your answer such arrangements. one example is given. Think of others and write them in the bubbles]. Note: Answer need not be the same for all.
Question 6.
Do you like the ending of the story? Why? If you don’t, how would you like to end it?
Question 7.
Suppose you are Smita and invite Pandit Ravi Shankar (PRS) to your home. Imag¬ine the conversation that follows and write it. Some clues are given.
You (Smita): Good evening sir, May I have a word with you, please?
PRS: Well
You: My brother Anant is a big fan of yours.
PRS: I’m glad to see him, has he come here?
You: No, he can’t Sir. He is bed-ridden from cancer.
PRS: I’m sorry to hear this. How can I help you?
Would you come with me to see him
PRS : (looking at others) What do you say?
You: Please, I beg you all to come and play for him
Mustached man: Are you joking? Do you know whom you are talking to? Don’t bother him with your silly talk.
PRS: Sh! {Silencing him) Be quiet what shall we do Ustad?
Allah Rakha : (after some thought) Don’t weep. Don’t worry, child We’ll be performing tomorrow.
Question 8.
In the course of the story, who do you consider to be more worried, Smita or Anant? Have a discussion with the partner / in-group / in the class.
In the course of the story, Smita worried more.
Question 9.
Some incidents in the story are given in a jumbled order. Rearrange them as they occur in the story.
a) Smita bit her lip in self-reproach. (P)
b) A large mustached man gave a long boring speech. (P)
c) Smita read the newspaper and got excited. (P)
d) Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha started playing in the boy’s house. (P)
e) Smita was lost in her thoughts in the park (P)
f) Mother said, “This is not the last time they are going to play” (P)
g) Anant said. “It’s the chance of a lifetime’. (P)
Question 10.
a) Identify the paragraphs in which the incidents stated above occur.
1 is in paragraph 1
2 is in paragraph 4
3 is in paragraph 5
4 is in paragraph 6
5 is in paragraph 8
6 is in paragraph 11
7 is in paragraph 16
b) Read each paragraph again and summarise them in your own words.
Question 11.
Match the following:
1. The person who discouraged the girl was the mustached man.
2. The person who made the request was the girl, Smita.
3. The person who gave the consent finally was Pandit Ravi Shankar.
4. The person who suggested the time of the concert was Ustad Allah Rakha.
Question 12.
Self Assessment
Task 1: Complete the crossword with the help of the following clues. Across and Down. Refer to the dictionary for any help.
Read and Respond.
Task 1: I Read the lesson carefully and represent the events/incidents in the flow chart You may have as many boxes in between as you think appropriate.
e. g.: Some verbs are underlined in the passage given below. See how they are classified into finite and nonfinite verbs.
They were (1) waiting (2) for the bus. After a long time, it came (3). The bus was (4) heavily crowded (5). Anyway, they managed (6) to push (7) through and they squeezed (8) themselves in. They felt (9) tired (10) as they had (11) been (12) waiting (13) for long. I wonder (14) who can 15) ever improve (16) our transport system.
Task 1: Read the paragraph and classify the underlined verbs into Finite verbs and Non-finite verbs. Write the tense of the finite verbs and the type of nonfinite verbs. Two examples are given.
Smita bit her lip in self-reproach. She had been so excited at seeing the announcement that she had not remembered that her brother was very ill. She had seen how the doctors had shaken their heads gravely and spoken words that neither she nor even her parents could understand. But somewhere deep inside, Smita had known the frightening truth that Anant was going to die. The word cancer had hung in the air. Her brother was dying of cancer even though she pretended that all would be well and they would return together, a small family of four, to their home in Gaganpur. And he was only fifteen, and the best table-tennis player in the school and the fastest runner. He was learning to play the sitar; they were both taking sitar lessons, but Anant was better than her as in many other things. He was already able to compose his own tunes to the astonishment of their guru. Then cancer had struck and they had come to Bombay so that he could be treated at the cancer hospital in the city.
Task 2: Self – assessment
Practice Writing
Task 1, 2,3 Self-assessment.
MR 1 Decode the following SMS into the sentences: (one has been done for you)
Question 1.
“Try it jst Is again,’he wudsA.
