You can Download Colours of Silence Questions and Answers Pdf, Notes, Summary KSEEB SSLC Class 10 English Solutions to help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.
Colours of Silence Questions and Answers, Notes, Summary
Question 1.
Surender, a friend of Satish came to visit him. Satish hadn’t gone to school Why?
On that particular day, Satish was not feeling well and he was seriously ill, so he hadn’t gone to school.
Question 2.
Identify the sentence – a question-that suggests Satish’s weakness. (Para.5)
When Surender came to visit him, Satish asked him, ‘Why are you speaking so softly? This question suggests the weakness of Satish.
Question 3.
Why was Satish confined to bed? What was the worst thing for him? Why was it so? (Para. 12)
Satish met with an accident when he had gone hiking with his father and brother. He had to undergo several operations to set his leg right. In addition, he suffered from frequent bouts of fever and infection, especially of the ear. The worst was the silence that surrounded him as a result of the infection in the ear, as he lay confined to the bed.
Question 4.
The school he was attending informed Satish’s father about something. Can say what it was.
The school authorities informed that they couldn’t keep Satish in their school because he was irregular and had a hearing problem.
Question 5.
Satish didn’t want to go to a new school. What was the reason?
Satish was a very sensitive and delicate boy. He had hesitation to talk to other children and had a fear that they would make fun of him for his disability (deafness). The children at a new school were new to him, So he didn’t want to join a new school.
Share your Responses :
Question 1.
After a lot of persuasions, Satish agreed to go to a new school. Do you think he was accepted at the new school?
Satish was not accepted at the new school because he was deaf and he was not able to speak correctly. He had a hearing problem.
Question 2.
What made Avtar Narain angry? (Para 15 & 16)
The headmaster of the new school suggested that Avtar Narain take his son to the school for deaf and dumb children. This suggestion angered Avtar Narain as he was of the opinion that his son was not dumb and his hearing would improve with treatment.
Question 3.
The word ‘Expedition’ in para 18 means
a) journey visit
b) Mountaineering (Choose the right answer)
a) journey visit
Question 4.
How did Satish’s brother Inder try to help him?
Satish’s elder brother Inder took care of him. Every time he sits beside his brother, spoke with him taught new words and pronunciation to him. Inder spent most of his time with his brother.
Question 5.
Guess the meaning of these words from the context.
snatches (Para 15)
shattered (Para 18)
brooded (Para 20)
confined (Para 21)
verify the correctness of answer with the help of a dictionary The meanings of the words.
snatches = parts
shattered = helpless
brooded = thinking or meditate deeply
confined=keep within the limits
But the dictionary meanings for the same words
Snatches (n) = an attempt to seize, a small piece or quantity
shattered = to break into pieces, to upset, ruin
brooded = to sit on eggs, to think anxiously for some time
confined = to shut up, imprisoned
Share your Responses :
Question 1.
What did Satish see at the far corner of the garden? Why did it attract him? (Para-22)
Satish saw a rare bird, which was unlike and he had never seen that type of bird before. That bird had a longish tail and black crest. It had restless energy. Its eyes kept moving here and there, and the bird was ready for flight at any moment. So he was attracted to it.
Question 2.
Both the parents were his well-wishers. But, each cared for him in a different way. How? (Para-24,25)
Satish’s father, who was deeply troubled by the misfortune that had befallen his son, wanted to make sure that his son did not lag behind in any area of study though he had stopped going to school. So he wanted Satish to read voraciously and be prepared to go back to school once his hearing impairment was set right. He opposed Satish’s interest in drawing for he thought drawing couldn’t be taken up as a career and it wouldn’t help Satish earn money.
Narain remained optimistic that Satish would come back to the normal state of affairs. Satish’s mother, on the other hand, had seen Satish suffering for more than three years and felt hopeless about his condition. Her motherly instinct was to make Satish happy in his world of silence. So she didn’t want her husband to take away from Satish his source of entertainment. We see that both of them are right in their own way. Both of them love Satish and want to do their best for him.
