KSEEB Solutions for Class 8 Economics Chapter 3 National Income and Sectoral aspects of The Indian Economy

Students can Download Economics Chapter 3 National Income and Sectoral aspects of The Indian Economy Questions and Answers, Notes, KSEEB Solutions for Class 8 Social Science helps you to revise complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Syllabus Class 8 Social Science Economics Chapter 3 National Income and Sectoral Aspects of The Indian Economy

Class 8 Social Science National Income and Sectoral Aspects of The Indian Economy Textual Questions and Answers

I. Fill In The Blanks:

Question 1.
Per capita income = National income divided by ______

Question 2.
Agency responsible for estimation of national income in India is ______
CSO [Central Statistical Organisation]

Question 3.
The highest share in national income of India today is from ______ sector.
Primary sector

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Question 4.
Small scale industries are defined in the terms of ______

Question 5.
Indian agriculture is said to be with monsoons.

Question 6.
The extent of irrigated area in India is about ______ percent of cultivated area.

II. Answer The Following:

Question 1.
Define national income
National income refers to the total value of goods and services produced annually in a country.

Question 2.
If the total income of a family of 5 members in 2015 was Rs 567890. Calculate the per capita income of the members of the family.
Total income = 567890
Total members = 5
= \(\frac { 567890 }{ 5 } \)

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Question 3.
State how small industries are helpful growth of a country like India.

  1. Employment generation
  2. Mobilization of resource
  3. Equitable distribution of income
  4. Regional dispersal of industries
  5. Development of technology
  6. Promotes exports.

Question 4.
What are the reasons for the decline in the size of an agricultural holding in India?

  1. As a population dependent on agriculture has increased, the holdings have been subdivided into smaller pieces.
  2. It is not possible to take up any kind of development works on such a small piece of land.

Question 5.
Examine the reasons for the crisis in Indian agriculture,

  1. Uneconomic size of the cultivated holding.
  2. High population.
  3. Rain-fed farming and droughts
  4. Partial impact of the green revolution
  5. Lack of government support to Irrigation.
  6. Inadequate credit from institutional sources.
  7. Inability to get remunerative prices.

Question 6.
Discuss the measures to overcome agricultural crises in India. Explain anyone.

  1. Increasing public investment
  2. Expanding credit availability
  3. Marketing reforms
  4. Crop insurance
  5. Counseling and moral supports
  6. Regulating private money lenders.

Increasing public investment Water harvesting Research in new varieties of seeds New cultivation methods Extension and training of farmers.

Class 8 Social Science National Income and Sectoral Aspects of The Indian Economy Additional Questions and Answers

I. Answer The Following Questions:

Question 1.
Which are the problems of small scales?

  1. Non – availability of row
  2. Problem of finance
  3. Low technical skill
  4. Marketing problems
  5. Competition from large scale industries.

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Question 2.
Which are the observing methods of national income?

  • The rate of economic growth
  • Changes in average living standards
  • Changes in the distribution of income

Question 3.
Write the importance of small industries,

  1. employment generation
  2. Mobilization of Resources
  3. Equitable distribution of income.
  4. Regional dispersal of industries.
  5. Development of technology
  6. Promotes exports

II. Multiple Choice Questions

1. The total value of goods and services produced annually in a country is called ______
a. Per-capita income
b. National income
c. Growth of income
d. Total of India’s income
b. National income

2. In India, the central statistical organization started in India because ______
a. to estimates per capita income.
b. to estimates and publishes the national income data.
c. It helps us to know about income.
d. to measure the level of income.
b. to estimates and publishes the national income data.

3. Secondary sector is also called as ______
a. Private sector
b. Tertiary sector
c. Manufacturing sector
d. Primary sector
c. Manufacturing sector

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4. Government of India is set up Mudra Bank because ______
a. to help the small scale industries.
b. helps to agriculture
c. supports to traders
d. to encourages savings.
a. to help the small scale industries.

5. “Indian agriculture is a gamble with the monsoons” because ______
a. floods will destroy the crops
b. As a monsoon so is agriculture
c. Agriculture depends on the monsoon.
d. lack of irrigation and frequent droughts.
d. lack of irrigation and frequent droughts.

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