KSEEB Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 24 गिनती

Students can Download Hindi Lesson 24 गिनती Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes Pdf, KSEEB Solutions for Class 6 Hindi helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Syllabus Class 6 Hindi Chapter 24 गिनती

गिनती Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes

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1. अंको में लिखो :

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2. शब्दों में लिखो :

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3. पढ़े और लिखो :

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4. अंक और शब्द भरो :

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KSEEB Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 24 गिनती 12
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KSEEB Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 17 जायेगा, जायेंगे, जायेगी, जायेंगी

Students can Download Hindi Lesson 17 जायेगा, जायेंगे, जायेगी, जायेंगी Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes Pdf, KSEEB Solutions for Class 6 Hindi helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Syllabus Class 6 Hindi Chapter 17 जायेगा, जायेंगे, जायेगी, जायेंगी

जायेगा, जायेंगे, जायेगी, जायेंगी Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes

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1. वाक्य पूर करो :
क. वह दूकान …………. (जायेगा / जागेंगे)
ख. वे खिलौने …………. (लायेगा / जायेंगे)
ग. सरला स्कूल ………. (जायेंगी / जायेगी)
घ. महिलाएँ मेला देखने ……… (जायेंगी / जयेगी)
क. जायेगा
ख. लायेगा
ग. जायेगी
घ. जायेंगी

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KSEEB Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 16 रहा, रही, रहे

Students can Download Hindi Lesson 16 रहा, रही, रहेथीं Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes Pdf, KSEEB Solutions for Class 6 Hindi helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Syllabus Class 6 Hindi Chapter 16 रहा, रही, रहे

रहा, रही, रहे Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes

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सही शब्द चुनकर वाक्य पूरा करो : (रहे, रही, रहा)
क. अनूप कपडे बेच ………….
ख. नीता गाडी चला …………..
ग. बच्चे आगँन में खेल ……….है
उत्तर :
क – रहे
ख – रहा
ग – रही

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KSEEB Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 23 अक्षर ही अक्षर

Students can Download Hindi Lesson 23 अक्षर ही अक्षर Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes Pdf, KSEEB Solutions for Class 6 Hindi helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Syllabus Class 6 Hindi Chapter 23 अक्षर ही अक्षर

अक्षर ही अक्षर Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes


1. उत्तर लिखो

क. अक्षर शब्द का आर्थ क्या है?
जो घट न सके या नष्ट न हो सके अक्षर शब्द का आर्थ है।

ख. भाषा की आवश्यकता किसके लिए
परस्पर विचार – विनिमय के लिए भाषा की आवश्यकता है।

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ग. प्रारंभ में मानव आपने विचार कैसे प्रकट करता था?
प्रारंभ में चित्रों के माध्यन से मानव अपने विचार प्रकट करता था।

घ. मानव ने किसकी सहायता से पढना – लिखना आरंभ किया ?
चलने – चलते उसने भाषा को अपनाय जिसके मूल में है अक्षर। उसने आक्षरों की सहायता से पढना – लिखाना आरंभ किया।

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2. सही श्ब्द भरो:
क. (सूचना – फलक) पर देखो आक्षर। (पुस्तक / सूचना – फलक)
ख. प्रारंभ में चित्रों के माध्यन से मानव
अपने विचार प्रकट करता था। (चित्रों / भावों)
ग. चलते – चलते मानव ने भाषा को अपनाया। (भाषा / आक्षरं)
घ. आक्षरों की खोज मनुष्य की सबसे बड़ी सोच है। (सोच / गलती)
च. ईन्हीं ………… के द्वारा पीढी – दर – पीढी ज्ञान का प्रचार – प्रसार हो रहा है। (पुस्तकों / अक्षरों)

3. वर्णामाला याद है न ? चलो, आव इन आक्षरों को क्रम में लिखो :
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अ इ उ ए ओ अं

4. तुम्हारे और तुम्हारे पाच दोस्तों के । नाम में कौन कौन से अक्षर हैं ? – सोचकर लिखो :
उदाहरण : रामू = र म

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अक्षर ही अक्षर Summary In Hindi

सारांश :
इस पाठ से बच्चों को अक्षर का महत्त्व सीखने को मिलता हैं। आक्षर को बहुत ही महत्व दिया गया है। आक्षर को सही जोडने से शब्द बनता है । इस शब्द से मनुष्य अपने भावनाओं को व्यक्त कर सकता है । बात करन और पढ़ने लिखने के लिए शब्द का सही आक्षर होना जरूरी देश और मनुष्य की आभिवृध्दी के लिए आक्षर का सही उपयोग होना चाहिए। इस दुनिया भर तरह – तरह भाषाओं का अक्षर है। इन्ही आक्षरों के द्वारा पीढी दर – पीढी ज्ञान का प्रचार – प्रसार हो रहा है।

शब्दार्थ :
सूचना – फलक
माध्यम – के द्वारा, खोजा – ढूढ

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अक्षर ही अक्षर Summary In English

Students can leam the Importance of letters from this lesson. It shows the Significance of letters (Alphabets). The proper usage of letters leads to beautiful words and sentences. Through words man can express his feelings. Framing of meaningful words leads to learning, writing and speaking. Different types of languages are used in many countries and passed on to Future Generations.