Question 3.
Which action of Satish changed his father’s attitude? (Para-29)
Satish had very good skills in painting. He did his painting with devoted and dedicated interest. He got much pleasure in painting. One day though Satish knew his father was not pleased with his painting pastime, he was immersed and busy in painting. By seeing all these, his father’s attitude was completely changed and he agreed to continue and encouraged him a lot.
Question 4.
What was Satish unable to believe? Para-30
Satish’s father came and sat beside his son and understood his feelings. Then decided to encourage him. He brought the necessary things to paint and found the best Art school. He was ready to admit in that school All these changes of his father was unbelievable to Satish.
Question 5.
How did Satish express his gratitude to his father? (Para-33)
Satish wondered at the beginning, his eyes were filled .with tears out of joy, he came and hugged his father. His heart was full of love and gratitude.
Share your Responses :
Question 1.
Name any three fields in which Satish Gujral has made his name. (Para-35)
Satish Gujral has made his name in painting, sculpture, and architecture.
Question 2.
How can you say that Satish became popular all over the world? (Para.36)
His works were exhibited almost all parts of the world and displayed in prestigious museums like the Museum of Modem Art, New work, The Hiroshima Collection, Washington and the National Gallery of Modem Art, New Delhi. So he became popular all over the world.
Question 3.
If you are asked to give another title to this Story, what title would you suggest? Justify your choice.
If we want to give another title to this story I suggest
“The Successful disabled”
This story reveals the success and the disabled got very prestigious award Padma Vibhushaa
“The Silent Artist” Though he lived in a silent world, he became a famous artist and awarded many titles.
Think About The Text
Question 1.
How did Satish meet with an accident? Do you think the accident occurred due to his carelessness?
During his holiday, Satish went to Kashmir with his father and brother. While he was crossing a weak bridge he and his brother stood upon the same bridge. They were seeing the swirling water below. Out of curiosity, Satish wanted to show it to his brother, just then he was losing his balance and fell into the water. Like this the accident took place. No, this accident was not happened to him by his carelessness. It was only of his bad hick and instantaneously it happened.
Question 2.
The writer describes the effect of the accident in paragraph 12. One such effect is given here. Write to others in the space provided.
1. He wanted to scream but he couldn’t
2. He felt that some huge weight was pressing upon his head.
3. He felt everything seemed for away and silent.
4. Everything seemed like scenes from the drama (Pantomime)
5. He felt helpless and upset.
Question 3.
Seme words are given below. Choose the words that reflect the feelings of Satish after Surender left.-angry, miserable disappointed, lovely, sad, surprised, elated, shocked, helpless.
e.g. – miserable
The words that reflect the feelings of Satish after Surender left were miserable, dis¬appointed, sad, shocked, helpless.
Question 4.
Father, mother, and brother all tried to help Satish in their own way. Some of their actions are given below. Against each of these actions mention whose role was major in it by writing ‘F’ (father). ‘M’ (mother) and ‘B’ (brother) in brackets. One example is given.
giving Satish company – B
caring for his future – F
teaching him pronunciation – B
caring more for his present state – M
meeting institutional heads – F
finding an art school for him – F
Question 5.
a. Describe the bird (P.22) in your own words.
That bird was a rare bird.
It had a long tail and a black crest.
It had restless energy.
Its eyes were kept moving here and there. Its whole body was ready to fly at any moment. It was a very beautiful bird, and attractive also.
b. Now write a small paragraph on any bird/animal that you have watched.
Once, I went to the zoo and got the opportunity to watch the peacock. The two peacocks are moving here and there. They were very beautiful. I observed the big peacock, its eyes were small. It has blue-green colored plumage. Its tail is not the ordinary tail. Its tail is full of quill feathers and it had the highly elongated upper tail. The eyes were best seen when it fans its tail. It danced. All were attracted to see the Peacock.
Question 6.
Do you think the school you are studying should admit students with disabilities of hearing? Give reasons.