Sentence: ‘Try it just once again he would say
Question 2.
Yday, i rot leaVletta 2 hm
Sentence: Yesterday I wrote a leave letter to him.
Question 3.
My sis gt 8T% n mats n 2nd test.
Sentence: My sister got 80% in Math¬ematics in the Second test.
Question 4.
Bravo India Id Match.
Sentence: Bravo India won the Match.
Question 5.
W’rgunA excussion on satdy 2 historical places.
Sentence: We are going on an excursion on Saturday to historical places.
Question 6.
Im ill, i cnot attend today’s skool so plz givyr notes in devng.
Sentence: I am ill, I cannot attend today’s school. So please give your notes in the evening.
Question 7.
do d hmwrk quickly n zzzwel. Gudn8.
Sentence: Do the homework quickly and sleep well. Good night.
The Concert Additional Questions and Answers
Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1.
‘TheConcert’ was the lesson written by
a) Shanta Rameshwar Rao
b) Shantha Kameshwar Rao
c) Shantha
d) Shantha Pandit
a) Shanta Rameshwar Rao
Question 2.
The Concert will be held at
a) Anand Auditorium
b) Bombay
c) Shanmukaananda Auditorium
d) Stadium
c) Shanmukaananda Auditorium
Question 3.
Pandit Ravishankar was ______
a) Singer
b) Musician
c) Playback singer
d) Sitar Maestro
d) Sitar Maestro
Question 4.
Anant was Smita’s ______
a) father
b) friend
c) brother
d) neighbor
c) brother
Question 5.
Smita was ______ years old.
a) 15
b) 16
c) 18
d ) 12
b) 16
Question 6.
Their family lived in ________
a) Bombay
b) Bangalore
c) Gaganpur
d) Mumbai
c) Gaganpur
Question 7.
Anant was best ______ player.
a) table-tennis
b) cricket
c) kho-kho
d) Hockey
a) table-tennis
Question 8.
In his school, Anant was the _______
a) runner
b) fastest runner
c) bowler
d) batsman
b) fastest runner
Question 9.
Anant was suffering from ______
a) fever
b) asthma
c) cancer
d) breathing problem
c) cancer
Question 10.
Anant was already able to _____ his own tunes.
a) construct
b) sing
c) write
d) compose.
d) compose.
Question 11.
They stayed in Bombay at _____
a) aunt Sushila’s apartment
b) Hotel
c) Guesthouse
d) their home
a) aunt Sushila’s apartment
Question 12.
Who gave suggestions to Smita to walk in the park?
a) Anant
b) her mother
c) Aunt Sushila
d) her friend
c) Aunt Sushila
Question 13.
Who brought tickets for the concert?
a) Aunt Sushila
b) her father
c) brother
d) friend
b) her father
Question 14.
A large ____ made a long boring speech.
a) Pandit
b) Ustad
c) Manager
d) mustached man
d) mustached man
Question 15.
The tabla player in the concert was
a) Ustad Allah Rakha
b) Sadashiva
c) Shivakumar
d) Someshwara
a) Ustad Allah Rakha
II. Match the following :
1 – f
2 – e
3 – a
4 – c
5 – b
6 -d
III. Give one word for the following:
Question 1.
Feeling or showing happiness and enthusiasm.
Question 2.
a great performer, especially a musician
Question 3.
moved quickly and suddenly towards a particular place.
Question 4.
Without being asked, invited or expected
Question 5.
blame or criticism against oneself/herself
Question 6.
to behave in a particular way in order to make other people believe something that is not true.
Question 7.
an act or event that does not follow the laws of nature and is believed to be caused by God.
Question 8.
a feeling of great pleasure.
Question 9.
enthusiastic clapping by an audience who stand up from their seats as a sign of their appreciation.
Question 10.
to twist and turn the body or part of it with quick short movements.
Question 11.
a person who is especially good at some art or achievement.
Question 12.
a tall building that has flats.
Answer the following questions in a word or a sentence each:
Question 1.
Where was Pandit Ravi Shankar’s concert going to be held?
At the Shanmukhananda Auditorium in Bombay.
Question 2.