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अक्षर ही अक्षर Summary In Kannada

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KSEEB Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 22 माँ का प्यार

Students can Download Hindi Lesson 22 माँ का प्यार Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes Pdf, KSEEB Solutions for Class 6 Hindi helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Syllabus Class 6 Hindi Chapter 22 माँ का प्यार

माँ का प्यार Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes


1. उत्तर लिखो :

क. माँ ने क्या – क्या सिखाया ?
माँ ने लिखना, उठना, चलना सब कुछ सिखयां

खा. पहली गुरु कौन हैं ?
पहली गुरु माँ हैं

ग. पहला गुरुकुल कौन सा है ?
पहला गुरुकुल घर हैं

घ. किसका कोई आर पार नहीं है ?
माँ का प्यार आर पार नहीं है।

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2. इन पंक्तियों को पूर्ण करो
(संभाला, ममता, मूरत, उसका).

क. पग – पग पर ……….. माँ ने।
ख. सदा बसी है माँ की मूरत।
ग. माँ की ममता, माँ का प्यार।
घ. उसका कोई आर न पारं

3. शब्द पूरा करो :

उदाहरण: संभाला
1. उँगली
2. लिखना
3. सूरत
4. सिखाया
5. पहला
6. प्रकाश
7. ममता

4. शब्द बनाकर लिखो :

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माँ का प्यार Summary In Hindi

कवि डॉ. टी. जी. प्रभाशंकर ‘ प्रेमी ‘ जी – ” माँ का प्यार ” नामक कविता में माँ की ममता को बहुत ही मार्मिकता के साथ वर्णन किये हैं मेरी माँ मुझे बचपन से लेकर अभी तक पाल – पोस कर बड़ा किया हैं वह मुझे पग पग पर संभालते हुए देख भाल कर रही हैं

माँ ने मुझे मेरी उँगली पकड़कर लिखना सिखायां उन्होने मुझे ठोकर खाते हुए भी हेम्मत न हार कर उठना सिखायां मेरी पहली गुरु मेरी माँ हैं अपना घर ही पहला गुरुकुल है, यानी पाठशाला है। माँ के कारण हमारा जीवन प्रकाशमान हुआ है, क्यों कि सुख में और दुख में वह मेरे साथ में रहती हैं

माँ की ममता मयी सुन्दर मूर्ती सदा मेरे मन में बसा हुआ हैं इसे मैं कैसे भूल सकता माँ की ममता का प्यार इतना है कि उसका कोई सीमा नहीं हैं इतना अगाध प्रेम हम और कहीं भी देख नहीं पातें

शब्दार्थ : पोसना = पोषण करना पग पग पर = कदम कदम पर ठोकर खाना = चोट लगना गुरुकुल = विद्या सीखने का केन्द्र मूरत = मूर्ति सूरत = रुप आर न पार = जिसकी कोई सीमा न हो

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माँ का प्यार Summary In English

माँ का प्यार Summary In English 1

My Mother given me birth and looked after me very well She took care in every step She taught me writing by holding my finger. Whenever I fall, she taught me to get-up and walk Mother is my first teacher. House is my first school My life is beautiful for all my happy and sorrow, she is with me Mother remembrance always in my mind. How can I forget her beautiful face? There is nothing matches with mothers affection, love and care.

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माँ का प्यार Summary In Kannada

माँ का प्यार Summary In Kannada 1

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KSEEB Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 21 चतुर बंदर

Students can Download Hindi Lesson 21 चतुर बंदर Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes Pdf, KSEEB Solutions for Class 6 Hindi helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Syllabus Class 6 Hindi Chapter 21 चतुर बंदर

चतुर बंदर Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes


1. उत्तर लिखो :

क. किन – किन में गहरी दोस्ती थी ?
गहरी दोस्ती बंदर तथा मगरमच्छ में थी

ख. नदी की सैर कौन कराता था ?
नदी की सैर मगरमच्छ कराता था

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ग. बंदर मगरमच्छ को क्या देता था ?
बंदर मगरमच्छ को जामुन देता था

घ. मगरमच्छ की पत्नी ने क्या माँगा ?
मगरमच्छ की पत्नी ने बंदर का कलेजा माँगा

च. मगरमच्छ बंदर से क्या बोला ?
मगरमच्छ बंदर से बोला कि -” आज तुम्हारी भाभी ने बढिया पकवान बनाए हैं और तुम घर बुलाया है।