Question 7.
Read the text again. Note down the important events in them. Show them in the flowchart.
Enrich Your Vocabulary:
Task – 1: Fill in the blanks with appropriate words selecting from the words given in brackets.
Ganesh was fond of riding a bicycle. One day he rode it so fast that he lost control, and hit against an electric pole. His left leg fractured and there were scratches all over the body. He was badly _____. His mother, who was near, ran up to him. Fortunately, he was not hurt much. She tried to console him with ______ words. Some boys who were near _____ him. The teacher who happened to pass by told them it was _____ that they should laugh, instead of helping the boy. Ganesh was all right, but his hopes of taking part in the arranged Kabaddi tournament that day were _______.
Ganesh was fond of riding a bicycle. One day he rode it so fast that he lost control, and hit against an electric pole. His left leg fractured and there were scratches all over the body. He was badly bruised. His mother, who was near, ran up to him. Fortunately, he was not hurt much. She tried to console him with soothing words. Some boys who were near teased him. The teacher who happened to pass by told them it was unbecoming that they should laugh, instead of helping the boy. Ganesh was all right, but his hopes of taking part in the arranged Kabaddi tournament that day were shattered.
Task -2: You can form the opposite of words by adding un ______, in ________, dis _______, mis ______
A list of words is given below write words adding the prefixes. (Refer the dictionary for the right answer.) – Important, well, advantageous, understand, approve, decent
e.g.: Indecent
- important
- well
- advantageous
- understand
- approve
- decent
- important x unimportant
- well x unwell
- advantageous x disadvantageous
- understand x misunderstand
- approve x disapprove
- decent x indecent
Task – 3: Complete the following using appropriate words from the text. You will find from the clue which paragraph of the text has that word.
(Note that you have to change the form of the word in some cases)
e.g.: Manoj, a poor boy, works hard in an Auto garage. But what he earns is a ______ not enough even for a meal a day (p26) – answer:
a) Look at that old man. He can ____ hear (P5)
Look at that old man. He can barely hear.
b) My friend met with an accident
yesterday. He was admitted to the hospital with many _______ (P8)
My friend met with an accident yesterday. He was admitted to the hospital with many bruises (injuries).
c) I saw a person near the bus stop yesterday. Abus was about to hit him. ‘ I screamed, but he couldn’t hear. He had lost the power of hearing he was _____ (P 14)
I saw a person near the bus stop yester¬day. Abus was about to hit him. I screamed, but he couldn’t hear. He had lost the power of hearing. He was deaf.
d) The survivors in an earthquake had lost everything. They felt _______ (PI8)
The survivors in an earthquake had lost everything. They felt shattered.
Listen And Comprehend
Task 1:
Once there was a man who was blind. He wished to see the whole world with his own eyes. One day his friends took him to Jesus. They said to Jesus, “Lord, this is our friend and he is blind. Please enable him to see. ” Jesus took the blind man to a quiet place away from the crowd and gently touched his eyes. Jesus asked him, “Can you see now? ” But he could only see a few movements. Jesus gently touched his eyes again. Now he could see everything. Flowers, birds, trees, people, and all. He shouted in happiness, “Lord, I can see, I can seel” He knelt down before Jesus and thanked him heartily.
Listen to the teacher carefully and answer the questions that are given at the end.
Question 1.
Who took the blind man to Jesus? What did they request Jesus?
His friends took him to Jesus. They/’ requested to make him see again.
Question 2.
“Can you see now?” Who asked this? Could he see?
Jesus asked him. He could see only a few movements.
Question 3.
Why did Jesus touch the blind man’s eyes again?
Jesus touched the blind man’s eyes again so that the man could see everything.
Question 4.
What did the man see after Jesus touched his eyes again?
The man sees everything after Jesus touched his eyes again.
Question 5.
How did the man thank Jesus?
The man knelt before Jesus and thanked him heartily.
