Karnataka SSLC Social Science Model Question Paper 5 with Answers

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Karnataka State Syllabus SSLC Social Science Model Question Paper 5 with Answers

Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 80

I. Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions / incomplete statements. Only one of them is correct or most appropriate. Choose the correct alternative and write the complete answer along with its letter of alphabet in your answer booklet. (8 × 1 = 8)

Question 1.
Who among the following was connected with ‘Blue water policy’
A. De Almedia
B. Albuqueraque
C. Dupleix
D. Robert Clive
A. De Almedia

Question 2.
The ‘Poona Pact’ awarded
A. Seperate constituencies for the untouchables.
B. Implementation of ‘Communal Award’
C. Reservation for Untouchables amons seneral constituencies.
D. Right to vote for untouchables.
C. Reservation for Untouchables amons seneral constituencies.

Karnataka SSLC Social Science Model Question Paper 5 with Answers

Question 3.
India is trying to achieve member status in which organ of the UNO
A. International Labour Organisation
B. United Nations Human Rights council
C. Trusteeship Council
D. Security Council
D. Security Council

Question 4.
Empowerment of rural women is done through
A. Panchayat Raj
B. Grama Sabha
C. Poverty Alleviation schemes
D. Self-help groups
D. Self-help groups

Question 5.
Female foeticide is a form of
A. Sexual offence
B. Gender discrimination
C. Birth control
D. Social Problem
B. Gender discrimination

Karnataka SSLC Social Science Model Question Paper 5 with Answers

Question 6.
The important factor for the location of an industry is
A. Availability of raw Material
B. Availability of power resource
C. Availability of water resource
D. All of the above
D. All of the above

Question 7.
The availability of all goods and services which are used by individuals of a country is
A. Economic Development
B. Economic Welfare
C. Economic Growth
D. Economic Equality
B. Economic Welfare

Question 8.
Banking transactions in India are controlled by
A. State Bank of India
B. Reserve Bank of India
C. Canara Bank
D. Vijaya Bank
B. Reserve Bank of India

Karnataka SSLC Social Science Model Question Paper 5 with Answers

II. Answer the following questions in a sentence each: (8 × 1 = 8)

Question 9.
What did Gandhi believe would drive out the British from India?
Gandhi believed that the British would withdraw from India if the Hindu and Muslims fight united.

Question 10.
Who is regarded as the father of Modern Education in India?
Warren Hastings.

Question 11.
Why is Communalism a threat to India?
Communalism creates social differences, mutual suspicion and fear in the society and integrity and unity of a nation.

Question 12.
Though women and men engage in similar work, women are paid less. Such discrimination is known as?
Gender discrimination or Gender inequality.

Question 13.
The distribution of population of India is uneven give reasons?
The distribution of population in India is uneven because of varied geographical and cultural factors.

Question 14.
Mention one factor affecting the localization of Industries?
Supply of Raw Material.

Question 15.
The total value of all goods and services produced in a country during one year is known as?
National Income.

Question 16.
What is meant by ‘Plastic Money’?
Credit and debit cards issued by banks.

Karnataka SSLC Social Science Model Question Paper 5 with Answers

III. Answer the following questions in three to four sentences each : (8 × 2 = 16)

Question 17.
What was the cause and results of Carnatic war-III?
The Third Carnatic War was fought between the English and the French between 1756 and 1763.
Causes :

  • Comte De Lally of the French attempted to besiege Wandiwash in 1760.
  • The English army under Sir Eyrecoote defeated and imprisoned Bussi.
  • Comte De Lally escaped and hid in Pondicherry.
  • Eyrecoote attacked Pondicherry and Lally had to surrender unconditionally in 1761.

Results :

  • French had to lose all their bases in India, due to Carnatic wars.
  • Pondicherry was returned to the French, according to the ‘Treaty of Paris’ in 1763.
  • French lost importance in India.
  • The English reigned supreme in Southen India, after defeating all their rivals.

Question 18.
What were the administrative and military reasons that led to the mutiny of 1857.
Administrative Reasons :

  • Implementing civil and criminal laws was partial
  • English became the language of the court.
  • English judges were partial to Europeans.
  • Indians did not like new laws.