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छ. चतुर बंदर ने मगरमच्छ से क्या कहा ?
चतुर बंदर मगरमच्छ से कहा कि – :”अरे मित्र ! मेरा कलेजा तो पेड़ की कोटर में ही रखा हैं चलो भाभी के लिए कलेजा ले आएँ ”

2. निक्तस्थानों में सही शब्द भरो :

क. बंदर पेड़ पर रहता था (पर / में)
ख. नदी में मगरमच्छ तैरता था (में / पर)
ग. बंदर मगरमच्छ को जामुन देता (देता / देती)
घ. बंदर मीठे जामुन खाता था। (केला / जामून)
ङ. उसका कलेजा कितना मीठा होगा? (उसका / उसकी)

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3. श्ब्दों को पूरा करो

KSEEB Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 21 चतुर बंदर 1

1. म रमच्छ
2. जामु
3. रो
4. भा भी
5. पे ड़
6. क ले जा
{पेड़, रोज़, जामुन, मगरमच्छ, मित्र, कलेजा }

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4. नमूने की तरह नीचे दिए गए शब्दों की सूची में एक वर्गेतर श्ब्द है, उस पर गोला लगाओ :

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5. नीचे दिये गये जीवियों में कौन पेड पर चढ सकता है? निशान लगाओ :

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चतुर बंदर Summary In Hindi

एक नदी के किनारे लगे जामुन के पेड़ पर एक बंदर रहता था उसी नदी में एक मगरमच्छ भी रहता था इन दोनों में गहरी दोस्ती थी मगरमच्छ, बंदर को अपनी पीठ पर बिठाकर नदी की सेर कराता था बदले में बंदर भी मगर को मीठे – मीठे जामुन तोड़कर देता था एक दिन मगरमच्छ कुछ जामुन अपनी पत्नी के लिए ले गया पत्नी जामुन खाकर खुश हुई उसने कहा – ” आपका मित्र बंदर, रोज़ मीठे जामुन खाता है, तो उसका कलेजा कितना मीठा होगां मैं तो उसका कलेजा ही खाऊँगी”.

पत्नी की ज़िद पर मगरमच्छ पेड़ के पास पहुँचा और बंदर से बोला ” आज तुम्हारी भाभी ने बढ़िया – बढ़िया पकवान बनाए हैं और तुम्हे घर बुलाया है ” मगरमच्छ की बात सुनकर बंदर झट से उसकी पीठ पर बैठ गया आधी नदी पार हो जाने पर उसने बंदर को सच्चाई बता दी – सच्चाई सुनकर बंदर ने चतुराई से काम लिया और बोला – ” अरे मित्र ! मेरा कलेजा तो पेड़ की कोटर में ही रखा है ” यह सुनकर मगर उसे वापस पेड़ के पास ले गया।

पेड़ पर पहुँचते ही बंदर मगरमच्छ से बोला – ” अरे मूर्ख ! इतना भी नहीं जानता कि कलेजा तो अपने भीतर ही होता हैं पत्नी की बातों में आकर अपने मित्र को मारने चला था आज से हमारी मित्रता टूट गई.” मगरमच्छ अपना मैं लटकाए घर चला गया

शब्दार्थ :
गहरी = घनिष्ट, जिद = हठ, बढ़िया = अच्छा, भाभी = बड़े भाई की पत्नी, कलेजा = हृदय, पकवान = मिष्टान, झट = जल्दी, चतुर = होशियार, कोटर =पेड़ का खोखला भाग, मित्र = दोस्त, भीतर = अंदर मुँह लटकाना = निराश होना

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चतुर बंदर Summary In English

चतुर बंदर Summary In English

Once upon a time, there was two friends monkey and a Crocodile. They were best friends. Monkey lived on a tree near river bank and Crocodile in the river. Monkey gives sweet fruits to the Crocodile from the trees. Crocodile takes the ride to the monkey on his back.

Both are very happy. Crocodile takes some fruits to his house and gives to his wife. Once wife asks with the Crocodile that, the fruits given by the monkey are very sweet. So that monkey are very sweet. So that monkey’s heart may be sweeter than this. I want monkey’s heart.

चतुर बंदर Summary In English 2

Crocodile went to the river bank and said to the monkey that his wife wants to give a party to him. Monkey happily sit on the back of the Crocodile. On the midway, the crocodile disclosed the matter that his wife wants to cat monkey’s heart. Monkey told that he kept his heart in the tree nest.

चतुर बंदर Summary In English 3

So let’s go back and bring the heart. They returned back. When they reached the riverbank, the monkey jumped on the tree and told the crocodile that you fool crocodile by your’s wife wish you are ready to kill me. Are you a friend? Crocodile return back with sad.