Speak Well
Task – 1: Govind and his friend are on a visit to MEGA hospital. They want to get some information from the hospital staff Some hints are given for you to help They were home after their visit to the hospital Describe the experience at the hospital to your brother.
[Elder brother: Govind, Younger brother: Hari]
Hari: Anna, you visited the MEGA hospital yesterday. Will you share your experience with me?
Govind: Ok Putta, with pleasure.
Hari: How do visitors/Patients get the primary information at the hospitals?
Govind: There is a reception counter, and the receptionist guides the visitors.
Hari: How are the patients taken to the ICU or Wards?
Govind: They are taken to the ICU or wards on wheelchairs or stretchers.
Now continue and complete the conversation.
Hari: How should we take care if somebody fell on the ground before bringing them to the hospital?
Govind: We should take care of them and do the proper First Aid to them.
Hari: If the person had multi-fracture or other serious problems what did the doctor do?
Govind: In that case, the doctor would do the operation in the operation theatre.
Hari: After the operation, could they send the patient home?
Govind: No, the patient should be shifted towards.
Hari: Thank you, brother. I learned much from you.
Read And Respond
Task – 1: Read the passage given below and answer the questions at the end.
The first baby bomb was dropped on the densely populated industrial town of Hiroshima in Japan on 6th August 1945. The city of Hiroshima was flattened. At least 78,000 people and possibly many thousands more, were killed or fatally injured. As great a number were injured and all their dwellings were damaged or destroyed. The city’s military garrison was wiped out. Only a handful of doctors remained alive, and most hospitals and medical supplies were destroyed. Citizens of neighboring towns described the burned, living and dead as no longer recognizably human, with their flesh raw and blackened, their hair is gone and the features melted on their feces. It was the most shocking sight man had ever witnessed.
Question 1.
The passage is about a ______(Fill in the blanks)
great disaster of Hiroshima.
Question 2.
Where did the incident take place?
The incident took place at Hiroshima in Japan.
Question 3.
How do you say that the bomb blast resulted in a great disaster?
Citizens of neighboring towns described that everything was burnt. The burnt things (man or animal) were not at all recog¬nizable. This says that the bomb blast resulted in a great disaster.
Question 4.
What had happened to the military garrison?
The city’s military garrison was wiped out.
Question 5.
The survivors couldn’t be given medical help-Why do you think so?
The survivors couldn’t be given medical help because only a handful of doctors were re¬mained alive and most of the medicines were destroyed.
Question 6.
What tells you that the condition of the bomb affected people was horrible?
The people of neighboring tows de-scribed the burned, living and dead as no longer recognizably human, with their raw and blackened, their hair gone and the features melted on their faces. It was was a shocking sight.
Question 7.
What is your feeling as you read the last few lines of the passage?
Really the bomb blasting was very cruel and inhuman. Whatever may be the reason, killing and destroying was a crime and uncivilized.
Learn Grammar Through Communication
Task – 1: The following is the schedule of the Chief Minister of Karnataka.
The Chief Minister of Karnataka is leaving (be + leave) for Delhi, this evening by a special plane. He will be arriving (arrive) in Delhi at 8 p.m He is going to meet (be + go + meet) the MPs of Karnataka soon after his arrival. He will be discussing (will+discuss) some important issues with the Prime Minister, tomorrow morning. He will meet (be+meet) party high command by tomorrow evening. He will come back (be + come back) to Bangalore by the evening flight.
Task – 2:
My sister’s marriage is arranged (be+arrange) to take place on 21 st May. We are going to get (be+go+to get) the invitation printed by the second week of this month. My parents will visit (will+visit) the relatives by 5th of May. All of us will be going (will+be+go)to Bengaluru next week to buy some clothes and jewelry.
Task – 3: Complete the dialogue using the right form of the verbs given in brackets.
Ganesh: Hi, Gopal when will be your annual day celebrations?
Gopal: We will have it on the 3rd of January.
Ganesh: Who is the Chief Guest?
Gopal: The local MLA is the Chief Guest.
