Karnataka SSLC English Model Question Paper 5 with Answers (3rd Language)

Students can Download Karnataka SSLC English Model Question Paper 5 with Answers (3rd Language), Karnataka SSLC English Model Question Papers with Answers helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Syllabus SSLC English Model Question Paper 5 With Answers (3rd Language)

Time: 2 Hrs. 30 min
Max Marks: 80

I. Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions/incomplete statements. Only one of them is correct or most appropriate. Choose the correct alternative and write the complete answer along with its letter of alphabet. (8 × 1 = 8)

Question 1.
Give one word for ‘a place for keeping birds’
A. garden
B. aviary
C. apiary
D. shed
B. aviary

Question 2.
Indian army is highly professional. The underlined word in the above sentence is
A. proper noun
B. abstract noun
C. collective noun
D. common noun
C. collective noun

Karnataka SSLC English Model Question Paper 5 with Answers (3rd Language)

Question 3.
The word “happy” can be written in its antonym form by using the prefix
A. dis
B. il
C. ir
D. un
D. un

Question 4.
The mother parrot led the babies ………. the tree. Fill in the blank with correct preposition
A. on
B. under
C. into
D. above
B. under

Question 5.
Latha acted in 8 films in Hindi and Marati. The correct form of question to be framed to get the underlined word as answer is………..
A. Who acted in 8 films?
B. How much film did Latha acted?
C. How many films did Latha act in Hindi and Marati?
D. How many films did Latha acted in Hindi and Marati?
C. How many films did Latha act in Hindi and Marati?

Question 6.
What a huge building Vidhana Soudha is! The above sentence can be changed into an assertive sentence as
A. Vidhana Soudha is a building.
B. What kind of building is Vidhana Soudha?
C. Vidhana Soudha is a big building.
D. Vidhana Soudha is very huge building.
D. Vidhana Soudha is very huge building.

Question 7.
The fruit was too rotten to eat. This can be written by removing’ too… to’ and using’ so that not ‘as………
A. The fruit was so much rotten.
B. The fruit was so rotten that one cannot eat.
C. The rotten fruit cannot be eaten.
D. The fruit is rotten and cannot be eaten.
B. The fruit was so rotten that one cannot eat.

Question 8.
She gave a nice speech. The above sentence can be written in passive voice as ………..
A. A nice speech was given by her
B. A nice speech was given.
C. She gave nice speech.
D. A nice speech she gave.
A. A nice speech was given by her

II. Answer each of the following questions in a sentence. [1 x 8 = 8]

Question 9.
Who was Chandan Das?
Chandandas was a dear friend of Rakashasa. He was not a man who would let out a secret for anything in the world.

Question 10.
Which river flows in Kashmir?
River Jhelum.

Karnataka SSLC English Model Question Paper 5 with Answers (3rd Language)

Question 11.
Name the president who awarded Bharat Ratna to M .S. Subbulaskshmi.
K.R. Narayanan.

Question 12.
Who wrote the poem “Autumn Song”?
Smt. SarojiniNaidu.

Question 13.
How did the fisherman support his family?
The fisher – man supported his family by selling the fishes he caught in the river Ganges.

Question 14.
When will everyone be your friend?
When we have money and wealth to spend, everyone is our friend.

Question 15.
List the joys that one gets who plants a tree.
According to the poet one who plants a tree can get five benefits, which are, hope, joy, peace,youth and love.

Question 16.
“It Never Comes Again”, here what does the word “It” refer to?
‘It’ refers to ‘Youth’

III. Answer the following questions in two or three sentences each. [2 × 8 = 16]

Question 17.
How is the Giraffe described in the lesson “At the Zoo”?
The giraffee was standing by shed and eating leaves from a tall tree. It was taller than the other animals. Gopi found this animal strange.

Question 18.
What is D.C. Katte?
No district commissioner had visited Banjarumale. the then D.C, S.K. Das attempted to visit it but had to return as he could not cross the river flowing across Banjarumale. A stage had been constructed to felicitate the D.C. This stage came to be known as ‘D.C Katte.

Karnataka SSLC English Model Question Paper 5 with Answers (3rd Language)

Question 19.
What role does a tree play for the creatures blithe with song?
A tree acts as a ‘shelter’ to the creatures blithe with songs.

Question 20.
What made Suchaka think of killing the pickpocket?
Suchaka thought that the fisherman had really stolen the ring and his fingers were itching to kill him.