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चतुर बंदर Summary In Kannada

चतुर बंदर Summary In Kannada 1
चतुर बंदर Summary In Kannada 2
चतुर बंदर Summary In Kannada 3

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KSEEB Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 20 रेल का खेल

Students can Download Hindi Lesson 20 रेल का खेल Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes Pdf, KSEEB Solutions for Class 6 Hindi helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Syllabus Class 6 Hindi Chapter 20 रेल का खेल

रेल का खेल Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes

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1. सोयो और बोलो

क. रेलसने सनाई ?
वक तथा बच्चे सभी मिलकर रेल

ख. ईजन कोन बनना है ?
मोहन इंजन बनता है.

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ग. सहन क्या करता है ?
सोहन गार्ड बनकर, लाल – हरी झंडी दिखलाता है

घ. रेल कैसे जाती है ?
छुक – छुक करती हुई, धुंआ उड़ती अ. रेल जाती है

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2. कविता की पंक्तियों से पूरा करो :

आओ बच्चों खेलें खेल
मिलकर सभी बनाएँ रेल ।
राम रहीम सुशीला
क्मला चुन्नी मुन्नी आओ.

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3. चित्रों को देखकर नाम जोडो:

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4. सही शब्दों को लिखकर वाक्य पूरा करो :

इ. बच्चों ने रेल चलाई (चलाया / चलाई)
ख. लाल हरी झंडी दिखलाओ (पीली / हरी)
ग.   उड़ाती जाती रेल (धूल / धुआँ)
घ. रेल पटरी पर चलती हैं (पटरी / सड़क)

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5. चित्र देखकर वाहनो के नाम लिखा 

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KSEEB Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 20 रेल का खेल 6

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6. बिंदुओं को मिलाकर चित्र पूरा करो और रंग भरो:
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रेल का खेल Summary in Hindi

बच्चों में मिलजुल कर रहने की भावना का विकास करने के लिए कवि स्वयं अE यापक के रुप में रह कर ” रेल का खेल ” खेलना चाहते हैं वे कहते हैं कि – “बच्चों आओ, हम सब मिलकर रेल का खेल खेलेंगे राम, रहीम, रमेश, सुशीला, ‘कमला, चुन्नी, मुन्नी हम सब मिल कर रेल बनाएँ और सूचना भी देते हैं कि – मोहन, तुम इंजन बनो, सीटी देकर रेल चलाओ सोहन, तुम गार्ड बनो, और पीछे जाकर लाल – हरी झंडी दिखाओ जब, छुक-छुक शब्द करते हुए, धुआँ उडाती हुई इंजन चली, तब उसके पीछे – पीछे रेल भी चली

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रेल का खेल Summary in English

Children come! we all let us play. We will make a train Ram, Rahim, Ramesh, Susheela Kamala, Chunni, Munni all come! Mohan you become an engine make a whistle and run the train. Sohan, you go back and show the Red-Green flag Train started with a sound of chuku-bukku Train moves with the smoke let behind.

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रेल का खेल Summary in Kannada

रेल का खेल Summary in Kannada

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KSEEB Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Chapter 2 Important Dynasties of South India

Students can Download Social Science History Chapter 2 Important Dynasties of South India Questions and Answers, Notes Pdf, KSEEB Solutions for Class 6 Social Science helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Syllabus Class 6 Social Science History Chapter 2 Important Dynasties of South India

Class 6 Social Science Important Dynasties of South India Textbook Questions and Answers

I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

  1. _______ were established for providing education during the period of Shatavahanas.
  2. The administrative language of Shathavahanas was _______.
  3. The societies formed by traders and skilled laborers were called _______.
  4. Gautamiputra Shathakami inscribed his name on the coins of _______.


  1. Agraharas
  2. Prakrit language
  3. Shreni
  4. Shaka’s Nahapana

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II. Answer the following in one sentence:

Question I.
Who was the greatest king of Shathavahanas?
Gautamiputra Shathakami.

Question 2.
What was the title given to Gautamiputra Shathakarni?
‘Thrisamudratoya Peethavahana’.

Question 3.
What is a ‘Chaitya’?
‘Chaitya’ is a prayer hall of Buddhists.

Question 4.
Name the book written by Hala.
‘Gatha Shaptasati’.

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Question 5.
Name the important Nigamas/towns of Shathavahanas.
Paithan, Karle, Kanheri, Junnar and Nasik of Maharashtra, Dhanyaketa of Andhrapradesha and Andhrapradesh and yjayanthi of Uttara Kannada district.

Question 6.
What is a ‘Shreni’?
The professionals and traders in the towns had societies named ‘Shreni’ to protect their interests.

III. Discuss in a group and answer the following:

Question 1.
Discuss about the trade and towns of the Shatavahana period.
The period of Shathavahans enjoyed economic prosperity. The mains reasons for this is the trade that took place within the country arid outside the country. Many towns of the Empire wre the centres of trade. The towns were called as “Nigamas’. Paithan, Karle, Kanheri, Junnar and Nasik of Maharastra.