Ganesh: Perhaps you are busy with the cultural activities, aren’t you? ,
Gopal: Yes, I under
Ganesh: Is it a day function?
Gopal: you’re right. It is a day time function.
Note: How different forms of ‘be’ are used.
Make reference – Newspaper
Task – 1: Imagine you are the editor of a newspaper, pages of which follow the given arrangement as above. Now read the following captions of the newspaper carefully. In which page/s are you going to insert the following captions?
Colours of Silence Additional Questions and Answers
Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1.
Colour of silence is the lesson adopted from ____
a. Biography
b. Extract
c. National Book Trust of India
d. Epic
c. National Book Trust of India
Question 2.
Color of Silence is the real story of ______
a. Satish Gujral
b. Inder Gujral
c. Avtar Narain
d. Architect
a. Satish Gujral
Question 3.
Satish’s friend name was ______
a. Raju
b. Inder
c. Surender
d. Narain
c. Surender
Question 4.
Satish spent his holiday in _____
a. Gujarat
b. Kashmir
c. Bangalore
d. West Bengal
b. Kashmir
Question 5.
Satish suffered frequently and had infection especially of the _____
a. leg
b. head
c. body
d. ear
d. ear
Question 6.
When the accident occurred, Satish was ______old boy.
a. 8 years
b. 10 years
c. 9 years
d. 11 years
a. 8 years
Question 7.
Avtar Narain said that “We will have to look for a ______
a. new home
b. new school
c. new doctor
d. new friend
b. new school
Question 8.
‘The life of Garibaldi’ translated into Urdu by _____
a. Munshi Premchand
b. Urdu
c. Lala Lajpat Rai
d. Avtar Narain
c. Lala Lajpat Rai
Question 9.
His brother _____ sat for hours with him and talked to him
a. Inder
b. Chander
c. Sarat
d. Narain
a. Inder
Question 10.
My son is not dumb, Sir! Said by
a. Master
b. Head Master
c. Avtar Narain
d. Inder
c. Avtar Narain
Question 11.
One day Satish was looking ______in to the far corner of the garden
b. happily
c. casually
d. gloomily
d. gloomily
Question 12.
The bird had _________ tail
a. short
b. longish
c. white
d. black
b. longish
Question 13.
Bird’s eyes kept _____ here and there.
a. closing
b. opening
c. darting
d. watching
c. darting
Question 14.
He began filling pages and pages with _____
a. doodles
b. strokes
c. pictures
d. painting
a. doodles
Question 15.
He had always been good at Urdu ______
a. writing
b. reading
c. calligraphy
d. speaking
c. calligraphy
Question 16.
According to Satish’s father, painting is a _____ pastime.
a. open
b. idle
c. ideal
d. imaginary
b. idle
Question 17.
Satish’s strokes varied with his _____
a. memory
b. writing
c. friends
d. mood
d. mood
Question 18.
Satish sketched the bird from memory with a few ______
a. deft strokes
b. colours
c. lines
d. pattern
a. deft strokes
Question 19.
Artists make a ______ and live in poverty
a. earnings
b. pittance
c. plan
d. task
b. pittance
Question 20.
According to Avtar Narain, we must always be _____
a. optimistic
b. pessimistic
c. patient
d. peaceful
a. optimistic
Question 21.
The only ______ for Satish was painting
a. duty
b. work
c. solace
d. hope
c. solace
Question 22.
Satish Gujral is accomplished in several art forms like painting, sculpture and ______
a. writing
b. colouring
c. building
d. architecture
d. architecture
Question 23.
Satish Gujral has published ______ books of his works
a. 4
b. 8
c. 6
d. 10
a. 4
Question 24.