Military Reasons

  • Pathetic situation of Indian soldiers in British army.
  • Indian soldiers were payed less then British soldiers.
  • No promotion prospects.
  • Indian soldiers were pressurised to work over-seas.
  • It hurt the religious sentiments of Indian soldiers.

Question 19.
What are the basic aspects of India’s foreign policy.

  • Panchasheela Principles
  • Non – Aligned Movement.
  • Anti – Imperialism
  • Anti- Apartheid policy


What are the achievement of UNO

  • Peace keeping functions Suez Canal, Iran, Indonesia, Kashmir, Palastine, Korea.
  • Economic and Financial: GATT, Establishment of World Bank, IMF
  • Social Achivements: World Health Organisations, UNESCO, UNICEF, World Refugee Council.

Question 20.
What are the types of Gender Discrimination according to Amratya Sen.

  • Inequality in birthrate.
  • Inequality in ownership
  • Inequality in Infrastructure
  • Inequality in family
  • Inequality in Opportunities


Child Marriage is a bane of Indian Society. Why?

  • Patriarchal values
  • Gender discrimination
  • Lack of girl education.
  • Poor implementation of laws

Karnataka SSLC Social Science Model Question Paper 5 with Answers

Question 21.
How does Floriculture help economic development of India?

  • Floriculture plays a significant role in Indian Agriculture.
  • It has a great potential of generating income.
  • It provides employment opportunities for farmers and women
  • Adds to export of India.

Question 22.
Why is there a need for non – conventional energy resources.

  • They are renewable, pollution free, eco-friendly.
  • Found in abundance.
  • Can be conveniently supplied to urban and rural areas.
  • Capable of meeting power requirements in India.
  • Will augment energy crisis.

Question 23.
India’s Human Development Index is very low (0.554) Explain.
India rank’s 136 out of 186 countries in HDI (Human Development Index) explain.
In the year 2012 HDI was 0.554. India ranked 136 among 166 countries.

  • Low life expectancy (65.8 years)
  • Low per Capita Income ($3203)
  • Low average years of schooting (4.4 years)

Question 24.
Explain the importance of an Entrepreneur.

  • Entrepreneurs activate and stimulate economics of a country.
  • Entrepreneurs promote capital formation by mobilising savings of public,
  • Entrepreneurs create and innovate new products.
  • They strive had to satisfy needs of the people.

IV. Answer the following questions in six sentences each : (9 × 3 = 27)

Question 25.
What were the causes and result of First – Anglo Mysore war.
Causes :

  • The British, Marathas and Nizam did not tolerate Hyder Ali’s rise to power.
  • Hyder Ali cunningly broke the tri-party alliance of British, Nizam and Marathas.
  • Hyder Ali attacked Arcot in 1767 along with the Nizam’s army.

Results :

  • Hyder Ali captured Madras in 1769.
  • The British signed ‘Treaty of Madras’ (1769)
  • According to the Treaty, British had to help Hyder Ali when attacked by neighbouring kings.


What are the important features of the India Government Act of – 1858.

  • The license of East India Company was canceled and India was brought under the direct administration of the Queen.
  • The post of Governor General was changed into ‘Viceroy’. Lord Canning became the first Viceroy of India.
  • A new post called ‘Secretary of State for India’ was created in the British government. The secretary was part of British cabinet and was responsible for the administration of India.
  • A Council of India was created in order to assist the secretary in the administration. The council had fifteen members.

Karnataka SSLC Social Science Model Question Paper 5 with Answers

Question 26.
The Revolt of 1857 was an extremely important event in India History. Substantiate.

  • It was an expression of the accumulated grievances against the company administration.
  • It was an ultimate expression Indian’s dislike of British Rule.
  • The administration passed into the hands of the crown by the Government of India Act 1858.
  • Doctrine of Lapse was withdrawn.
  • End of Mughal and Peshwa rule.

Question 27.
The Prarthana Samaj was doing religious as well as social reforms Justify.