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Question 2.
The factors responsible for the economic progress of Shatavahanas.
Dhanyaketa of Andhrapradesh and yjayanthi of Uttara Kannada district were the main centres of trade.

The towns has societies named ‘Shreni’. They were the groups formed by professionals and traders to protect their interests. For example the ‘Dhaanik Shreni’ was society of grocery merchants. Similarly, smiths, potters and others had their own societies. Each Shreni had a senior who was called as ‘Shresti’. The Shrestis were usually rich. One such Shresti had built a Chaitnya at Karle. Bullock carts, horses and donkeys were used for inland cargo movement.

The foreign trade was through the ports on the West and East coasts of the Empire. There were trade links with Rome during Shathavahana period.


I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

  1. The first dynasty of Kannada is _______.
  2. Kakusthavarma had martial relationship with the _______ dynasty of North India.


  1. Kadamba
  2. Guptas

II. Answer the following in a sentence each:

Question 1.
Who was the founder of Kadamaba dysasty?

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Question 2.
Which was the capital of Kadamabas?

Question 3.
Which is the first Kannada inscription?
Halmidi Inscription.

Question 4.
Name the educational centres of Kadamabas.
Talagunda and Kanchi.


I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

  1. Durvineeta’s mother Jeshtadevi belonged to _______ dynasty.
  2. Shreepurusha wrote ________.


  1. Punnata
  2. ‘Gaiashastra’

II. Answer the following in a sentence each.

Question 1.
Name the capital of Gangas.
Kolar (Kuvalalapura) and Talakadu (Talavana pura).

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Question 2.
In which languages was Durvineeta considered a scholar?
Sanskrit and Kannada languages.

Question 3.
Who built the lake at Kunigal?

Question 4.
Where is the statue of Gommateshwara? Who built it?
Chalukyas of Badami
The statue of Gommateshwara is in Shravanabelagola in Hassan district. It was built by Chavundaraya a minister in Rachamalla’s court.

Chalukyas of Badami

I. Answer the following in a sentence each:

Question 1.
Which was the capital of Chalukyas? In which district is it now?
Badami (Vatapi) of Bagalkot district.

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Question 2.
Name the king from North India who was defeated by Pulikeshi?

Question 3.
Which are the famous centres of Chalukyan architecture?
Badami, Pattadakallu and Aihole.

Question 4.
Which place is called as ‘The cradle of Temple Architecture’?

II. Discuss in group and answer the question:

Question 1.
Describe the military achievements of Immadi Pulikeshi.
Immadi Pulikeshi is the bravest king among Chalukyas. Though he was the heir of his father’s kingdom, he had to fight with his uncle Mangalesh to get it. He started a conquest to expand his kingdom. Kadambas and Gangas surrendered to Pulikeshi. Rashtrakutas who were his feudals rebelled against him but he defeated them. Then he defeated Lata, Malwa and Guijas at the north and proceeded towards Gujarat. In East kings from Vengi, Kalinga and Kosala surrendered to him.

He defeated the Pallavas of Kanchi in the south. Crossing the Cauvery river, he made contracts with Cholas, Keralas and Pandyas. His famous war with the Harshavardhana, who was a prominent king in northern India has historical importance. This war took place on the banks of river Narmada. In this severe war, Pulikeshi defeated Harshavardhana.

Because of this he received the titles ‘Parameshwara’ and ‘Dakshinapatheshwara’. Like this he had conquered many kingdoms in all four directions and expanded his kingdom. His kingdom spread from the Arabean Sea to the Bay of Bengal His feme had spread beyond India. He had sent a commission to the Persian king Khusru. In response to this Khusru had sent an ambassador to the court of Pulikeshi. The painting at the first cave of Ajantha is said to be of Pulikeshi welcoming the ambassador of Khusru.

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III. Match the words in column ‘A’ with the related words in column ‘B’:

1. Aihole a. World Heritage Site
2. Pattadakallu b. Royal emblem of Chalukyas
3. Varaha c. Cradle of Temple Architecture


  1. b
  2. c
  3. a


I. Answer the following in one sentence each:

Question 1.
Which was the capital of Pallavas?
Kanchi in Tamilnadu.

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Question 2.
Who was the famous king of Pallavas of Kanchi? What was the title that he gained?
The famous king of Pallavas was Narshimaverma gamed the titles ‘Mahamalla’ and ‘Vatapikonda’.

Question 3.
Where are the stone chariots of Pallava period?

Question 4.
Which are the famous temples of Pallava period?
Mahabalipura Shiva temple, Kailasanatha temple and Vaikunta Perumal temple at Kanchi.


I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

  1. The capital of Cholas was _______.
  2. _______ built Bruhadeshwara temple.


  1. Tanjavore
  2. Raja Raiachola

II. Answer the following in one sentence each:

Question 1.
Which are the famous literary works of Cholas?
The Devotional literature, ‘Periya Puranam’ and ‘Kamban Ramyana’ written by Kamban.