Satish Gujral was honored with the ______
a. Padma Vibhushan
b. Padma Bhushan
c. Bharatha Ratna
d. Doctrate
a. Padma Vibhushan
II. Match the following:
1 – d
2 – e
3 – f
4 – a
5 – b
6 – c
1 – d
2 – e
3 – a
4 – b
5 – c
6 – f
1 – b
2 – f
3 – a
4 – e
5 – c
6 – d
1 – c
2 – e
3 – a
4 – b
5 – d
T. | A | B |
1. | stack of books | a. read carefully |
2. | accomplish | b. freedom fighters |
3. | Leafed through the book | c. a great novelist |
4. | Garibaldi and Lala Lajpat Rai | d. achieve |
5. | MunshiPremchand | e. Padma Vibhushan |
6. | Satish Gujral had been honoured | f. pile of books |
1 – f
2 – d
3 – a
4 – b
5 – c
6 – e
III. Give one word for the following:
Question 1.
A dangerous part of a river which flows very fast because it is steep and sometimes narrow.
Question 2.
twisting circular movement.
Question 3.
remarks intended to hurt somebody’s feelings.
Question 4.
tender, responsive mind.
sensitive mind
Question 5.
skillful strokes of an artist.
deft strokes
Question 6.
with nothing bright or cheerful.
Question 7.
to draw pictures or patterns while thinking about something else.
Question 8.
Something that one enjoys doing during leisure time.
Question 9.
The art of producing beautiful writing.
Question 10.
low or insufficient payment.
Question 11.
honor awarded by the highest
order of the crown
Question 12.
An award is given to outstanding performance in different Held of activities.
Padma Bhushan
Question 13.
Art of making figures in stone, wood, metal, etc.,
Question 14.
The designer of the buildings.
Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each:
Question 1.
What made Surender uneasy when he visited Satish?
Satish asked Surender why he was speaking softly when Surender wasn’t really speaking softly. So Surender was troubled and he wondered whether Satish had lost his hearing power.
Question 2.
Books opened out a whole world for Satish. How? What was the effect of the books on Satish?
What effect did the books he read have on Satish?
Satish’s father opened out a whole world for him by giving him an armful of books. He became a voracious reader. The books were all serious works meant for adults. They made him feel depressed and left a deep impression upon his sensitive mind. He came to know of another world through them, a world of suffering and anguish. He began to brood about why there was so much suffering in the world while his own world looked comfortable in comparison.
Question 3.
Why was Satish’s father against drawing?
Satish’s father felt that artists do not make much money. He wanted a bright future for his son. He thought that it is possible only by studying hard. He considered drawing a waste of time.
Question 4.
How did the beautiful bird inspire Satish?
First of all, the bird was unusual. It was unlike any other bird that Satish had seen. Moreover, it had some restless energy which made it dart from one place to another, all the time ready for flight. It inspired Satish to draw and paint.
Answer the following questions in 5-6 / 8-10 sentences each:
Question 1.
How did a holiday turn out to be a horror day for Satish?
When Satish had gone to Kashmir with his father and brother on holiday, they went hiking. When they were crossing a rickety bridge, Satish lost his balance and fell into the rapids. When he regained his consciousness, he realised that his leg had a fracture. But the real nightmare started after that because his legs remained weak and needed several operations and he started having bouts of headache and started losing his hearing power.
Question 2.
“Satish Gujral became a great artist”. Support this statement mentioning a few of his achievements.
Satish Gujral is among the foremost artists of India. He is one of the few artists who is accomplished in several art forms like painting, sculpture and architecture. Exhibitions of his works have been held all over the world and displayed in prestigious museums like the Museum of Modern Art, New York, the Hiroshima Collection, Washington, and the National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi. He has also published four books of his works in the various arts. He was awarded the Order of the Crown for the best architectural design of the 20th century for his design of the Belgian Embassy in New Delhi. He has also been honoured with the Padma Vibhushan.
Question 3.
How can you say that Satish Gujral became popular all over the world?
Satish Gujral is among the foremost artists of India. Exhibitions of his works have been held all over the world. His paintings are displayed in prestigious museums like the Museum of Modern Art, New York, the Hiroshima Collection, Washington and the National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi. In addition, he has won the Order of the Crown for the best architectural design of the 20th century and the Padma Vibhushan. All these details show his popularity not only in India but also all over the world.