Question 21.
What does the tiger stand for in the poem “The Tiger and the Deer”?
The tiger stands for evil, wrong, cruel and death in this poem.

Question 22.
What did the old man give the brothers in the castle?
The old deaf man gave the three brothers good things to eat and drink.

Question 23.
How did Rajaji teach a lesson in “discipline” to his young ADC?
When one of Rajaji’s ADC’s joined him at the breakfast table, he noticed that the young man hadn’t shaved. So Rajaji decided to teach him a lesson in a rather amusing way. He told the ADC that he was sorry to see that he was very sick that morning. Then he asked him to skip his breakfast and go see a doctor.

The ADC then went up to his room and looked at himself in the mirror to find out what was wrong with himself. He realised that he hadn’t shaved that morning. So he shaved. In the afternoon when he joined Rajaji at the table, Rajaji commented that the ADC already looked much better as he thought the doctor’s medicine had started working. In this way Rajaji taught a lesson in ‘discipline’ to his young ADC.

Question 24.
How did Uttum Tupe help his neighborhood?
Tupe was active in social up liftment. He arranged the marriage of Jagan, a devadasi with an educated village youth. He thus rescued her from prostitution. He has helped more than a dozen women get married without having to pay dowry. He has got three young widows re-married. He has paid for the education of three young poor girls. He asks his neighbours to send their children to school.

Karnataka SSLC English Model Question Paper 5 with Answers (3rd Language)

IV. Answer the following questions in four or five sentences each. [3 × 4 = 12]

Question 25.
What does the poet convey in her poem “Autumn Song”?
In the poem “Autumn Song” the poet Smt. Sarojini Naidu tells us that we should never look back into our past life and we should make use of our preseat life. She is trying to show that she is sad but her surroundings are so beautiful and nice that she forgets her sadness. The beauty of autumn brings joy to her sorrowful heart. She tells us that even in our old age we should not look back into our life and go forward and enjoy it.


Why does GE. Goodrich pray that men should hear the pleas of dumb creatures?
This poem ‘Prayer for Dumb Creatures’ is written by GE.Goodrich. In this poem the poet’s compassion and kindness to dumb creatures is expressed in a very poetic manner. He prays to the God Almighty, who makes the earth, sea and sky. As God is the Lord and king of his own creation. He describes God’s work and praises him as the creator of the stars. He prays to the Almighty to bless the Dumb creatures who are in his care and pleads God to hear their voiceless prayer.

The humble creatures are God’s creations who live and die like us human beings. He questions the Almighty how can human beings deny the rights of these dumb humble creatures, because God’s seal of love is also laid on them. He pleads God to teach us to hear their plea, just as God hears our prayers when we pray to God.

In this poem the poet asks all human beings to be kind and compassionate to even dumb creatures like cats, dogs, cow etc.

Question 26.
What are the characteristics of a faithful friend?
According to the poet, faithful friend is one who does not flatter us. He does not entice you to vices but tries to persuade to give up bad vices. A faithful friend will help us when we have lost all our .fortune. He will try to stop us from spending our wealth wastefully. He will be loyal to us in our misery.

Question 27.
What are the demands of the people of Banjarumale?

  1. Existing road to be repaired.
  2. A bridge across Sanalu river and Lakka Doupe stream.
  3. A doctor appointed at Neriya P.H.C.

Karnataka SSLC English Model Question Paper 5 with Answers (3rd Language)

Question 28.
How did Simpleton solve all the tasks?
The first task set to the youngest brother was to find the thousand pearls that the king’s daughter had lost. He found all the pearls with the help of the ant king whose lives he had saved. He had stopped his elder brothers from spoiling their ant-hill. The king ant along with 5000 ants found all the pearls for him.

The second task was to find the key to the princess’s sleeping room. The key was lying at bottom of the lake. The Ducks whose lives he had saved dived to the bottom of the pond and brought the key for him.

The third was the hardest task of all. He had to go into the princess’s bedroom using the key. When he went inside the room the three daughters were sleeping. He could not identify the youngest daughter. Then the Queen bee helped him by sitting on the lips of the youngest daughter as she had eaten honey. He woke up the princess and the castle was free from the spell and the two clever brothers turned into human beings again.