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Question 2.
What was the speciality of the rural administration of Cholas?
Rural administration of Cholas was ideal. Administration was done by the respective Gramasabhas. The members of Gramasabhas were elected. Committees of a few members were formed and definite functions were assigned to them. These committes had to give account of their expenditures. The ineligible members were kept out of Gramasabha. The rural administration of Cholas was similar to the present Panchayat system.

Question 3.
What are the contributions of Cholas to Indian sculpture?
The statue of Nataraja and Kalinga Mardananruthya made in Bronze.

Question 4.
Why Bruhadeshwara temple is so famous?
Bruhadeshwara temple of Tanjavore is a world famous Chola architectural display. It was built a thousand years ago. The tower of the sanctum santorum of this temple is 200 feet high. This is the biggest and highest temple in India. It has been accorded the status of World Heritage Site.

III. Discuss in a group and answer the questions:

Question 1.
What are the achievements of Rajaraja Chola?
He was a brave and efficient administrator. His empire included all those areas towards the south of river Tungabhadra, Shrilanka and Maidive islands. He had a powerful land army and navy. Bruhadeshwara temple is the contribution of Rajaraja.

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Question 2.
Write a short note on Rajendra Chola.
He was the son of Rajaraja Chola. His conquest of north India was his prominent achievement. In memory of this conquest he assumed title ‘Gangaikonda’. He also built a new capital by name ‘Gangaikonda Cholapuram’ and built a very big temple of shiva. For the purpose of irrigation to the capital, he built a tank called ‘Cholagangam’. He also won the Shreevijaya kingdom of Sumatra (Asia) and this was another of his famous achievement.


I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

  1. First available book in Kannada is _______.
  2. Aadhikavi of Kannada is _________.
  3. ________ temple of Ellora is built in single stone.


  1. Kaviraja Marga
  2. Pampa
  3. Kailasa

II. Answer the following in a sentence each:

Question 1.
Name the famous poets of Rashtrakuita period.
Srivijaya, Pampa, Ponna.

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Question 2.
Which were the important centres of Rashtrakuta architecture?
Ellora and Elephanta.

Question 3.
Name the works of Pampa.
Adipurana and Vikramarjuna Vijaya.

Question 4.
Make a list of the famous kings of Rashtrakuta dynasty.
Dhruva, Govinda III, Amogavarsha Nrupatunga, Krishna III.

Question 5.
What has Sulaiman written about Rashtrakutas?
Sulaiman, the traveller from Arabia has described that Rashtrakuta Empire was one of the four large empires of the world (The other three are Roman, Chinese and Arab).

III. Discuss in group and answer:

Question 1.
Write a short note on Amogavarsha.
Nrupatunga is the son of Govinda -III. He was corronated when he was only 14 years old. He ruled for more than sixty years. He himself was a great scholar and he had Shrivijaya, another scholar in his court.

Nrupatunga was much interested in the welfare of his subjects. He built Manyaketa city [Present Malakheda of Kalaburagi district] and this became the capital of Rashtrakutas. A traveler from Arabia, Sulaiman has described that Rashtrakuta Empire was one of the four large empires of the world. (The remaining are Roman, Arab and Chinese empires).

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Question 2.
Describe the military achievements of Krishna-III.
During the reign of Krishna-Ill the Rashtrakuta empire attained a very important position in Indian politics. Krishna defeated the Cholas and stretched his empire till Rameshwara. There he built a pillar of success and a temple. He defeated Pandyas and Cheras. He collected ransom from the king of Simhala. He did his conquest even in north India. A famous poet called Ponna was given shelter by Krishna. After Krishna-Ill the Rashtrakuta empire started declining.

Chalukyas of Kalyana

I. Fill in the blanks with suitable word:

  1. The king who started Chalukya Vikramashake is _______.
  2. The king who had the title Kavi Chakravarthy is _______.
  3. The author of Mithakshara Samhite is _______.


  1. Vikramadithya VI
  2. Ranna
  3. Vigneshwara

II. Answer the following in a sentence each:

Question 1.
Who was the famous king of Kalyana Chalukyas?
Vikramaditya-VI and Someshwara-III.

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Question 2.
Name the famous scholars who were in the court of Vikramadithya -VI.
Panditha Bilhana and Vignaneshwara.

Question 3.
Name the famous work of Mummadi Someshwara. What is its speciality?
The famous work of Mummadi Someshwara is Sanskrit encyclopedia called ‘Manasollasa’. It deals with the aspects of life.

Question 4.
Name the Ratnathrayas of Kannada literature.
Pampa, Ponna and Ranna.

Question 5.
Which temple is called the Emperor of temples? Where is it?
Mahadeva temple in Itagi of Koppala district.


I. Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Name the capitals of Hoysalas.
Belur and Dwarasamudra (Halebeedu).

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Question 2.
Name the famous kings of Hoysala dynasty.
Vishnuvardhana and Ballala -III.

Question 3.
Who was the queen of Vishnuvardhana? What was the title given to her?
Vishnuvardhana’s queen was Shanthala Devi. She was given the title ‘Natya Saraswathi’.

Question 4.
Which Hoysala king was ruling when Sultans of Delhi attacked?

Question 5.
Name the famous poets of Hoysala period.
Janna, Harihara and Raghavanka are the famous poets of Hoysala period.

Question 6.
Which are the famous temples of Hoysalas?
Hoysaleshwara temple at Halebeedu, Channakeshawa temple of Belur, Keshava temple of Somanathapura.

Question 7.
Name the sculptors who built Channakeshava temple of Belur.
Dasoja of Balligaare and Nagoja of Gadag.

II. Discuss in group and answer the question:

Question 1.
Write a short note on Ballala-III.
He was the last famous king of Hoysala dynasty. He ruled for fifty years. During his time, Sultans of Delhi attacked southern states.very often. They destroyed the temples and looted the wealth. Because of their attacks many famous dynasties of South India including Hoysalas disappeared. Ballala-III had to face this disaster alone. The sultan of Madurai who was the representative of Delhi Sultans increased his cruelty. Ballala was old but still continued to fight with Sultans. He was killed by Sultans After him his son Ballala-IV came to power but died very soon. Thus Hoysala dynasty ended 670 years ago.

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Question 2.
What are the common features of Hoysala temples?
The contribution of Hoysalas to architecture and sculpture is incomparable. Hoysala temples are famous for fine carvings. The common features of these temples are

  • They are built on a star shaped basement.
  • The Navrang pillars inside the temple are very smooth.
  • On the outside wall ofthe temple episodes of mythology are depicted.

The famous temples of Hoysala are Hoysaleshwara of Halebidu, Channakeshava of Belur, Keshava of Somanathapura are important.

III. Match the words in column ‘A’ with the related words in column ‘B’:

1. Sala a. Halebidu
2. Shantale b. Kabbigara Kaavam
3. Belur c. Founder of Hoysala dynasty
4. Anandaiah d. Natyasaraswati
5. Dwarasamudra e. Channakeshava temple


  1. e
  2. d
  3. a
  4. b
  5. c

Class 6 Social Science Important Dynasties of South India Additional Questions and Answers

I. Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Which was the capital of Shathavahanas?
Paithan or Prathisthan of Maharashtra.

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Question 2.
Which God did the Shathavahanas worship?
God Pranaveshwara of Talagundha in Shivamogga district.

Question 3.
Which was the major educational centre of Shatavahanas?
Talagunda (Sthanakundur) of Shivamogga district.

Question 4.
What is a‘Vihara’?
‘Vihara’ is a place where Buddhist monks stay.

Question 5.
Who is called as ‘Shresti’?
The societies of Shathavahan traders were called ‘Shreni’. Each Shreni had a senior who was called as ‘Shresti’.

Question 6.
Which foreign empire had trade relations with Shatavahanas?
Roman Empire.

Question 7.
What was the emblem of Kadamba dynasty?

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Question 8.
Write a note on the Kadamba king Mayura Varma?
He was a Brahmin and had been to Kanchi for his higher education. There he was insulted by a Pallava military officer. Mayur Varma felt so offended that he decided to become a Kshatriya. He gathered the tribal people and attacked Pallavas. Finally the king of Pallavas to accepted Mayura Varma as king and gave away many places of Karnataka to him to rule. Mayur Varma got the Chandravalli Lake repaired near Chitradurga.

Question 9.
Which were the educational centres of Kadambas.
Agrahara and Ghatikasthana.

Question 10.
Which book did Durvineeta translate into Sanskrit?
Gundhya’s ‘Vaddukatha’.

Question 11.
Which is the famous large lake built by Shreepurusha of Ganga dynasty in Karnataka.
Kunigal Lake.

Question 12.
Name the famous temples of Ganga dynasty?
Kapileshwara temple (Nelamangala Taluk), Pataleshwara temple (Talakadu) Kolaramma temple (Kolar) Panchakuta basadi (Nagamangala Taluk).

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Question 13.
What are the titles gained by Pulakeshi II.
Parameshwara and Dakshinapatheshwara.

Question 14.
Which tank did Rajendra Chola build for irrigation?

Question 15.
Which city built by Rashtrakuta king Nrupatunga became the capital city of Rashtrakuta’s.
Manyaketa of Kalaburagi district.