Question 7.
Narrate the circumstances that compelled Satish to stay at home.
When Satish had gone to Kashmir with his father and brother on holiday, they went hiking. When they were crossing a rickety bridge, Satish lost his balance and fell into the rapids. When he regained his consciousness, he realised that his leg had a fracture. But the real nightmare began when he started having bouts of headache and started losing his hearing power. Due to frequent absence and hearing problem, the school he was attending informed his father that they could not keep Satish. Other schools too refused admission. Hence Satish was compelled to stay at home.
Read the following extracts and answer the questions given below them:
Question 1.
“This is a school for normal boys. Why don’t you take your son to the school for deaf and dumb children?”
a) Who does ‘your son’ refer to?
b) What couldn’t he be admitted to the school for normal boys?
c) Why did the speaker ask the son to be taken to a deaf and dumb school?
a) “Your son’ refers to Satish Gujral.
b) Satish had met with an accident and had gradually lost his hearing power.
c) Whichever school his father approached, refused to admit Satish because of the hearing impairment. Hence the headmaster of one of the schools suggested that he be admitted to a deaf and dumb school.
Question 2.
“You want to do this very badly, don’t you?”
a) Who is ‘you’?
b) What does he want to do badly?
c) Which action of Satish changed his father’s attitude towards what he wanted to do?
a) The ‘you’ is Satish.
b) He wants to draw and paint.
c) Satish’s continued interest in drawing and painting changed the attitude of his father. Once while Satish was mixing the paints, his father watched him intently. Satish continued with his action even though he knew that his father, who disapproved of him drawing, was watching him. This must have made his father realize that Satish was deeply involved with drawing and painting.
Question 3.
“We will have to look for a new school”, his father said.
a) Why did Satish’s father have to look for a new school?
b) Satish was unhappy about this. What was the reason?
a) Due to his frequent absence and his hearing problem, the school Satish was attending informed his father that they could not keep him. So, Satish’s father had to look for a new school.
b) Satish did not want to go to a school where he couldn’t talk to other children and where they would make fun of his deafness.
Question 4.
“This is an idle pastime. You would do better to read and get some knowledge”.
a) What is an idle pastime, according to the speaker?
b) What did the speaker want the listener to do?
c) Why does Satish’s father give more importance to reading?
a) The speaker considers drawing an idle pastime.
b) The speaker wanted the listener to read books and gain knowledge.
c) Satish’s father thinks that by reading, Satish can get on in life. One can learn a lot of things by reading.
Colors of Silence Summary in English
The lesson is the extract of the childhood days of the famous foremost artists of India. This lesson is studied under the unit – Enabling the disabled. The readers get encouragement from the hero of the lesson, i.e., Satish Gujral. This is the real incident that happened. The present prose proves that physical disability is no barrier to success. Satish was eight years old, he didn’t attend the school one day. His friend Surender came to visit him and asked the reason for his absence.
Poor Satish was lying on the bed, he couldn’t hear though Surender called him three times. After that Satish replied that he was not feeling well. Surrender with more concerned asked again what was the reason for his illness. Satish didn’t know the reason said that he had terrible headaches and felt everything is going dark and silent. He questioned Surender why did he speak so softly. Surrender had a strange look and wondered himself that Satish might lose his hearing.
Previous year Satish went to Kashmir with his brother and father during holidays. There he met with an accident. When he wept walking with his father and brother, they wanted to cross a bridge which was weak. Both stood on the bridge and looked down the swirling water below. Satish pointed out a spot to his brother, just then his foot slipped and losing his balance, he fell into the dangerous part of the river. When he regained his consciousness, his legs were injured. His head also hurt, he was injured and badly hurt all over.