V. Read the given extracts and answers the questions that follow. [3 × 5 = 15]

Question 29.
“I think, when the king saw it, he remembered somebody he loves”.
a. Who said these words?
The chief of police

b. What docs “it” refer to?
The ring

c. What did the king see?
The ring

Karnataka SSLC English Model Question Paper 5 with Answers (3rd Language)

Question 30.
“Are you Rustum?”
a. Who said this?

b. Who was it said to?

c. Who was Rustum?
Rustum was Sohrab’s father, a Persian warrior.

Question 31.
“Here I am!”
a. Who said this?
Rakshasa said this.

b. Who was it said to?
He said this to Chanakya.

c. When was it said?
When Chanakya gave the order to cut-off Chandan Das’s head.

Question 32.
“The music world and Tamil Nadu have been honored”.
a. Who said this?
Doyen of Karnatic music Semmangudi Srinivasa Iyer.

b. Who does this statement refer to?
To M.S.Subbulakshmi

c. When was it said?
When M.S.Subbulakshmi was awarded ‘Bharath Rathna’.

Karnataka SSLC English Model Question Paper 5 with Answers (3rd Language)

Question 33.
“No no let us play, for it is yet day And we cannot go to sleep”
a. Who said these lines?
The children

b. Who does the word “we” refer to?
The children

c. Why did they say so?
Because they can’t go to sleep.

VI. Quote from memory. [4]

Question 34.
It is not growing like a tree
In bulk, doth man better be:
Or standing long an oak, three hundred years.
To fall a log at last, dry, bald, and sere;


There are gains for all our losses
There are balms for all our pains.
But when youth, the dream, departs.
It takes something from our hearts.

Karnataka SSLC English Model Question Paper 5 with Answers (3rd Language)

VII. Answer the following question in five or six sentences. [4]

Question 35.
Explain the varieties of flowers and fruits of Kashmir.
The roofs of many houses of Srinagar are covered with flowers. They have tulips, wild irises and some red poppies. Delicate pink almond flowers appear in early spring. As soon elder brother, hundreds of tiny needles. The elder ‘as they shed their petals, the white cherry blossom and the pink and white apple blossom appear. The royal purple irises appear. They grow as high as a man’s waist, filling the whole fields with their stately blooms. The Persian liac, which are smaller than the English variety grow in great profusion, At the beginning of summer the air is filled with the perfume of roses. The vails and gardens are covered with roses. Crimson, snow’white, scarlet and creamy yellow roses. In the fields outside the city blue flax of red poppies grow in the midst of wheat and yellow mustard.


What made Sohrab drop the covering shield?
When the first stage of the battle ended in Sohrab’s favour Rustum was angry. In his great ; rage he shouted his name ‘Rustum!’. The moment Sohrab heard his father’s name he dropped his covering shield.

VIII. Read the. passage and answer the questions that follow. [4]

Question 36.
There were once two brothers who lived at the edge of a forest. The elder brother was very mean to his younger brother. He ate up all the food and took all his brother’s clothes. One day, the elder brother went into the forest to find some firewood to sell in the market. As he went around, chopping the branches of tree after tree, he came upon a magical tree. The tree said to him “Oh kind sir, please do not cut my branches. If you spare me, I will give you golden apples”. The elder brother agreed but was disappointed with the number of apples the tree gave him, and he threatened to cut the entire trunk, if the tree didn’t give him more apples. The magical tree instead showered upon the brother lay on the ground crying in pain as the sun began to lower down the horizon.
The greed leads to sufferings.

a. What kind of a boy was elder brother?
The elder brother was very mean to his younger brother. He ate up all the food and took all his brother’s clothes.

b. Why did he go to the forest?
He went to the forest to find some firewood to sell in market.

Karnataka SSLC English Model Question Paper 5 with Answers (3rd Language)

c. What did the magical tree tell him?
The Magical tree told him “Oh kind sir, please do not cut my branches. If you spare me, is well give you golden apples”

d. How did the tree teach him a lesson?
The magical tree showered upon the elder brother hundreds of tiny needles, the elder brother lay on the ground crying in pain as the sun began to lower down the horizon.

IX. Write an essay on any one of the topics “if – not exceeding to twelve to fifteen sentences. [4]

Question 37.
a. Rainwater harvesting
b. Zoo
c. Uses of trees
a. Rainwater harvesting
Rainwater harvesting is a method for collecting and storing rainwater for future domestic use and to recharge groundwater aquifier rainwater can be collected in natural reservoirs such as ponds/tanks and and lakes or in artificial tanks at homes, gardens and hospitals. Rainwater cap^be harvested at homes by collecting roof-top rainwater in underground sumps in cities and also villages for future use Now – a – days it is very important to collect rainwater before it gets lost by surface overflow because the ground water level has reduced drastically. If we continue to use the ground-water without recharging it through rainwater, ground water will be exhuasted is a few years and leads to extreme water scarcity.
Rainwater harvesting is the best and cost effective method to save rainwater for future use.