  • Dr. Athma Ram Panduranga started Prarthana Samaj in 1867.
  • It aimed to find solutions to problems faced by woman and lower caste people.
  • It argued that reinterpretation of Hinduism was needed.
  • It started programmes to educate women.
  • It rehabilitated poor people.
  • It fought against child marriage and discrimination of widows.
  • It encouraged widow remarriage.

Question 28.
Discuss the relevance fo India’s Non- aligned policy.

  • India followed non – aligned policy with both USA and USSR.
  • It commanded the faith of both the power block.
  • It secured financial assistance from USA.
  • It secured military aid from USSR.
  • It dealt every international event independently.
  • India’s non-aligned policy guided the wars of 1965 and 1971 with Pakistan.

Question 29.
What are the reasons and effects of child trafficking.
Reasons :

  • Child labour, Child marriage, School dropout, poverty, negligent family, bonded labour.
  • Migrations exposure to social media, social inequalities, gender discrimination.
  • Lack of skills, Poverty, illiteracy etc.

Effects :

  • Physical, Psychological and Social exploitation.
  • Children infected with STD’s / HIV/AIDS.
  • Pregnancy, abortion deaths, murders, drug addictions.

Question 30.
What are the factors of the location of Iron and steel industries in India? Factors of the location of Iron and Steel
industries in India.

  • Supply of iron ore.
  • Supply of coking coal and hydel power.
  • Railway and port facilities for internal and external, trade.
  • Plenty of water supply.
  • Cheap Labour.
  • Capital and local market.


What are the causes of population growth in India?
Causes of Population Growth :

  • High birth rate due to early marriage, religious attitudes, polygamy, poverty, illiteracy, tropical climate.
  • Low death rate due to improved medical facilities, control of epidemics lower infant mortality, education.

Question 31.
Multipurpose river valley projects have multiple benefits. Justify.

  • They provide water for irrigation.
  • They control floods.
  • Generate hydro-electricity.
  • Prevent soil-erosion.
  • Help to develop inland waterways and fishing.
  • Provide recreation facilities.
  • Provide water for domestic use and industries.
  • To reclaim land for agriculture.
  • Afforestation.

Karnataka SSLC Social Science Model Question Paper 5 with Answers

Question 32.
Explain the evolution of Paper money and the advantages of Banking money.
The metallic coins were unsafe to carry from one place to another. Therefore, traders began to carry the written documents issued by well known financiers as evidence of the quantity of money at their command. The written documents were not actual money, but were accepted and exchanged for money.

When such documents were issued by governments, they were called as ‘promissory notes’ or currency. Later on the central banks established by the governments started printing notes that had the guarantee of the government. This paper money became legal tender that is the legally acceptable money.

No individual can refuse the legal tender in that respective country. The legal tender is called as Rupee in India; Dollar in the USA; Pound in England; Euro in Europe; Yen in Japan; Yuan in China, etc.

Advantages of Banking money
As trade and commerce flourished bankers started issuing instruments for still easy transaction. Cheques, drafts, deposit (Credit) receipts etc., thus, came to be used as money. These help inn transactions as well as transfer of money between persons and places.


What is ‘Public expenditure’ and ‘Public revenue’
The expenditure incurred by public authorities like central, state and local governments to satisfy the collective social wants of the people is known as public expenditure. It is incurred on various activities for the welfare of people and also for the economic development, especially in developing countries.

‘Public Revenue:
‘Public Revenue’ is the income mobilized by the Government for purposes of financing Government activities.

Question 33.
“The number of saving bank account holders is increasing Give reasons.

  • Saving accounts encourages the habit of saving among the people who have an income
  • Banks provide many facilities and services for saving account holders such as Electronic fund transfer, Gold Loans, etc.
  • The money is safe in a bank account and prevents unnecessary expenses.
  • If money is needed urgently, it can be withdrawn at a convenient ATM at their own convenient time.


What are the vital characteristics required to be an entrepreneur.
The characteristics of an Entrepreneur are :

  • Creativity
  • Dynamism
  • Team building
  • Problem solving
  • Risk taking
  • Commitment

Karnataka SSLC Social Science Model Question Paper 5 with Answers

V. Answer the following questions in Six sentences each : (4 × 4 = 16)

Question 34.
Describe Gandhiji’s early years in South Africa.
Gandhiji went to Natal in South Africa to represent Dada Abdulla and Company in 1893.