What was the name of Anant’s sister?
Question 3.
Anant was a resident of which place?
Question 4.
Where did Anant and his family stay whenever they came to Bombay?
At aunt Sushila’s apartment.
Question 5.
Why did the doctors recommend that Anant be taken home?
The doctors knew that there was no hope of recovery and so they asked his family to take Anant home.
Question 6.
What did Anant consider ‘the chance of a lifetime”?
According to Anant, the opportunity to listen to Pandit Ravi Shankar live was the chance of a lifetime.
Question 7.
Why did aunt Sushila suggest a walk in the park to Smita?
Smita was feeling bad that her brother was too sick to attend the concert; so her aunt suggested that she take a walk in the park to feel better.
Question 8.
What did Smita hear in every beat of the tabla?
Smita heard Anant’s voice saying ‘the chance of a lifetime’ in every beat of the tabla.
Question 9.
What request did Smita make to Pandit Ravi Shankar?
Smita requested Pandit Ravi Shankar to perform for her brother who had been diagnosed with cancer.
Question 10.
Which instrument did Ustad Allah Rakha play?
The tabla.
Question 11.
Why did Smita approach Pandit Ravishankar?
Smita approached Pandit Ravishankar to request him to perform for her brother, an ardent fan of his, who had been diagnosed with cancer and was unable to move out of the house.
Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each:
Question 1.
Where did Anant’s family stay in Bombay?
Anant’s family stayed with Aunt Sushila. Though her apartment was not big, she always welcomed them.
Question 2.
Anant was a brilliant boy. Give examples to prove this.
Anant was a talented boy. Justify the statement.
Though he was only fifteen, Anant was the best table tennis player and the fastest runner in the school. He was learning to play the sitar and he was already able to compose his own tunes to the astonishment of his guru.
Question 3.
In what way was the truth frightening to Smita?
Though Smita and her family had pretended Anant would get well, she had known that Anant was going to die of cancer. This was frightening to Smita.
Question 4.
Aunt Sushila was a generous lady. How would you justify this statement?
Whenever Smita’s family came to Bombay for Anant’s treatment, they stayed in aunt Sushila’s house. Her apartment was small but there was always room for them. By this, we can say that aunt Sushila was a generous lady.
Question 5.
How did Smita enjoy the concert?
Smita was spellbound by the music. As the first notes came over the air, she felt as if the gates of enchantment and wonder were opening. She was spellbound listening to the unfolding ragas, the slow plaintive notes and the fast twinkling ones.
Question 6.
How did Smita feel when she attended the music concert?
Though Smita was enchanted by the heavenly music of Pandit Ravi Shankar, she was preoccupied. She was constantly thinking of her brother’s wish to hear the music of Pandit Ravi Shankar and wondering whether she would be able to convince the musician to play exclusively for the boy.
Question 7.
Why do you think the mother cautioned the girl?
The mother was worried about her ailing son and she did not want him to be disturbed in any way. She didn’t want him to be disturbed especially when he was asleep. She also knew that the news about Pandit Raid Shankar would unnecessarily excite him and tempt him.
Question 8.
What was the daring thought that came to Smita?
The thought that came to Smita was indeed daring. She was planning to request the renowned musician to play exclusively for her brother by paying a visit to the place where they stayed. It was something that others wouldn’t even have dreamt of.
Question 9.
How did Smitha fulfil her brother’s wish?
Smitha attended the programme of Pandit Ravi Shankar with her father, not so much for her sake, but for the sake of her brother. At the end of the programme she approached Pandit Ravi Shankar and explained to him her brother’s condition of being very close to death and requested him to play for him. Pandit Ravi Shankar and his tabla artiste Ustad Allah Rakha decided to play for the boy the next morning and they kept their promise.
Question 10.
What admirable qualities do you find in Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha?
Both Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha were renowned names in the field of music. Yet they were the very epitome of humility and humanity. First of all, they gave a patient hearing to Smitha though they too must have been tired after the concert. Secondly, they went to the apartment of the dying boy to offer a home concert and fulfil his desire of listening to Pandit Ravishankar. Thus we find compassion in the hearts of Pandit and Ustad.