Karnataka SSLC English Model Question Paper 5 with Answers (3rd Language)

b. Zoo:
A zoological park or zoo is an artificial home for different species of animal, birds and reptiles. It is a big area fenced by wires and trenches so that animals cannot run away or cause any damage to visitors. Normally, the animals,birds, reptiles and insects are kept in special enclosures.

The most common animals that are safe-guarded in a zoo are deer, lion, tiger, cheetha, panther, monkeys, chimpanzee, zebra, bison, elephants etc. The common birds are parrots, peacocks owl, peahen, cockatoo’s etc. The common reptiles are python, cobra, king cobra, krait, and even anaconda. These reptiles are kept in glass enclosures, so that they won’t escape and harm visitors.

Other reptiles such as lizards, crocodiles. , alligator, tortoises, turles etc are kept in ponds enclosed by a compound.

Birds are kept in wiremesh enclosures. Zoo’s help people to come closer to wild life People can see many animals and birds in a zoo which otherwise cannot been seen elsewhere. Scientists and researches can conduct studies of animals and birds. Zoo’s also protect endangered species from extinction. Zoo’s also provide medical treatment to injured or diseased wild animals, birds and reptiles and release them back to the forest after they have recovered.

Children as well as adults should visit a zoo to gain knowledge about different types of animals and birds.

c. Uses of trees:
Trees are gifts of nature to human beings, animals, birds and many other livings beings. Trees are very important natural resource it is unimaginable of earth without trees and plants. Hence trees are often said to be man’s best friends. Most living beings on this earth cannot survive without trees.

Trees provide innumerable benefits to man they provide fruits, vegetables and wood for domestic consumption and many raw materials for industries such as timber, lac, gum and resin.

Timber from trees are used For building houses, making furnitures and also used as fire wood. Most parts of some trees are used by man as medicine for many ailments eg: trees like neem can also be used as pesticides, and fungicides. In olden days people used neem to brush their teeth.

The coconut tree plays a very important role in the life of man. There is no part of this plant that isn’t useful to man. Tender coconut juice is very nutritions and beneficial to the health of man. Coir is used for making beds cusions, packaging etc. Its flower’s are used during religious ceremonies. Hence Indian’s consider a coconut tree as ‘Kalpavriksha’ an all – giving tree.

Tree provide shade, shelter and protection to many animals birds and reptiles. Trees control soil erosion, floods and protect the moisture and make soil fertile. One of the most important benefit of trees is that , they control temprature of a place and cause rainfall. Trees are oxygen factories, the life giving natural gas without no life can exist on our planet. They act as the lungs of the earth.

Without trees life cannot exist on this earth. Hence it is important to protect and conserve trees.

Karnataka SSLC English Model Question Paper 5 with Answers (3rd Language)

X. Imagine you are John/Mary of Government High School, Tumkur. [5]

Question 38.
Write a letter to your friend inviting him/her for your birthday party.
20 oct 2019

Dear friend,
How are you ? I hope everythimg is OK over there. I received your letter this afternoon. I am happy that you have scored well is your preparatory exams. Even I have scored better marks in the exams. You know that my birthday is on 1 Nov. I am writing to you to remind you to be my guest on that day, as you have been every year. Sol cordially invite you to my birthday party on 1 Nov. I also extend my invitation to your family and friends. You must promise me that you will attend the party without any excuses without you, my dear friend I just cannot celebrate my birthday. I hope that you will not miss it and dissappoint me.
Keep well,all the best

Your loving firind xxx


Write a leave letter to your class teacher mentioning the reasons to grant you leave for two days.

20 oct 2019

The class teacher
Govt. High School
Respected Madam
Sub : Application for leave
I request you to grant me leave for two days from 20th Oct 21st Oct to attend my cousin sister’s wedding with my parents. I will surely attend classes on 22 Oct 2019.
Please grant me leave and excuse me from attending classes on these two days.
Thanking you

Your dutiful student
Class x
Sec B

Karnataka SSLC English Model Question Paper 5 with Answers (3rd Language)

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