KSEEB SSLC Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Indian Forest Resources

Students can Download Geography Chapter 5 Indian Forest Resources Questions and Answers, Notes Pdf, KSEEB SSLC Class 10 Social Science Solutions helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Syllabus Class 10 Social Science Geography Chapter 5 Indian Forest Resources

Class 10 Social Science Indian Forest Resources Textual Questions and Answers

I. Fill in the blanks with suitable answers.

Question 1.
The …………. forests do not shed their leaves all at the same time in the year.
The tropical Evergreen.

Question 2.
Mansoon forests are also known as ………….
The tropical deciduous

Question 3.
The Himalayas have ……….. type of forests.

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Question 4.
The ……… forests are mainly found in the deltas of rivers.

Question 5.
The Nagarjuna sagar wild life sanctuary is in ………… state.

II. Answer the following questions after discussing them in groups.

Question 1.
What is meant by forests?
A large area of land covered with trees and undergrowth is called forests.

Question 2.
Name the area where desert vegetation is found in India?
The Thar desert including parts of Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan and Deccan Plateau.

Question 3.
Mention any four measures for the conservation of forests?
Measures for the conservation of forests in India.

  • Control of deforestation
  • Restriction on grazing
  • Control of forest fires
  • Prevention of encroachment on forests
  • Control of forest insects and diseased.
  • Controlling illegal cutting of trees.
  • Scientific cutting of trees.
  • Legislation to check deforestation.
  • Encourage afforestation
  • Creating awareness among the people about the importance of forests.

Question 4.
What is meant by wildlife sanctuaries?
Wildlife sanctuary (WLS) refers to a place meant for providing protection to wildlife.

Question 5.
Name the National Parks of Karnataka.
Bannerghatta and Nagara Hole are the important National parks of Karnataka.

Question 6.
Mention the main objectives of Biosphere reserves.
The biosphere reserves are a special category of the protected area of land or coastal environments. Here people are an integral component of the system.
The main objectives of Biosphere

  • Conservation.
  • Research
  • Education and
  • Local involvement.

Class 10 Social Science Indian Forest Resources Additional Questions and Answers

Question 1.
………. provides shelter to wildlife

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Question 2.
Forests can be classified ………… main types.

Question 3.
Forest is one of the …………. resources.

Question 4.
In………… there is less forest area.

Question 5.
……… is an important tree growing in mangrove forest.

Question 6.
In Ganga delta……….. trees are more

Question 7.
Tropical Deciduous Forests are also called ………….
Monsoon forests.

Question 8.
In India, there are …………… Biosphere reservers.

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Question 9.
There are …………. National parks in India.

Question 10.
…………… is the National park of Uttarkhand.

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
Assam, Manipura, and Andaman has this type of forest
a) Desert vegetation
b) The tropical deciduous forests
c) The tropical evergreen forests
d) Grassland regions
c) The tropical evergreen forests

Question 2.
The main feature of Desert vegetation is
a) These are found in areas with annual rainfall of 10-15 cms
b) It has scattered trees and thorny bushes
c) Jhand, Khair, Kolko trees are found here
d) It has all the above features
d) It has all the above features

Question 3.
Bharathpur and Ranathambur wild life sanctuaries are in
a) Madhyapradesh
b) Uttar pradesh
c) Maharashtra
d) Rajasthan
d) Rajasthan

Question 4.
In India, the first biosphere came into existence in 1986 at
a) Nilgiri Hills
b) Agasthyamalai
c) Great Nicobar
d) Sundarban
a) Nilgiri Hills

Question 5.
The main use of forest is
a) Check the soil erosion
b) Control the floods
c) Maintain ecological balance
d) All of the above
d) All of the above

Question 6.
Kusum, Kanju, Myrobalan and Mango trees belong to type of Forests
a) Mangrove forests
b) Mountain forests
c) Desert vegetation
d) Monsson forests
d) Monsoon Forests

Question 7.
The Mountain forests have these type of trees
a) Pine and cedar
b) Canes and palms
c) Khair and Babul
d) Neem and tamarind
a) Pine and cedar

Question 8.
This is the first national park of India
a) Yellow stone
b) Bannerghatta
c) Jim Corbett
d) Sundarban
c) Jim Corbett

Two Marks Questions

Question 1.
Write the features of the Tropical Evergreen forests.
The trees and plants do not shed their leaves during the year at the same time.

Hence they are evergreen:

  • The important trees are Teak, Rosewood, Ebony, Mahogony, Gurjan and Champa.

Question 2.
Write a note on Scrub forest and grassland.
These are found in areas having 60 to 100cm of rainfall.

  • The scrub with short coarse grass, thorny trees and bushes are found scattered in kutch and fringes of the Thar desert.
  • Grasslands are found in Eastern Rajasthan, Punjab.

Question 3.
Which are the features of Mountain forests.

  • The trees and plants which grow on the slopes of the mountain are called “mountain forests’.
  • The plants and trees are vary with increasing altitude.
  • The important trees are Oak, Chestnut, Ash, Beech, Pine, Cedar, Spruce, Fir, Deodar and Walnut.

Question 4.
Which are the important Wild Life Sanctuaries of India?
The important Wild Life Sanctuary are as follows :

  • Annamalai and Madumalai
  • Dandeli
  • Bhadra
  • Talakaveri
  • B.R. Hills
  • Periyar
  • Nagarjunasagar
  • Bharathpur and Rathambur
  • Manas, Jaldapara etc

Three Marks Questions

Question 1.
Write the different types forests in India
Different types of forests are

  • The tropical evergreen forests
  • The tropical deciduous forests
  • Scrub forest and grass land
  • Desert vegetation
  • Mountain forests
  • Mangrove forests

Question 2.
Mention the important Biosphere reserves of India.
These are about 18 biosphere reserves in India they are as follows

  • Nilgiri
  • Nandadevi
  • Nokrek
  • Manas
  • Great Nicobar
  • Gulf of Manner
  • Sundarban
  • Simplify
  • Kanchenjunga
  • Panchami
  • Agastyamalai
  • Dibru
  • Saikhowa
  • Dang
  • Dibang etc

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