Answer the following questions in 5-6 / 8-10 sentences each:
Question 1.
What light does the story throw on human relationships?
Despite the fact that the story is a sad one, the close bond among the family members . and the concern of the musicians for the boy stand as a testimony to the beauty of human relationships. We see the love of the family members for Anant. They relocate to Bombay with the hope of getting Anant cured. We see the love of the sister who resolves daringly to fulfil the wish of her brother. We see aunt Sushila being so warm towards the family and always welcoming them into her house. Finally we see the musicians doing so much for the little boy who is a total stranger to them without expecting anything in return. All these instances show the beauty of human relationships.
Question 2.
‘Where there is a will, there is a way. How is this saying apt for Smita?
Smita’s determination to fulfill the desire of her ailing brother is an example to show that where there is a will, there is a way. On knowing her brother’s desire to attend Pandit Ravi Shankar’s recital, Smita decided to do something that others wouldn’t even have dreamt of. She decided to convince Pandit Ravi Shankar to play exclusively for the dying boy. She managed to approach Pandit Ravi Shankar and explained the situation to him. Pandit Ravi Shankar, like a true gentleman, agreed to do what was requested of him and brought immense peace and happiness to the dying boy. Thus we see that the power of conviction, the power of persuasion and the power of love can make the impossible possible.
Read the following extracts and answer the questions given below them:
Question 1.
‘It’s the chance of a lifetime.’
a) Who makes this statement? OR Who does ‘he’ refer to?
b) What was the chance of a lifetime?
c) Was the speaker able to grab this chance of a lifetime? Why?
d) Why was he feeling so?
a) Anant.
b) Pandit Ravi Shankar was performing live. To see and hear him was the chance of a lifetime.
c) No. Anant, was suffering from cancer. He was no longer in the condition to even get up from bed let alone attend the recital.
d) He was excited to see and hear Pandit Ravishankar, a sitar maestro, as he was also learning sitar.
Question 2.
“You’ll wake him up. You know he needs all the sleep and rest he can get”.
a) Who was sleeping?
b) Why does he need rest?
c) Who does ‘you’ refer to?
a) Anant.
b) Anant was suffering from cancer and had become very weak. So he needed rest.
c) Smita.
Question 3.
“Panditji is a busy man. You must not bother him with such requests”
a) Who made this statement?
b) Who is the ‘you’ referred to?
c) What was the request?
a) A large mustachioed man.
b) Smita.
c) Anant had been diagnosed with cancer and was unable to move out of the house. So she approached Pandit Ravi Shankar to request him to come to their house and play for Anant.
Question 4.
“No, how can I? We’ve always done things together”.
a) Who is the ‘P in the extract?
b) Who has done things together?
c) Why is it not possible now?
a) Smita.
b) Anant and Smita.
c) It is hot possible now because Anant had cancer and was confined to bed. He could not go anywhere with Smita.
Question 5.
They could not believe their eyes. “It is It’s not possible” they said.
a) Who is referred to as ‘they’?
b) What was not possible for them to believe?
c) Why did they feel so?
a) The neighbours of aunt Sushila.
b) That Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha visited aunt Sushila’s house.
c) Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha were world-class musicians and busy people. Hence they were surprised when they came to play for Anant.
The Concert Summary in English
The concert was a lesson written by Shanta Rameshwar Rao. This lesson comes under the Unit “Music the Ambrosia”. Everyone likes Music. Music is a divine art. is Will’? Music changes the life of man. Music is a powerful media. Here the poetess narrates an incident, which is very much touching. Smita was a sixteen years old girl while reading the newspaper, and said excitedly that Pandit Ravishankar’s Concert will be held at Shanmukhananda Auditorium the next day. Smita, her mother and her brother Anant who was suffering from cancer came to Bombay for treatment. They stayed in Bombay for treatment. They stayed in Aunt Sushila’s Apartment in Bombay.