II. Fill in the blanks:

  1. The towns of Shatavahana empire were called _______.
  2. The senior member of a ‘Shreni’ was called _______.
  3. Hala wrote _______.
  4. The first known Kannada inscription is the _______.
  5. _______ was a famous kannada prose writer.
  6. _______ is a famous World Heritage Site.
  7. The embossed sculpture at Mahabalipura is called _______.
  8. The villages of Chola period were small _______.
  9. Raja Raja Chola had a powerful army and _______.
  10. _______ is a small island near Mumbai port.


  1. Nigamas
  2. Shrestis
  3. Gatha Shaptasati
  4. Halmidi Inscription
  5. Durveenitha
  6. Pattadakallu
  7. Gangavathara
  8. Republic states
  9. Navy
  10. Elephanta

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III. Match the following:

1. Harishchandra Kavya a. Sculptors
2. Ragale b. Itagi
3. Dasoja and Nagoja c. Arabic traveller
4. Mahadeva temple d. Kavi Chakravarthi
5. Ranna e. First kannada poet
6. Sulaiman f. Raja Raja Chola
7. Pampa g. Panchayat system
8. Bruhadeshwara temple h. Trade links with Rome
9. Rural administration of cholas i. Harihara
10. Shathavahanas j. Raghavanka


  1. c
  2. d
  3. f
  4. e
  5. g
  6. h
  7. i
  8. j
  9. b
  10. a

KSEEB Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Chapter 10 Africa – The Central Continent

Students can Download Social Science Geography Chapter 10 Africa – The Central Continent Questions and Answers, Notes Pdf, KSEEB Solutions for Class 6 Social Science helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Syllabus Class 6 Social Science Geography Chapter 10 Africa – The Central Continent

Class 6 Social Science Africa – The Central Continent Textbook Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Why is Africa called the Dark Continent?
Africa is called a ‘Dark continent’ because of the obstacles to explore its interior regions. The Sahara desert was a formidable obstacle to reach the interior of Africa.

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Question 2.
Africa is known as the Central Continent. Why?
Africa is almost at the centre of the earth and surrounded by other continents, so it is referred to as central continent. Moreover, the equator passes almost at the centre of Africa.

Question 3.
What is Isthmus?
Isthmus is a narrow strip of land joining two large land masses.

Question 4.
Name the basins of Africa.
Africa has five important basins. They are

  1. Sudan basin
  2. Chad Basin
  3. Djouf basin
  4. Congo (Zaire) Basin
  5. Kalahari Basin

Question 5.
Which is the highest peak of Africa?
Mt. Kilimanjaro (5,895 m).

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Question 6.
Mention the types of natural vegetation of Africa.
Natural vegetation of Africa is, Equatorial rain forest, Monsoon forest, Savanna grassland, Veld grassland, Mediterranean vegetation, Mountain vegetation, Desert vegetation, Semi-desert vegetation.

Question 7.
Which is the longest river of Africa?
The Nile.

Question 8.
Name the important food crops of Africa.
Maize, Millets, Rice, Cassara, Sweet potato, Peanuts and Starch crops.

Question 9.
Which African countries are rich in diamond reserves?
Botswana, Zaire, South Africa, Angola, Namibia and Ghana.

Class 6 Social Science Africa – The Central Continent Additional Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Which is the southern most point of Africa.
Cape Agulhas (South Africa).

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Question 2.
Which lake in Africa is the second deepest lake in the world?
Lake Tanganyika (1,436 m deep).

Question 3.
Which is the largest lake of Africa?
Lake Victoria (69,481 km2).

Question 4.
Mt. Kilimanjaro lies close to the equator but its peak is always covered with snow. Why?
Although Mt. Kilimanjaro is close to the equator, its peak is covered with snow due it is great height (5,895 m)

Question 5.
Which is the biggest man made canal?
The Suez canal.

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Question 6.
Name the important rivers of Africa.
Africa has four mighty rivers: The Nile, the Congo, the Niger, and the Zambezi the Senegal, the Orange and the Limpopo are the other important rivers of Africa.

Question 7.
Which is the longest dam in Africa?
The Aswan dam built across the river Nile in Egypt.

Question 8.
Which is the wettest dam in Africa?
Cameroon which receives 1016 cm of rainfall.

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Question 9.
What are the temperate grasslands of Africa called.
High Veldts.

KSEEB Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 15 ता, ते, ती

Students can Download Hindi Lesson 15 ता, ते, ती Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes Pdf, KSEEB Solutions for Class 6 Hindi helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Syllabus Class 6 Hindi Chapter 15 ता, ते, ती

ता, ते, ती Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes

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1. वाक्य पूरा करो:

  1. बंदर केला खा___ हैं (ता/ता)
  2. सुमा दूध पी____ हैं (ता/ती)
  3. अध्यापक पाठ पढा____हैं (ती/ते)
  4. लड़कियाँ मैदान में खेल ___हैं (ती/ती)


  1. ता
  2. ती
  3. ते
  4. ती

KSEEB Solutions

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