Though Gandhi intended to be at Natal only three months, he ended up living in South Africa for twenty long years. He opposed the Apartheid policy that discriminated between dark skinned and pale skinned people.

He invested a new tool of protest called ‘Satyagraha’ and formulated its dos and don ts. Many South Africans take pride in declaring that “You sent us unformed Gandhi and We sent back the complete of Gandhi”.

Gandhi conceived the protest based on Sathyagraha and Non-Violence for the first time, He founded Natal Indian Congress. Gandhi published periodical ‘Indian Opinion’ for the first time to express his views and formulated the opinion of people in order to intensify the struggle further he started ‘Passive Resistance Organization’.

He started ‘Tolstoy Farm’ and Phoenix Farm’ to train the people in Sathyagraha and non-violent .peace struggles. Many people like Hermann Kallenbach, his wife Kasturba, Children lent their helping hand to Gandhiji. Finally, feeling pressured by the agitations led by Gandhiji, the government of South Africa, withdrew all restrictions and prohibitions against Indians and Black people.

Once, Gandhiji was traveling from Pretoria and Durban in first class railway compartment. He was thrown out of the compartment by a white officer. This made him to realize the hardships faced by Indians in the various places of South.

Africa. He himself has recorded that there were more hash discriminations in South Africa than in England. After leading a long struggle in South Africa, Gandhiji arrived back to India in 1915.

Question 35.
The service of B.R. Ambedkar in drafting the Indian Constitution is indispensable justify?

  • Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was the Chairman of the ‘Drafting Committee’
  • He advocated equality in the constitution.
  • He provided legal guarantees against untouchability in the constitution.
  • The practice of untouchability is now crime because of Dr. Ambedkar’s input to the constitution.
  • Ambedkar was instrumental in bringing modernity, rationality and retaining the Indian essence is the Indian constitution.


Explain the major achievements of Nehru as the first Prime Minister of India.
As the Prime Minister of India Pandit Nehru can be seen as the architect of Industrialization and modern India. Nehru became instrumental in the Integration of India which was achieved through the Home Minister of his cabinet, Vallabhabai Patel, the Tr6n Man of India’ who was successful in bringing all the princely states of India together.

He also laid foundation for the diverse culture of India by implementing ‘language based reorganization of states’ policy. He had firmly believed that ‘only complete industrialization can bring development’.

He sought to develop India through ‘Five Year Plans’. He sought to develop infrastructure and heavy industries through these five year plans. With the aim of mastering atomic energy, he laid the foundation for that under the leadership of H.J. Baba. On the external affairs front, India wanted to stay away from both the powerful blocs of cold war period and advocated Non Aligned Movement. He was instrumental in staying away from power politics by adhering to Panchasheela Principles. He died in 1964.

Question 36.
How did USA gain upperhand in the competition of stockpiling weapons?
The Second World War caused utmost misery and death in the human history. It also changed the social political and economic changes m the world. In the place of League of Nations, United Nations Organization came into existence. The winning countries of the Second World War; England, China, USA, USSR and France became the permanent members of the UN Security Council. USSR and USA became powerful among rival countries.

This led to the Cold War. The colonies of Asia and Africa were able to achieve their independence. England, France and other European countries lost their most of colonies. The Indian Independence can be understood from this angle also. Since, USA used Nuclear Weapon in Japan, Nuclear Arm race started between the powerful countries.

Question 37.
Irrigation is very essential in India. Why?
India is an agricultural country. Therefore it needs a regular and sufficient supply of water. Agriculture in India depends mainly on monsoon rainfall. It is seasonal, uncertain and unevenly distributed.

There are certain crops with require a larger and regular water supply, such as Rice, Sugarcane etc. Besides to increase the yield and production of crops requires regular supply of water. This can be provided only by irrigation which is very essential in India.

Karnataka SSLC Social Science Model Question Paper 5 with Answers

VI. 38. Draw outline map of India and mark the given by naming them (1 + 4 = 5)

A] 82 1/2° E Longitude
B] Kemmangundi
C] Mumbai High
D] Eastern Ghats
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