When she told the mother loudly, her mother said to her, Don’t shout, your brother will wake up. Don’t you know he needs to sleep and take rest? But the boy was not sleeping, he was fond of music and wanted to learn sitar, both brother and sister joined the sitar class. When he heard the name Pandit Ravi Shankar, he was eager to know the details so he tried to raise himself upon His elbows, but he couldn’t, he fell back. His eyes though she pretended that all would be well and their family members were only four. Her brother Anant was fifteen years old, the best table-tennis player in the school and the fastest runner. He was learning to play the sitar and better than his sister Smita as in many other things.
He was quite intelligent and skillful. He was already able to compose his own tunes. Then cancer struck and they came to Bombay with great hopes. Whenever they came to Bombay, they stayed with Aunt Sushila. They had belief and told themselves that Anant would be cured and he would again walk and run and take part in the forthcoming table- tennis tournament. He would play sitar and perhaps would be a great sitarist. But their bad luck his condition grew worse day by day and the doctor said. “Take him home, give him what he likes, satisfy him, because his end is not so far”. As a parent, they hide the truth. They laughed and smiled and talked Anant with whatever made him happy.
They fulfilled his every need and gave whatever he asked for. Now he was asking to go to the concert. For him it was shining, he said that he must 1 miss the chance. He was very eager to hear him and see him. Mother came and said to him “lie down son, lie down ”, she was helpless, seeing her son s condition, she felt very sad and uttered a prayer. Anant repeated I must hear him and see him, Its the chance of a lifetime. Immediately he began to cough and catch a breath with open mouth and had to be given oxygen from the cylinder. But his large eyes were fixed on his sister. Smita felt very guilty when she read the news, she had been so excited that she completely forget the condition of her brother. She had known the frightening truth that he was going to die. He was suffering from cancer and doctors gave no hope.
Even they came to Bombay with great hopes. Whenever they came to Bombay, they stayed with Aunt Sushila. They had belief and told themselves that Anant would be cured and he would again walk and run and take part in the forthcoming table- tennis tournament. He would play the sitar and perhaps would be a great sitarist. But their bad luck his condition grew worse day by day and the doctor said. “Take him home, give him what he likes, satisfy him, because his end is not so far”. As a parent, they hide the truth. They laughed and smiled and talked Anant with whatever made him happy. They fulfilled his every need and gave whatever he asked for. Now he was asking to go to the concert. For him, it was a rare opportunity and the chance of a lifetime.
Mother consoled his son and said, “this is not the last time they are going to play, when you are better then we will go”.Smita stood at the window, her eyes filled with tears. Seeing this, the mother whispered to Smita that she can go with her’father. Smita went to Aunt Sushila and expressed her sorrow and how she can go without her brother. The aunt suggested her to walk in the park some time. Smita was grateful. to her suggestion. While walking in the park a daring thought came to her mind and she hurried home. She decided that there is no harm in trying it. The plan was ready in her mind. She asked her mother and her father agreed to get the tickets. When the next day Smita and her father left the home Anant smiled and wished them to enjoy the concert. Smita listened to the concert, she was so much excited and felt that was all in a dream. She listened to the unfolding ragas but all the while she remembered her plan. She heard the chance of a lifetime” in Anant’s voice in every beat of the tabla. The concert came to an end and a man-made a long boring speech. People began to move towards the exit.
Now was the time, Smita went towards the stage. Pandit Ravishankar and Ustad Allah Rakha were standing. Smita s heart was beating loudly, her knees felt weak, her tongue became dry, but she went up and standing before them with her hands folded. She called ‘Oh, sir ’.Both of them saw Smita and asked yes? She narrated the condition of her brother and he is longing to wish to see them. At that moment the man who made long boring speech came and said to Smita that Panditji is a busy man, you must not trouble him with these requests. Blearing this Pandit Ravishankar smiled and mentioned him to be quiet. He asked ustad Sahib. Without any thought, Ustad said that tomorrow morning we perform for the boy. Paditji said yes and also agreed. It was very exciting for Smita. Smita came back home and said to everybody especially for Anant. And the next morning both Pandit Ravishankar and Ustad Allah Rakha came to their home. They performed in front of Anant who was lying on the bed. Anant was listening to music. The great and beautiful happiness as life went out of him gently, very gently.
I am very thankful to the writers who contributed these litrature which will greatly benefit the students
Thanking you
Yours faithfully