He had several operations and his legs healed but they remained weak. After that, frequently he was ill and had infections in his ears. Satish was suffering from pain. Surrender got up and asked whether he will come to school the next day. Satish shook his head and Surender left. Satish was suffering and felt that some huge weight was pressing upon his head, making everything seemed far away and silent. He was upset and helpless. A slow tear came down drop by drop on his cheek. He felt the silence was worst as he had been confined to bed. He wanted to scream to break the silence but he couldn’t. Everything looked like the scenes from some dramatic show.
This was very terrible for the eight-year-old boy. According to the doctor, all this was caused by side effects of the medicine given at the time of treatment for his legs. Doctors didn’t diagnose the correct cause. Because of his illness, he was irregular to his school and had the hearing problem. So the school authorities couldn’t keep Satish in their school. His father decided to look at a new school for him. But Satish didn’t want to go to a new school because he was not able to, talk to the new children and had a fear that they would make fun of his deafness. But there was no other way, his father made a lot of effort to convince him, at last, he agreed to join the school.
They had to face the same situation in the new school also. The headmaster said that was the school for normal boys, why didn’t they took him to deaf and dumb school? Satish s father Avtar Narain got angry and said that his son was not dumb. Almost all schools rejected Satish They felt helpless. After this, Satish became very moody. He couldn’t talk freely, at this stage he didn’t hear a single word.
His elder brother Inder accompanied him, hours together and sat beside him. He talked, taught, and make an effort to learn the pronunciation of the words. Satish did not go to play with his neighbors because he was unable to bear their talents and teasing of other children. He had a very delicate mind, and too sensitive. His father and his brother spent their time with him and taught him many things. His father brought many books to read and said that he can learn a lot of things through the books reading. From that day onwards, he read many books. By reading, a whole world was opened for him. He became a voracious reader. He read The life of Garibaldi, works of Munshi Premachand, Sarat Chandra, and several others. The reading made him feel depressed and left a deep impression upon his sensitive mind. He came to know another world of suffering and trouble while his own world looked comfortable in comparison.
After some days Satish again struck and confined to bed. At this stage, he could sit, look out of the window or read the books. One day he saw a rare bird that was flying here and there. It had a long tail and black crest. It had restless energy and to flight at any moment. He Was attracted by the bird and sketched the bird from his memory. He liked his sketch and kept beside his bed on the pile of books. He had discovered his past time by filling the pages with pictures and patterns of his thinking. He was good at Urdu writing and sketching came naturally.
But his father thought that it was an idle pastime. Instead of this, it was better to read books. Satish was refused to stop drawing though his father opposed it. His mother said to his father that why did he take away his son’s source of entertainment. His father’s concern was about his future. How can he lead his life as an artist? Artists had very less income and his hearing may return at any time and he had to study to make something out for his life. Mother asked how it possible that he can recover his hearing. He had become ill for 3 years. She lost her hope but his father didn’t lose his hope. His father said why should they decide that he is going to remain deaf all his life, instead of what they should be optimistic and gently scolded his wife.
Though they visited doctors several times, his condition was not improving. He remained in his silent world. The only comfort in his life was painting. His father was opposed but he managed to paint and draw. One day his father observed his son’s talent and decided to encourage him. He asked his son about his painting, Satish was astonished that his father was not angry with him. After a few hours, father brought paints, brushes, drawing sheets, etc., and carefully set them on his table. Satish came and hugged his father with love. His father said that those things for him. His father found the best school in Arts and his son made his life in his way.
At last Satish’s father accepted his son’s wish to become an artist. Satish learned more than painting in that school and also learned about life. The boy, now popularly known as Satish Gujral. He was one of the few artists, famous for painting, sculpture, and architecture. He was also a writer. His works were displayed in prestigious museums like the Museum of Modern Art, New York, the Hiroshima collection. Washington and the National Gallery of Modem Art, New Delhi. He had published four books of his works in the various arts. He was awarded the Order of the Crown for the best architectural design of the 20th century for his design of the Belgian Embassy in New Delhi. He was honored with “Padma Vibhushan”. He was a good example for the disabled could also achieve the best. Disability was no barrier to success.
Colours of Silence Summary in Kannada